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Burr height standard for stampings
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JB/T 4129-1999: PDF in English (JBT 4129-1999)
JB/T 4129-1999 ICS 25.020 J 32 INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Burr height standard for stampings ISSUED ON. JUNE 24, 1999 IMPLEMENTED ON. JANUARY 1, 2000 Issued by. State Bureau of Machinery Industry, PRC Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 4 2 Definitions ... 4 3 Limits of burr’s height ... 4 4 Testing ... 5 Foreword This Standard is equivalent to DIN 9830 "Burr height standard for stampings". This Standard is the revised standard of JB 4129-85 " Burr height standard for stampings". After discussion and comments, according to the representatives’ views, the limits of burr height standard for stampings of sheet thickness ≤ 0.1 mm and > 0.1 ~ 0.2 mm - have been modified appropriately. And it also makes editorial changes to the previous standard. This Standard replaces JB 4129-85 from the date of implementation. This Standard was proposed and administered by the National Forging Standardization Technical Committee. This Standard was drafted by organization. The 4th Design Institute, State Bureau of Machinery Industry. Drafter of this Standard. Chen Hongfang. Burr height standard for stampings 1 Scope The value listed in this Standard are conceptually not allowed in the stamping tolerance. However, general stamping parts come with varying degrees of burrs. When the burr’s height exceeds a certain limit, it will affect the product quality and usage performance. This Standard applies to the finished metal stamping parts which have certain requirements for burr’s height. It does not apply to the finished parts and precision stamping parts which have special requirements for burrs. 2 Definitions This Standard adopts the following definitions. 2.1 Burr’s height for stamping Burr height for stamping refers to those left-over burrs on the section openings of the finished stamping parts, when the material is stamped. It is shown in Figure 1. Blanking stamping section Hole-punching section h – Burr’s height; t - Material thickness of the stamping part; Figure 1 3 Limits of burr’s height Limits of stamping burr’s height shall be specified in Table 1.
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.