GB/T 37498-2019 PDF English
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Rubber, raw natural -- Determination of the gel content of technically specified rubber (TSR)
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GB/T 37498-2019: PDF in English (GBT 37498-2019) GB/T 37498-2019
ICS 83.040.10
B 72
Rubber, Raw Natural - Determination of the Gel
Content of Technically Specified Rubber (TSR)
(ISO 17278:2013, MOD)
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative References ... 5
3 Terms and Definitions ... 5
4 Principle ... 6
5 Reagents ... 6
6 Instruments ... 6
7 Conditions ... 6
8 Test Procedures ... 7
9 Result Expression ... 8
10 Precision ... 9
11 Test Report ... 9
Appendix A (Informative) Precision ... 10
Bibliography ... 12
Rubber, Raw Natural - Determination of the Gel
Content of Technically Specified Rubber (TSR)
Warning: personnel using this Standard shall have practical experience of
working in a regular laboratory. This Standard does not point out all the possible
safety issues. Users shall undertake the responsibility of adopting proper safety
and health measures and guaranteeing the compliance with the conditions
stipulated by relevant national laws and regulations.
1 Scope
This Standard stipulates the method for the determination of gel content of technically
specified rubber (TSR).
This Standard is applicable to the determination of gel content of technically specified
rubber (TSR).
2 Normative References
The following documents are indispensable to the application of this document. In
terms of references with a specified date, only versions with a specified date are
applicable to this document. In terms of references without a specified date, the latest
version (including all the modifications) is applicable to this document.
GB/T 2941 Rubber - General Procedures for Preparing and Conditioning Test Pieces
for Physical Test Methods (GB/T 2941-2006, ISO 23529:2004, IDT)
GB/T 8081-2018 Rubber, Raw Natural - Guidelines for the Specification of Technically
Specified Rubber (TSR) (GB/T 8081-2018, ISO 2000:2014, MOD)
3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions are applicable to this document.
3.1 Technically Specified Rubber; TSR
Technically specified rubber refers to natural rubber (generally, processed into blocks)
obtained through Brazilian trefoil trees; its performance complies with corresponding
technical grading indicators.
8 Test Procedures
8.1 Sample Quantity
In accordance with the stipulations in Chapter 7 in GB/T 8081-2018, select two
8.2 Test Procedures
8.2.1 Take a sample from laboratory samples that are not plasticized, in accordance
with the proportion of dissolving 0.1 g of gel in every 30 mL of toluene solvent, calculate
the mass of the sample.
NOTE: when the volume of the centrifugal tube is 50 mL, the dosage shall be 30 mL of
toluene solvent (see 8.2.3), sampling size shall be 0.1 g.
8.2.2 Use clean scissors to cut the sample into around 1 mm3 of fragments. Weigh the
sample that is cut into pieces (m0), accurate to 0.1 mg. Then, place it in a clean
centrifugal tube (6.2). This centrifugal tube shall be pre-heated up at 100 °C for 1 h.
Then, store it in a dryer.
8.2.3 Add the toluene solvent into the centrifugal tube (6.2); the dosage of the toluene
solvent shall be 60% of the total volume of the centrifugal tube that is planned to be
used. Screw tight the centrifugal tube; use hands to shake it for several seconds. Then,
at (25 ± 2) °C, keep away from the light, place it still for 16 h ~ 20 h. During that period,
do not stir it.
8.2.4 Afterwards, shake the centrifugal tube for 60 s, so that the jelly-like precipitation
at the bottom can disperse.
In order to prevent damage to the centrifugal tube due to long-term contact with the
solvent, a conical flask or test tube which has a plug (6.6) may also be adopted: comply
with the conditions in 8.2.1 ~ 8.2.3, dissolve the sample, then, transfer the sample into
centrifugal tube (6.2). Use toluene solvent that is not used to rinse the conical flask to
test tube, so as to guarantee that all the precipitation is completely transferred to the
centrifugal tube.
Before placing all the centrifugal tubes into the centrifuge, fill them up with toluene
solvent that is not used, so as to guarantee that the volume of solution in all the
centrifugal tubes is the same.
NOTE: generally speaking, fill centrifugal tube up with solution, so as to minimize the static
air at the top of the centrifugal tube generated by negative pressure during the
centrifugation process.
Screw tight the the screw cap of the centrifugal tube; place the centrifugal tube into the
m0---the mass of the sample (8.2.2), expressed in (g);
m1---the mass of empty weighing container (8.2.7), expressed in (g);
m2---the mass of dry precipitation and weighing container (8.2.10), expressed in (g).
The test result shall be expressed in the average value of the gel content of two
10 Precision
Please refer to Appendix A.
11 Test Report
Test report shall include the following content:
a) Serial No. of this Standard;
b) All the details that are needed for sample identification;
c) Test method;
d) Laboratory temperature;
e) The diameter of centrifuge; the temperature, speed and time of centrifugation;
f) Details of any operation that is not stipulated in this Standard;
g) Test result;
h) Sample quantity;
i) Test result of each sample;
j) Average value of test results;
k) Any abnormal phenomena during the test process;
l) Date of test.
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.