HJ 915-2017 PDF English
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Technical specifications for automatic monitoring of surface water (Trial)
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HJ 915-2017: PDF in English HJ 915-2017
Technical specifications for automatic
monitoring of surface water (Trial)
Issued by. Ministry of Environmental Protection of the PRC
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope of application ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 5
4 Construction of automatic water quality monitoring system ... 5
5 Acceptance of automatic water quality monitoring system ... 8
6 Operational maintenance of automatic water quality monitoring system ... 10
7 Quality assurance and quality control ... 15
8 Frequency of data acquisition and effectiveness judgment ... 19
9 Establishment of safeguard system ... 20
Appendix A (Normative) Selection of automatic water quality monitoring item
and requirements for instrument performance ... 21
Appendix B (Informative) Technical requirements for construction of automatic
water quality monitoring system ... 24
Appendix C (Informative) Technical requirements for acceptance of automatic
water quality monitoring system ... 36
This standard is formulated for the purpose of implementing the Environmental
Protection Law of the People's Republic of China and the Law of the People's
Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution, protecting
the environment, safeguarding human health, strengthening environmental
management, standardizing the automatic water quality monitoring system.
This standard specifies the technical requirements for the construction,
acceptance, operation and management of the automatic water quality
monitoring system.
Appendix A of this standard is a normative appendix; Appendix B and Appendix
C are informative appendixes.
This standard is the first release.
This standard was formulated under the organization of the Environmental
Monitoring Department and the Science & Technology Standards Department
of the Ministry of Environmental Protection.
Drafting organizations of this standard. China Environmental Monitoring Center,
Jiangsu Environmental Monitoring Center, Liaoning Provincial Environmental
Monitoring Experimental Center, Henan Environmental Monitoring Center, Wuxi
Environmental Monitoring Center Station.
This standard was approved by the Ministry of Environmental Protection on
December 28, 2017.
This standard shall be implemented from April 1, 2018.
For this standard, the Ministry of Environmental Protection is responsible for its
Technical specifications for automatic
monitoring of surface water (Trial)
1 Scope of application
This standard specifies the technical requirements for the construction,
acceptance, operation and management of the automatic water quality
monitoring system (except seawater).
This standard applies to the automatic water quality monitoring system which
is constructed by the environmental protection department.
2 Normative references
The contents of this standard refer to the terms in the following documents. For
undated references, the valid version applies to this standard.
GB 3838 Environmental quality standards for surface water
HJ/T 96 The technical requirement for water quality automatic analyzer of
HJ/T 97 The technical requirement for water quality automatic analyzer of
HJ/T 98 The technical requirement for water quality automatic analyzer of
HJ/T 99 The technical requirement for water quality automatic analyzer of
dissolved oxygen
HJ/T 100 The technical requirement for water quality automatic analyzer of
permanganate index
HJ/T 101 The technical requirement for water quality automatic analyzer of
HJ/T 102 The technical requirement for water quality automatic analyzer of
total nitrogen
HJ/T 103 The technical requirement for water quality automatic analyzer of
total phosphorous
HJ/T 104 The technical requirement for water quality automatic analyzer of
total organic carbon
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this standard.
Automatic water quality monitoring
The entire process of automatic collection, processing, analysis and data
transmission of surface water samples.
Automatic water quality monitoring station
Refers to the on-site part of the automatic water quality monitoring, generally
consisting of all or some of units such as station or house, water collection
and distribution, control, detection, data transmission, etc., abbreviated as
water station.
Automatic water quality monitoring center
A system for remote monitoring, data transmission statistics and application
of water stations, abbreviated as data platform.
Automatic water quality monitoring system
An automatic monitoring system consisting of a water station and a data
Conventional five parameters
Five conventional items in the monitoring of surface water quality. water
temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity and turbidity.
4 Construction of automatic water quality monitoring
4.1 General requirements
The construction of automatic water quality monitoring system mainly includes.
the construction of selection of site, construction of station building, water
station units and data platform. Among them, the instrument’s performance
indicators shall meet the requirements of Appendix A.2, the construction of
system refers to the requirements of Appendix B.
