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GB/T 6807-2001 PDF English

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GB/T 6807-2001English90 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Specifications for phosphating treatment of iron and steel parts before painting Valid
GB/T 6807-1986English279 Add to Cart 3 days Specification for phosphate treatment of iron and steel parts before painting Obsolete
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GB/T 6807-2001: PDF in English (GBT 6807-2001)

GB/T 6807-2001 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 25.220.10 A 29 Specifications for phosphating treatment of iron and steel parts before painting ISSUED ON. DECEMBER 17, 2001 IMPLEMENTED ON. JUNE 01, 2002 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Table of contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative references ... 4  3 Phosphating film classification ... 5  4 Technical requirements ... 5  5 Test method ... 8  6 Acceptance rules ... 8  Appendix A (Normative) Phosphate film appearance inspection rules ... 10  Appendix B (Informative) The conversion relationship between phosphating film thickness and film weight ... 11  Foreword This standard is the revision of GB/T 6807-1986. AND the main technical changes are as follows. - In accordance with the requirements of GB/T 1.1, ADD the foreword, scope, and normative references; - DELETE the “2.8.2, 3.3.2” from the original standard, as well as the corresponding “Appendix D Drop method (Informative)” The Appendix A of this standard is a normative appendix, AND the Appendix B is an informative appendix. This standard shall, from the date of implementation, replace GB/T 6807-1986. This standard was proposed by the China Machinery Industry Federation. This standard shall be under the jurisdiction of the National Metals and Nonmetallic Coatings Standardization Technical Committee. The responsible drafting organization of this standard. Wuhan Institute of Materials Protection. The main drafters of this standard. Li Xinli, Yin Xiongzhi, Li Anzhong, Huo Dongzhi, Wan Jun. This standard was first published on August 28, 1986. NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Specifications for phosphating treatment of iron and steel parts before painting Replacing GB/T 6807-1986 1 Scope This standard specifies the classification, technical requirements, inspection methods and acceptance rules of the phosphating film of iron and steel parts before painting. This standard is applicable to the phosphating treatment iron and steel parts before painting. The phosphating film as formed after treatment is used as the coating base to enhance the adhesion and corrosion resistance of the coating and the steel matrix, AND to improve the coating quality of the iron and steel parts. 2 Normative references The provisions in following documents become the provisions of this Standard through reference in this Standard. The versions indicated at the time of publication of this standard are valid. All standards are subjected to revision, AND parties who reach an agreement based on this Standard are encouraged to study if the latest versions of these documents are applicable. GB/T 1765-1979 Method of producing of paint films for testing heat and humidity resistance, salt-fog resistance and accepted weathering GB/T 1771-1991 Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to neutral salt spray GB/T 2828-1987 Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes - Part 1. Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection GB/T 9286-1998 Paints and varnishes - Cross cut test for films (eqv ISO 2409.1992) GB/T 9792-1988 Coatings on metallic materials - Determination of coating mass per unit area - Gravimetric methods 4.6 Phosphating film appearance 4.6.1 The color of the workpiece after phosphating shall be light gray to grayish black or colorful; AND the film shall have dense, continuous and uniform crystalline. 4.6.2 If the workpiece after the phosphating has the following conditions or one of them, it is allowed. Slight trace of water, passivation marks, wiping white, or hanging ash; Color and crystalline unevenness due to local heat treatment, welding and surface processing conditions; No phosphating film at the weld. 4.6.3 If the workpiece after the phosphating has the following conditions or one of them, it is not allowed. Loose phosphating film layer; Rust or green spots; Free from phosphating film locally (except weld); Surface serious hanging ash. 4.7 Phosphate film weight The phosphating film weight is determined in accordance with the requirements of GB/T 9792, AND the phosphating film weight shall comply with the value requirements as listed in Table 1. The conversion relationship between the phosphating film thickness and the film weight is as shown in Appendix B (Informative). 4.8 Corrosion resistance of phosphating film FOLLOW the requirements of 5.3 to test the corrosion resistance of the phosphating film, AND after 1 h, the base metal shall not be rusted (except for edge, hole, corner and weld). 4.9 Corrosion resistance of coating film FOLLOW the requirements of 5.4 to test the corrosion resistance of the coating film. The zinc, manganese, and zinc calcium phosphating film coated samples after 24 h neutral salt spray resistance test AND the iron phosphating film coated samples after 8 h neutral salt spray resistance test shall be free from blistering, stripping, or corrosion, except for the scratches. Note. The scratches refer to the range of 0.5 mm width at either side of the scratch. 6.1.2 USE the material same as the workpiece to prepare a 70 mm x 150 mm size sample and MAKE it subjected to treatment simultaneously with the workpiece. 6.2 The appearance inspection is as follows. 6.2.1 Large workpieces and important workpieces shall be 100% inspected and accepted one by one. 6.2.2 General workpieces (including small workpieces) may be sampled, inspected and accepted in accordance with GB/T 2828, AND the inspection rules are as shown in Appendix A (normative). 6.3 In case of determination of the phosphating film weight, if the average value of the 3 parallel samples under the test is disqualified, it shall re-take 3 samples for re-inspection, and if the average value is still disqualified, this batch of products shall be deemed as disqualified. 6.4 In case of corrosion resistance test of the phosphating film, it shall take 3 samples from each batch of workpieces for inspection; if one workpiece is disqualified, it shall double the samples for re-inspection. If there is one disqualified in the re-inspection results, it shall follow the requirements of 6.6 to conduct inspection AND the inspection results shall prevail. 6.5 The spot inspection of the phosphating film weight and coating film corrosion resistance shall be conducted under one of the following conditions. 6.5.1 Newly designed and produced products; 6.5.2 Periodic inspection specified by the enterprise; 6.5.3 Change of equipment, process or bath formulation; 5.5.4 Other inspections as deemed necessary. 6.6 In case of corrosion resistance test of the coating film, it shall take 3 samples from each batch of workpieces for inspection; if one workpiece is disqualified, it shall double the samples for re-inspection. If there is one disqualified in the re-inspection results, this batch of products shall be deemed as disqualified. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.