JB/T 11139-2011 PDF English
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PDF Preview: JB/T 11139-2011
JB/T 11139-2011: PDF in English (JBT 11139-2011) JB/T 11139-2011
ICS 29.220
K 84
Filing No.:
General requirement of lithium-ion manganese oxide
battery module
ISSUED ON: MAY 18, 2011
Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of PRC
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 4
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative references ... 5
3 Terms and definitions ... 6
4 Classification and model ... 6
4.1 Classification ... 6
4.2 Model ... 7
4.3 Composition of lithium-ion manganese oxide battery module ... 9
5 Technical requirements ... 9
5.1 Appearance ... 9
5.2 Polarity ... 9
5.3 Dimensions and mass ... 9
5.4 Technical requirements ... 9
5.5 Safety ... 18
5.6 Environmental requirements ... 19
5.7 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) ... 20
6 Test method ... 21
6.1 Test conditions ... 21
6.2 Appearance ... 21
6.3 Polarity ... 21
6.4 Dimensions and quality ... 21
6.5 Consistency test of lithium-ion manganese oxide battery module ... 22
6.6 Interface and communication protocol ... 22
6.7 Electric energy (kW·h) test ... 22
6.8 Service life test ... 22
6.9 Peak power consumption ... 22
6.10 Insulation resistance... 22
6.11 Electromagnetic compatibility test ... 22
7 Inspection... 24
7.1 Classification of inspections ... 24
7.2 Exit-factory inspection ... 24
7.3 Type test ... 24
7.4 Inspection rules ... 25
8 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage ... 26
8.1 Marking ... 26
8.2 Packaging ... 27
8.3 Transportation and storage ... 27
Appendix A (Normative) Composition of lithium-ion manganese oxide battery
module ... 29
A.1 Overview ... 29
A.2 Composition of standard battery modules ... 29
A.3 Composition of balanced battery module ... 30
A.4 Composition of basic battery module ... 31
A.5 Composition of I/O battery module ... 32
Appendix B (Informative) Preferred series of energy-type lithium-ion
manganese oxide battery module ... 34
General requirement of lithium-ion manganese oxide
battery module
1 Scope
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, classification and models,
requirements, test methods, inspection rules, markings, packaging,
transportation and storage of lithium-ion manganese oxide battery module,
which is composed of lithium-ion manganese oxide batteries of greater than or
equal to 6 A·h.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For
the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable
to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including
all the amendments) are applicable to this standard.
GB 2893-2008 safety colors
GB 2894-2008 Safety signs and guideline for the use
GB 4208-2008 Degrees of protection provided by enclosure (IP code)
GB 4824-2004 Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio-frequency
equipment - Electromagnetic disturbance characteristics - Limits and
methods of measurement
GB/T 5465.2-2008 Graphical symbols for use on electrical equipment - Part
2: Graphical symbols
GB/T 17626.2-2006 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Testing and
measurement techniques - Electrostatic discharge immunity test
GB/T 17626.3-2006 Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing and
measurement techniques - Radiated radio-frequency electromagnetic field
immunity test
GB/T 17626.4-2008 Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing and
measurement techniques - Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test
GB/T 17626.5-2008 Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing and
The type code of the lithium-ion battery module consists of four characters:
The first character (M): Identification code of battery module;
The second character (M): Battery type, lithium-ion manganese oxide battery;
The third character (B): Battery type, see 4.1.1;
The fourth character (C): Functional configuration of battery management
system (BMS), see 4.1.2.
4.2.2 Electric energy
The rated electric energy is represented by three effective Arabic numerals; the
unit is kilowatt·hour (kW·h).
When the electric energy is less than 10 kW·h, keep 2 decimal places, such as
9.85 kW·h;
When the electric energy is greater than or equal to 10 kW·h BUT less than 100
kW·h, keep one decimal place, such as 13.7 kW·h;
When the electric energy is greater than or equal to 100 kW·h, it is represented
by a 3-digit integer, such as 143 kW·h.
4.2.3 Nominal voltage
The nominal voltage (U) of the formed lithium-ion battery module, in the unit of
4.2.4 Rated discharge current/peak discharge current multiple
The rated discharge current is the rated discharge current (I) of the lithium-ion
battery module, in the unit of A.
The maximum discharge current is the product of the rated discharge current
value multiplied by the peak discharge current multiple (K), in the unit of A.
4.2.5 Structure code of module box
The structure code of the lithium-ion battery module box shall comply with the
requirements in JB/T 11141-2011.
1) The communication interface shall comply with the provisions of
Chapter 4 in JB/T 11138-2011.
2) The communication protocol shall comply with the provisions of Chapter
5 in JB/T 11138-2011.
5.4.5 Compliance and reliability Compliance
The compliance requirements for the interface and communication protocol of
the lithium-ion manganese oxide battery module are divided into:
a) Compliance requirements for circuit interface and interface protocol,
1) Compliance of WDT circuit interface and interface protocol;
2) Compliance of the interface of the charge and discharge control circuit
AND the interface protocol;
3) Compliance of the I/O charge and discharge interface circuit and
interface protocol.