4.2 Selection of site
The principles for site selection include feasibility of station construction,
representation of water quality, long-term monitoring, system safety and
operational economy.
In order to ensure the long-term stable operation of the automatic water quality
monitoring system, the selected site shall have good traffic, electricity, clean
water, communication, distance of water collection point, water collection head,
feasibility of water collection in dry season, operation and maintenance safety,
and other basic conditions for the construction of station building.
The monitoring results of the selected sites can represent the water quality
status and changing trends of the monitored water bodies. The river monitoring
section is generally selected in a straight river section where the water quality
is uniformly distributed and the flow rate is relatively stable, more than 1 km
away from the upstream estuary or sewage outlet. In principle, it is consistent
with or similar to the original conventional monitoring section, to ensure
continuity of the monitoring data. The lake reservoir section shall have a good
hydraulic exchange, the location can fully reflect the true state of the water
quality of the lake reservoir in the monitored area, avoid setting it in the
backwater zone, the stagnant water zone, or the place where sedimentation
and watergrass growth are likely to occur.
4.3 Construction of station building
For the construction of the station building, according to the actual situation of
the site environment, construction period, installation conditions of monitoring
instrument & equipment, and so on of the station site, it adopts the fixed station,
simple station, small station, water fixed platform station, water buoy (ship)
station, etc., for system construction. The design and construction of the station
building is combined with the surrounding environment conditions such as
geological structure, water level and climate. At the same time, it shall take
measures such as lightning protection, earthquake resistance, flood control,
low-temperature resistance, rodent prevention, fire prevention, anti-theft, anti-
power failure, video surveillance, and so on. The station building is designed
with the facilities for waste liquid treatment and domestic sewage collection.
The construction of the fixed station building includes the main building for
carrying the system equipment and the external supporting conditions. The
main building consists of the instrument room, the quality control room, the
living room of the duty guard. External supporting conditions refer to the
introduction of clean water, electricity, communications, building access roads,
flattening, greening, solidifying the land covered.
The simple station building and the small station building are suitable for the
construction of water stations which have limited floor space, complicated
geographical conditions, short project construction period, the need to relocate
or adjust the monitoring section. The design dimensions of the station building
shall meet the installation requirements of the instrument and system integrated
device. The material of the station building should be made of light materials,
which have functions such as constant temperature, heat insulation, rain proof
and alarm, etc.
The water fixed platform station and the water buoy (ship) station are a
monitoring system that integrates monitoring instruments on the platform and
is equipped with power supply equipment such as solar energy and wind energy,
has functions such as warning against collision and alarming, etc.
4.4 Construction of each unit of water station
4.4.1 Water collection & distribution unit
The water distribution & distribution unit is the key part to ensure the normal
operation of the whole system and to obtain the correct data. It must ensure
that the water samples provided are reliable and effective, including the water
collection unit, the pretreatment unit and the water distribution unit. The water
collection unit includes the water collection method, the water collection pump,
the laying of water collection pipeline. The pretreatment unit provides
pretreatment device for different monitoring items, to meet the requirements of
the analytical instrument for the settling time and filtration accuracy of the water
sample. The water distribution unit supplies water directly to the automatic
monitoring instrument, the water quality, water pressure and water quantity
provided by the water distribution unit must meet the requirements of the
automatic monitoring instrument.
4.4.2 Control unit
The control unit is the command center that controls the coordination of the
various units within the system.
4.4.3 Detection unit
The detection unit is the core part of the automatic water quality monitoring
system. It consists of automatic monitoring instruments that meet the
requirements of each detection item. The principles for selecting the instrument
is that the instrument’s measurement accuracy meets the requirements of water
quality analysis and meets the requirements of the analytical methods specified
by the state. The selected instrument has reasonable configuration and stable
performance; the operation and maintenance cost are reasonable, the
maintenance work amount is small, the secondary pollution is small.
