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LY/T 1650-2005: PDF in English (LYT 1650-2005)

LY/T 1650-2005 LY ICS 65.020 B 66 Forestry Industry Standard of the People’s Republic of China Hazelnut nut 榛子坚果 平榛, 平欧杂种榛 ISSUED ON. AUGUST 16, 2005 IMPLEMENTED ON. DECEMBER 1, 2005 Issued by. State Forestry Administration Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative references ... 4  3 Terms and definitions ... 5  4 Requirements ... 6  5 Test methods ... 7  6 Test rules ... 10  7 Labels and marks ... 11  8 Packaging ... 11  9 Transportation and storage ... 11  Annex A ... 12  Foreword This Standard references to part of contents of the EU 1284/2002 regulation (COMMISION REGULATION (EC) No 1284/2002). Annex A of this Standard is normative. This Standard was proposed by and shall be under the jurisdiction of the State Forestry Administration. Drafting organizations of this Standard. Economic Forest Research Institute of Liaoning Province. Main drafters of this Standard. Xie Ming, Zheng Jinli, Wang Daoming, Qu Hui, Sun Ming, Jiang Zhongguan, and Yu Dongmei. This Standard is released for first-time. Hazelnut nut 1 Scope  This Standard specifies the quality requirements, test methods, test rules, packaging, labels, signs, transportation, and storage of hazelnut nuts. This Standard applies only to the production and marketing of Corylus heterophylla Fisch. and Corylus heterophylla Fisch. × Corylus avellana L. For European hazelnut nuts that are produced and sold in China, it shall use EU (EC) 1284/2002 regulation to assess. 2 Normative references  The provisions in following documents become the provisions of this Standard through reference in this Standard. For dated references, the subsequent amendments (excluding corrections) or revisions do not apply to this Standard, however, parties who reach an agreement based on this Standard are encouraged to study if the latest versions of these documents are applicable. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document applies. GB/T 191 Packaging - Pictorial marking for handling of goods GB/T 5009.11 Determination of total arsenic and abio-arsenic in food GB/T 5009.12 Determination of lead in foods GB/T 5009.17 Determination of total mercury and organic-mercury in foods GB/T 5009.19 Determination of HCH and DDT residues in foods GB/T 5009.20 Determination of organophosphorous pesticide residues in foods GB 5491-1985 Inspection of grain and oilseeds - Methods for sampling and sample reduction GB 7718 General standard for the labeling of prepackaged foods GB 18406.2-2001 Safety qualification for agricultural product - Safety requirements for non-environmental pollution fruit Where. m — Mass of a single nut, in units of grams (g); m1 — Mass of sample nuts, in units of grams (g); N — Number of sample nuts, in units of grain. 5.3 Kernel rate In the samples, randomly WEIGH about 1000g of sample nuts. WEIGH the mass of sample nuts. Then BREAK the nutshells and TAKE the kernels one by one. And WEIGH the mass of kernels. Kernel rate is calculated according to equation (2), accurate to the nearest integer. Where. X — Kernel rate, %; m2 — Mass of sample kernels, in units of grams (g); m1 — Mass of sample nuts, in units of grams (g). 5.4 Impurity content Randomly WEIGH about 1000g of samples, and WEIGH the mass of samples. Then PUT the samples on a clean table, PICK out the fruit buds, leaves, twigs, weeds, and other impurities mixed in the nuts and weigh. Impurity content is calculated according to equation (3), accurate to 0.1g. Where. I — Impurity content, %; m3 — Mass of impurities in samples, in units of grams (g); m4 — Mass of samples, in units of grams (g). Where. E — Empty nut rate, %; N4 — Number of empty nuts, in units of grain; N — Number of sample nuts, in units of grain. 5.8 Moisture Determination method is shown in Annex A. 5.9 Hygienic inspection Determination method is implemented according to the specifications of GB/T 5009.12, GB/T 5009.17, GB/T 5009.19, GB/T 5009.11, and GB/T 5009.20. 6 Test rules  6.1 Batch The hazelnuts of the same-origin, same-grade, and the same batch of acquisition, transportation, and marketing are deemed as a test batch. 6.2 Sampling IMPLEMENT according to the specifications of 2.1,, 2.3.2, and 3.1 of GB 5491-1985. 6.3 Determination rules 6.3.1 If the products meet the requirements of Chapter 4 after test, then this batch of products are determined as qualified products of the corresponding grades according to this Standard. 6.3.2 If there is one item not meeting the basic requirements of 4.1 and grade requirements of 4.3, then this batch of products is determined as unqualified according to this Standard. 6.3.3 In special-grade nuts, the mass of first-grade nuts and second-grade nuts shall not exceed 12% of the total mass. In first-grade nuts, the mass of second-grade nuts shall not exceed 12% of the total mass. 6.4 Re-inspection Annex A  (Normative) Determination of moisture content - direct drying method A.1 Principle DETERMINE the moisture content by calculating the mass differences of hazelnut nuts before and after being dried at 103°C (±2°C) in drying oven for 6h. A.2 Appliances A.1.1 Mortar. A.2.2 Balance ( sensitivity is 0.001g). A.2.3 Glass or metal weighing dishes with lids. A.2.4 Electric drying oven with ventilation, and the temperature is adjusted to 103°C (±2°C). A.2.5 Dryers that contain effective desiccant (i.e., calcium chloride). A.3 Sample preparation BREAK the nutshells of the sample hazelnuts to be tested and TAKE out the kernels. GRIND the kernels in a mortar. If necessary, PUT the hazelnut shells that are as samples in a porcelain mortar to grind or crush to fine particles with the particle size of 2mm~4mm. A.4 Drying processing, weighing, and calculation A.4.1 DRY the weighing dish and its lid in the drying oven for at least 2h, then put them in the dryer. COOL the weighing dish and its lid to room temperature. A.4.2 WEIGH the mass (m0) of empty weighing dish and its lid. A.4.3 WEIGH about 50g of the test materials, and SPREAD them evenly on the bottom surface of the weighing dish that has been dried. Then COVER the weighing dish with the lid quickly. WEIGH the whole mass (m1). When conducting this part of the operation, OPERATE as quickly as possible. A.4.4 PUT open weighing dish along with the lid into a drying oven. CLOSE the door; CONDUCT drying processing. After 6h, OPEN the door. COVER the weighing dish with the lid quickly, and PLACE it in the dryer to cool. When cooled to the same temperature as the surrounding environment, WEIGH the mass (m2) of the closed dryer. A.4.5 The percentage expression of moisture content of the sample is shown in equation (A.1). The results shall be accurate to the nearest integer. A.4.6 TAKE the average value obtained by the results of four parallel sample measurements as the test result. A.5 Other inspection methods that are calibrated by direct drying method have the same test effectiveness. However, the direct drying method is the arbitration method. Moisture content of the sample (%) ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.