The circuit interface and interface protocol shall comply with the provisions
of 4.2.3, 4.3.2, 4.3.3, 4.4 in JB/T 11138-2011.
b) Compliance of communication interface and communication protocol:
When the CAN communication interface of the lithium-ion manganese
oxide battery module is connected to the internal interface of the battery
assembly, it is automatically set as the internal interface AND execute the
communication protocol of internal interface. When connected to a charge
equipment, it is automatically set as a charge and discharge interface,
AND execute the communication protocol of the charge and discharge
interface. For this reason, the communication interface and
communication protocol of the lithium-ion manganese oxide battery
module shall meet the following compliance requirements:
1) Compliance of internal communication interface and communication
2) Compliance of charge and discharge communication interface and
communication protocol.
The communication interface and communication protocol of the lithium-ion
battery assembly shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 5 and Chapter 6
in JB/T 11138-2011.
Range: 0 ~ 15;
Definition: The arrangement position of the battery modules in the
assembly (the value range is 1 ~ 16). The module which is connected to
the negative output terminal of the battery assembly is the module No.1
(the defined value is "0").
c) Number of batteries:
Length: 4 bit;
Range: 0 ~ 15;
Definition: The number of battery cells, which are connected in series, in
the battery module (the value range is 1 ~ 16).
d) Initial address:
Length: 8 bit;
Range: 0 ~ 160;
Definition: The initial address of the sequence number of battery cell
arrangement, which is assigned to the battery module by the battery
5.4.15 Charge equipment
The charge equipment, which is used for the lithium-ion manganese oxide
battery module, shall meet the requirements of 5.2.10 in JB/T 11137-2011.
5.4.16 Electrical equipment
The electrical equipment, which is connected to the lithium-ion manganese
oxide battery module, shall meet the requirements of 5.2.11 in JB/T 11137-2011.
5.4.17 Product model
The models and specifications of lithium-ion manganese oxide battery modules
are divided into preferred series and reserved series.
For the preferred series of energy-type lithium-ion manganese oxide battery
module, refer to Appendix B.
For the product series of power-type lithium-ion manganese oxide battery
modules, they are specified in the relevant product standards.
5.4.18 Interchangeability
Ω, 1%, 0.25 W metal film resistor. Connector
The connector of the interface of lithium-ion manganese oxide battery module
shall meet the requirements of in JB/T 11137-2011.
5.5 Safety
5.5.1 Insulation resistance
The insulation resistance of the lithium-ion manganese oxide battery module
shall meet the requirements of 5.3.1 in JB/T 11137-2011.
5.5.2 Creepage distance
The creepage distance of the lithium-ion manganese oxide battery module shall
meet the requirements of 5.3.2 in JB/T 11137-2011.
5.5.3 Protection level of enclosure
The protection level of the enclosure of lithium-ion manganese oxide battery
module shall meet the requirements of 5.3.3 in JB/T 11137-2011.
5.5.4 Thermal management equipment
The management equipment in the lithium-ion manganese oxide battery
module shall be in accordance with the provisions of 5.3.4 in JB/T 11137-2011.
5.5.5 Overcurrent disconnection equipment The lithium-ion manganese oxide battery module AND the electrical
equipment and charge equipment shall be connected, through an overcurrent
disconnection equipment. When working under the maximum current and
maximum voltage, once the temperature exceeds the manufacturer's specified
value, it shall be able to reliably disconnect the battery FROM the charge
equipment and the electrical equipment. For the metal box lithium-ion manganese oxide battery module, which
is used alone, between the batteries connected in series, it shall install at least
one fast fuse (see Figure 2). The specifications and models are specified by the
manufacturer in the product technical documents.
5.6.3 Atmospheric pressure
It shall meet the requirements of 5.4.3 in JB/T 11137-2011.
5.6.4 Humidity
It shall meet the requirements of 5.4.4 in JB/T 11137-2011.
5.7 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
5.7.1 Overview
All immunity and emission characteristic tests are type tests, which shall be
carried out under typical conditions: operating conditions and environmental
conditions. It shall use the recommended wiring methods, including all
necessary equipments, which are connected to network cables for
communication and data transmission.
Lithium-ion manganese oxide battery modules of basic (J) and I/O (I)
configurations are not required to meet the requirements of this clause.
The lithium-ion manganese oxide battery modules and the formed equipment
of standard (B) and balanced (H) configuration shall meet this requirement.
5.7.2 Immunity Implemented criteria
It shall meet the requirements of in JB/T 11137-2011. Electrostatic discharge (ESD) immunity
It shall meet the requirements of in JBIT 11137-2011. Immunity to radio frequency electromagnetic field radiation
It shall meet the requirements of in JB/T 11137-2011. Electrical fast transient/pulse group immunity
It shall meet the requirements of in JB/T 11137-2011. Surge immunity
It shall meet the requirements of in JB/T 11137-2011. Immunity to conducted disturbances induced by radio frequency
6.5 Consistency test of lithium-ion manganese oxide battery
It is carried out according to the provisions of 6.3 of JB/T 11137-2011.