4.4.4 Data acquisition and transmission unit
Data acquisition and transmission are required to be automatically executed in
accordance with the analytical cycle, and to enable remote control, automatic
encryption and backup. The acquisition device adopts a unified communication
protocol according to national standards, to realizes transmission of data and
main state parameters in a wired or wireless manner.
4.5 Construction of data platform
The data platform is an operating system that integrates data and state
collection, processing and generation of various types of statements. It has the
collection of field data and main state parameters, conditional back control of
field systems and instruments, data analysis and management, generation and
reporting of statements, alarming, and other business functions. The data
platform software adopts a safe and stable data transmission mode, has
functions such as regular automatic backup, automatic classification alarming,
remote monitoring, and so on, and has expandability.
5 Acceptance of automatic water quality monitoring
5.1 General requirements
The acceptance of automatic water quality monitoring system includes the
acceptance of the construction of station building and external supporting
facilities, the acceptance of instrument and equipment, the acceptance of data
transmission and data platform. See Appendix C for details of the acceptance
and corresponding forms.
5.2 Acceptance procedures
a) Carry out instrument performance test and laboratory comparison, entrust
qualified organizations to verify the infrastructure such as station power
supply and lightning protection, conduct trial operation according to the
specified time;
b) Prepare an acceptance report, submit an application for acceptance;
c) Check the completion of the site, organize an acceptance meeting, form
an acceptance opinion;
d) Organize the acceptance data and archive it.
5.3 Basic conditions for acceptance
The acceptance of automatic water quality monitoring system shall meet the
following conditions.
a) The power supply, communication, water supply, traffic, lightning
protection, fire prevention, anti-theft and other infrastructure of the station
building meet the requirements;
b) The monitoring instrument, equipment and accessories are supplied in
accordance with the contract, the appearance is not damaged;
c) Complete the instrument’s performance test, comparison test, the
technical indicators meet the relevant national technical specifications and
contract requirements;
d) Complete the communication test of the automatic water quality
monitoring system, upload the water station’s data to the data platform;
e) Complete the operation of automatic water quality monitoring system for
at least 30 consecutive days;
f) Establish a file for the automatic water quality monitoring system, prepare
an acceptance report.
5.4 Acceptance content
5.4.1 Acceptance of station building and external supporting facilities
The completion acceptance of the station building and external supporting
facilities shall comply with the requirements of national standards, current
quality inspection and evaluation standards, construction acceptance
specifications, design documents approved and relevant laws, regulations,
rules and regulatory documents. Check the entity quality of the project, check
the completion data as provided by the parties involved in the construction,
conduct random inspections and tests on the use functions of the construction
project. If problems are found during the acceptance process and the
completion acceptance criteria are not met, it shall instruct the construction
party to immediately rectify it, meanwhile re-determine the time to organize the
completion acceptance. The technical requirements for the construction of the
station building are as shown in Appendix B and the contract.
5.4.2 Acceptance of instruments and equipment Arrival acceptance
According to the contract, make an inventory of each automatic monitoring
equipment, system integration equipment, data platform hardware system, data
acquisition control system, etc.; check the exit-factory number and quantity of
specific equipment and spare parts according to the packing list; check the
appearance of equipment and spare parts. Take pictures of the parts with
appearance damage and deal with them according to the contract. Acceptance of instrument and equipment performance
The acceptance of instrument and equipment performance is mainly for testing
the performance indicators of the instrument and equipment as specified in this
standard. Each equipment shall be accepted in an environment that meets the
requirements. The inspection indicators and judgment criteria meet the relevant
indicators in Table A.2 of Appendix A, the requirements of relevant standards
and contracts. The main contents of the acceptance include, but are not limited
to, the following items. instrument installation, power-on, preheating test,
instrument initialization test, checking of instrument’s basic function, detection
limit, accuracy, precision, checking of standard curve, zero drift, span drift,
checking of response time, checking of repeatability or repeatability error,
comparison of actual water sample. Record the results and make summary.
