GB/T 35843-2018 PDF English
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Test method of fiber content of fiber reinforced concrete and its product
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GB/T 35843-2018: PDF in English (GBT 35843-2018) GB/T 35843-2018
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Q 04
Test Method of Fiber Content of Fiber
Reinforced Concrete and its Product
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative References ... 4
3 Test Equipment ... 4
4 Specimen ... 5
5 Fresh Mixing Specimen Test ... 5
6 Hardened Steel Fiber Specimen Test ... 9
7 Result Calculation ... 9
This Standard was drafted as per the rules specified in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This Standard was proposed by China Building Material Federation.
This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee for
Standardization of Cement Products (SAC/TC 197).
Drafting organizations of this Standard. Shenyang Municipal Group Corporation Ltd.;
Chongqing Communications Construction (Group) Co., Ltd.; and Liaoning Province
Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute.
Participating drafting organizations of this Standard. Shenyang Jianzhu University;
Wuhan Municipal Construction Group Co., Ltd.; Fushun Hydraulic Project Survey
Design and Research Institute; Chongqing Municipality Highway Engineering Quality
Testing Center; Chongqing Yihua Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.; Shanghai
Research Institute of Building Science; and Chongqing Hengjia Engineering
Technology Consulting Co., Ltd.
Chief drafting staffs of this Standard. Zheng Yi, Liu Chunfa, Xiong Weishi, Sun Dayu,
Gao Hui, Qiu Zhaojun, Yan Dong, Jiang Dawei, Zhang Chang, Zhang Yannian, Wang
Pudong, Ni Zhijun, Liu Baozhen, Yu Haibo, Peng Yong, Chen Li, Ao Guangzhi, Liu
Hongbo, Liu Xin, Zhao Liqun, Song Chi, Wang Lixin, Wang Xiangyin, and Jiang Qi.
Test Method of Fiber Content of Fiber
Reinforced Concrete and its Product
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the test equipment, specimen, fresh specimen test, hardened
steel fiber specimen test, result calculation, etc. for test method of fiber content of fiber
reinforced cement and its products.
This Standard is applicable to the fresh mixing and hardened steel fiber concrete and
its products, fresh mixing polypropylene fiber concrete and its products, fresh mixed
steel fiber and polypropylene fiber concrete and its products.
2 Normative References
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the
dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this
document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the
amendments) are applicable to this document.
FZ/T 50031 Test Method for Moisture Content and Saturated Water Absorption of
Carbon Fiber
3 Test Equipment
3.1 Balance
The maximum weighing range shall be greater than 1000g, accurate to 0.01g.
3.2 Drying box
The temperature range is 0°C~200°C.
3.3 Container
The Plastic container with diameter greater than 300mm, and height greater than
3.4 Test sieve
5.2.10 Calculate the original fiber mass in the specimen according to 5.2.8 and 5.2.9.
5.3 Test method for mixed steel fiber and polypropylene fiber
5.3.1 Use steel ruler to measure the test mold; calculate its volume.
5.3.2 Pour all specimens into a plastic container; add water to disperse; stir manually
to separate the specimens.
5.3.3 Tilt the plastic container; place the 0.30mm and 0.15mm test sieves under the
running water; rinse the specimen continuously by water till the water in the container
is clear.
5.3.4 Use clean water to rinse the polypropylene fiber on the 0.30mm test sieve till
there is no turbid liquid flows out.
5.3.5 Rinse the residue on the 0.15mm test sieve into an empty plastic container; add
water to 1/2 container depth to stir; separate the fiber from other materials; stand for
5.3.6 Rinse the polypropylene fiber on the 0.30mm test sieve into an empty plastic
container; add water to 1/2 container depth and stir; separate the fiber from other
materials; stand for 2h.
5.3.7 Use 0.08mm test sieve to filter the fiber floating in the above two containers; then
place it into a jar.
5.3.8 Take out fiber; dry to the constant weight at the temperature of 80°C±5°C; the
drying time shall be no less than 1h; cool off to the room temperature till the difference
between two consecutive weighting is < 0.02g, accurate to 0.01g.
5.3.9 Determine the moisture content of the unused fiber in the same batch as the
specimen according to FZ/T 50031.
5.3.10 Use a magnet to absorb the steel fiber on the 0.30mm and 0.15mm test sieves
in 5.3.3; dry to constant weight at the temperature of 105°C±5°C; the drying time shall
be no less than 1h; cool off to the room temperature, then weigh it till the difference
between two consecutive weighing is < 0.1g, accurate to 0.01g.
5.3.11 Calculate the mass of polypropylene fibers in the specimen according to 5.3.8
and 5.3.9.
5.3.12 Calculate the mass of steel fiber according to 5.3.10.
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.