6.6 Interface and communication protocol
The test of the interface and communication protocol shall comply with the
provisions of 6.4 of JB/T 11137-2011.
6.7 Electric energy (kW·h) test
It is carried out according to the provisions of 6.5 in JB/T 11137-2011.
6.8 Service life test
For the service life test method of lithium-ion manganese oxide battery modules,
it shall be specified in relevant product standards or industry specifications.
6.9 Peak power consumption
The test of the peak power consumption of the electronic circuit power supply
of the lithium-ion manganese oxide battery module shall be carried out in
accordance with the provisions of 6.7 of JBIT 11137-2011.
6.10 Insulation resistance
The insulation resistance test of the lithium-ion manganese oxide battery
module shall be carried out in accordance with 6.8 of JB/T 11137-2011.
6.11 Electromagnetic compatibility test
6.11.1 Overview
The electromagnetic compatibility test circuit of the lithium-ion manganese
oxide battery module and its component equipment shall be as shown in Figure
a) The system shall run at the baud rate which is specified by the equipment
6.11.3 Emission Radiation
It is carried out according to the group 1 grade A in GB 4824-2004 AND the
provisions of in this standard. Conducted scattering
It is carried out according to the group 1 grade A in GB 4824-2004 AND the
provisions of in this standard.
7 Inspection
7.1 Classification of inspections
Inspection is divided into exit-factory inspection and type test.
7.2 Exit-factory inspection
7.2.1 For lithium-ion manganese oxide battery modules and their component
equipment, before exit-factory of each batch of products, it shall randomly take
samples from this batch of products, for the purpose of exit-factory inspection.
The number of samples shall be greater than 5.
7.2.2 In the exit-factory inspection, if one or more items are unqualified, the
batch of products shall be returned to the production department for rework and
general inspection. Then it is submitted again for acceptance. If there are still
one or more unqualified items in the re-inspection, the batch of products shall
be determined as unqualified.
7.2.3 The product shall pass the inspection by the manufacturer's quality
inspection department, AND be accompanied by a product quality inspection
certificate and valid interconnection test certificate, before leaving the factory.
7.2.4 The items, technical requirements and inspection methods of the exit-
factory inspection are as shown in Table 7.
7.3 Type test
7.3.1 Type test shall be carried out in one of the following situations:
a) When the new product is trial-produced and type finalized;
f) Weight (unit: kg);
g) Manufacturer and related information.
For the lithium-ion manganese oxide battery module and its components, it
shall indicate the product model, specification, production batch number, in the
visible position.
8.1.3 Interconnection marking
For the lithium-ion manganese oxide battery modules and their network
equipment, it shall indicate a product interconnection test mark and authorized
use code, in a visible position.
8.1.4 Pollution emission control markings
For lithium-ion manganese oxide battery modules and the electronic products
that they make up, it shall affix a pollution emission control mark, that meets the
requirements of SJ/T 11364-2006, at a position that is easy to observe.
8.2 Packaging
8.2.1 The packaging box of the lithium-ion manganese oxide battery module
shall meet the requirements of moisture-proof and shock-proof.
8.2.2 The following documents shall be attached in the packing box:
a) Packing list;
b) Product qualification certificate;
c) Product instruction manual;
d) Vulnerable parts.
8.3 Transportation and storage
8.3.1 Lithium-ion manganese oxide battery modules shall be transported in an
incompletely discharged state. The state of charge shall comply with the
requirements in 8.3 of JB/T 11137-2011.
8.3.2 During transportation, it shall avoid severe vibration, shock, sun exposure,
rain exposure. The temperature in the packaging box shall be within -20 °C ~
55 °C.
8.3.3 In the process of loading and unloading lithium-ion manganese oxide
Appendix A
Composition of lithium-ion manganese oxide battery module
A.1 Overview
The lithium-ion manganese oxide battery module (hereinafter referred to as the
battery module) is composed of a lithium-ion manganese oxide battery, a
management system, interfaces and communication protocols, a module box.
The management system in the battery module is a subsystem of the battery
assembly management system. This subsystem can be EITHER connected to
the internal interface (interface 1) of the battery assembly, to form the battery
assembly, OR directly connected to the charge and discharge equipment, to
form a charge system and a discharge system.
According to the different functional configurations of the battery management
system, battery modules are divided into standard type, balanced type, basic
type, I/O type.
The composition of the standard battery module is as shown in A.2, which is
mainly used in the battery system for equipment that needs to provide digital
information of the battery cell.
The composition of the balanced battery module is as shown in A.3, which is
mainly used for the battery systems for equipment, that needs to provide battery
cell's digital information and automatic balanced processing.
The composition of the basic battery module is as shown in A.4, which is mainly
used in the battery system for equipment, that does not need to provide digital
information of the battery cell.
The composition of the I/O battery module is as shown in A.5, which is mainly
used for low-configuration battery systems, that have a charge current less than
0.2 I1.
A.2 Composition of standard battery modules
The composition of the standard battery module is as shown in Figure A.1.
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.