5.4.3 Acceptance of data transmission and data platform
Under the premise that the automatic monitoring instrument’s performance is
accepted, check whether such indicators as the data transmission of the
automatic monitoring system, the data platform function, the software
performance and so on meet the requirements of national standards and
related technical indicators of the contract.
6 Operational maintenance of automatic water quality
monitoring system
6.1 General requirements
The operational maintenance of the automatic water quality monitoring system
includes routine maintenance of water station at regular interval, maintenance
and repair, troubleshooting, downtime maintenance, daily management and
recording of the data platform, etc.
6.2 Technical requirements for operational maintenance of water station
6.2.1 Routine maintenance
Routine maintenance includes station building’s surrounding inspection,
inspection of instrument and system, replacement of consumables,
replacement of reagent, pipeline cleaning, and so on. The operational
maintenance organization shall conduct regular patrol inspections of the water
station, the frequency of patrol inspection shall not be less than once a week,
the conditions of patrol inspection shall be recorded. The following work is
performed each time performing patrol inspection of the water station.
a) Check the operating status and main technical parameters of each
analytical instrument and auxiliary equipment, to determine whether the
operation is normal; check whether the power supply, process
temperature, stirring motor, sensor, electrode and working sequence are
normal; check whether there is liquid leakage, whether there is air bubble
in the pipeline; regularly clean the conventional five parameters,
chlorophyll and blue-green algae electrodes;
b) According to the operation of the instrument, the water quality of the
section and the environmental conditions of the water station, determine
the replacement cycle of consumables (such as pump tubes, joints,
seals, etc.), ensure finishing replacement before the expiration of the
consumables; if it is necessary to replace the spare parts (such as
electrodes), it shall have inventory to ensure timely replacement;
c) Check the reagent status, add and replace reagents regularly. The pure
water and reagents used must meet the relevant technical requirements.
The replacement period shall not exceed the shelf life of the reagents as
specified in the operating procedures or instrument specifications. It shall
shorten the replacement period when the indoor temperature is high. Each
time the primary reagent is replaced, it shall recalibrate the instrument
according to the appropriate operating procedures or instrument
instructions. Reagent shall be prepared by a qualified laboratory, providing
proof of reagent source and labeling;
d) Timely organize the station building and instrument, complete the
collection of waste liquid, do well in the processing and disposal according
to the relevant requirements, keep the file for future reference; keep the
water station building and all instruments clean and tidy, close the doors
and windows in time, to avoid all kinds of analytical instruments from
exposure to direct sunlight;
e) Check whether the water collection system and the water distribution
system are normal, such as the fixed condition of the water collection buoy,
the operation of the self-priming pump, etc.; regularly clean the water
collection & distribution system, including the water collecting head, the
bucket, the pump body, the grit chamber, the filter head, the water sample
cup, the valves, the related pipelines, etc., it shall timely replace those
which cannot be cleaned;
f) Check whether the power circuit system of the water station is normal,
whether the grounding circuit is reliable; check whether the sampling and
draining pipelines are leaking or blocked, whether the drainage and
exhausting device work normally;
g) Check the air conditioning and thermal insulation measures of the station
building, to keep the temperature stable; check the fixing conditions of the
pump and the air compressor, to avoid vibration of the instrument; check
the operation status of auxiliary facilities such as air compressor,
uninterruptible power supply (UPS), algae removal device, pure water
machine, etc.; replace consumables in time, empty the air compressors;
h) Check the operation status of the industrial personal computer, whether it
is poisoned or not, back up the field data and control software at least
once every quarter; check whether the communication line between the
instrument and the system is normal, whether the data deviation of the
analog transmission meets the requirements;
i) It shall remove timely the weeds and accumulated water around the station
building, check whether the lightning protection facilities are reliable,
whether there is rain leakage in the station, whether other facilities outside
the station are damaged or flooded; if any of the above problems are found,
they shall be handled in time to ensure the safe operation of the system.
Do well in the maintenance of thermal insulation of water collection
pipelines and station before the freezing period comes;
j) Make the work records of daily routine maintenance; take photos for
important work for archiving.
6.2.2 Maintenance and overhauling
According to the environmental conditions of the system operation, overhaul
the instrument and equipment of the system which are in operation within the
specified time to prevent the occurrence of faults. When there is a backup
instrument as a guarantee, it shall use the standby instrument to replace the
monitoring analysis equipment that is running in the water station, send it to the
laboratory for maintenance and overhauling; if there is no backup instrument as
a guarantee, it may carry out maintenance & overhauling at site. The
maintenance & overhauling plan shall be established based on the
configuration of the system instrument and equipment and the requirements of
the equipment manual.
a) The monitoring instrument and equipment of the water station shall be
maintained and overhauled at least once a year;
b) According to the requirements specified by the manufacturer's use and
maintenance manual, based on the service life, replace the key
components such as light source, electrode, peristaltic pump and sensor
in the monitoring instrument;
c) Perform inspection of the leakage and pressure of the liquid path of the
instrument; inspect and clean the optical path, liquid path, circuit board,
various connectors and sockets, etc.;
d) Check and calibrate the output zero and full scale of the instrument, check
the output linearity of the instrument;
e) After completing each overall maintenance and overhauling, or after
replacing the key components such as light source, electrode, peristaltic
pump, sensor, etc. in the instrument, it must calibrate and check the
instruments again, record the overhauling and calibration information.
6.2.3 Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting refers to the targeted inspection and repair of faulty instrument
and equipment. Troubleshooting shall be done as such.
a) According to the characteristics of the instrument used and the
maintenance manual provided by the manufacturer, prepare the work
instructions for judging and repairing common faults;
b) For problems that can be clearly diagnosed at site and can be solved by
replacing spare parts (such as the control failure of solenoid valve, the
rupture of pump tube, the blockage of liquid path, the aging of light source,
etc.), it shall be troubleshooted at site;
c) For other faults that are difficult to diagnose and repair, it shall use the
standby instruments to replace the faulty instruments; send the faulty
instruments or spare parts to the laboratory or the instrument
manufacturer for inspection and maintenance;
d) After each troubleshooting, according to the troubleshooting items and the
replaced parts, calibrate the instruments. For maintenance of the common
consumables (such as replacement of pump tube, cooling fans, fluid path
joints or connectors), it shall perform at least calibration of standard liquid.
For maintenance of critical components (such as maintenance of moving
mechanical parts, optical components, testing components and signal
processing components), follow the requirements of the instrument
standards and specifications to check the standard curve and precision.
All troubleshooting results shall be recorded as required for reference.
6.2.4 Downtime maintenance
Short-term shutdown (downtime less than 24 h). Normal shutdown, the
instrument must be recalibrated when running again.
Long-term downtime (continuous downtime more than 24 h). When the
analyzer needs to be shut down for 24 h or more, turn off the analytical
instrument and injection valve, turn off the power; use pure water to clean the
peristaltic pump and reagent pipeline of the analytical instrument; clean the
measuring chamber and empty it; be sure to remove the measuring electrode
and immerse the electrode tip in the protective solution for preservation. It shall
calibrate the instrument again before running it again.
6.3 Daily management of data platform
For the data platform, it must arrange personnel to understand the equipment
operation and water quality. At every morning and afternoon, remotely observe
the monitoring data of the water station at least once through the data platform
software. Based on actual conditions, organize performing such work as patrol
inspection, verification, maintenance, and so on, to ensure the normal and safe
operation of the water station. The daily management work of the data platform
a) Check the data transmission, instrument and related system parameter
data of each water station, any problem found shall be handled in time;
b) When the data is found to have persistent outliers, it shall immediately
arrange the technicians to go to the site for investigation; if necessary,
collect the actual water samples for manual analysis;
c) Retrieve and analyze the monitoring data of the water station;
d) Report the monitoring results;
e) Ensure that the hardware and software of the used and backup computer
systems are running normally; regularly update the system software,
water quality’s monitoring software, anti-virus software; back up the
system monitoring data once every quarter......
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.