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GB/T 33646-2017 PDF English

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GB/T 33646-2017English140 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Determination of the ester compounds in motor gasoline -- Gas chromatography Valid
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GB/T 33646-2017: PDF in English (GBT 33646-2017)

GB/T 33646-2017 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 75.160.20 E 31 Determination of Ester Compounds in Motor Gasoline – Gas Chromatography ISSUED ON. MAY 12, 2017 IMPLEMENTED ON. DECEMBER 1, 2017 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine; Standardization Administration of PRC. 3. No action is required - Full-copy of this standard will be automatically & immediately delivered to your EMAIL address in 0~60 minutes. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 Introduction ... 4 1 Scope ... 5 2 Normative References ... 5 3 Terms and Definitions ... 6 4 Method Summary ... 6 5 Reagents and Materials ... 6 6 Apparatus ... 7 7 Sampling ... 8 8 Test Procedures ... 8 9 Result Calculation ... 9 10 Precision ... 10 11 Quality Assurance and Control ... 10 12 Test Report ... 11 Appendix A (Normative) Establishment of Valve Blowback System and Instrument Parameters ... 12 Appendix B (Informative) Chromatogram of Ester Compounds in Motor Gasoline ... 15 Foreword This Standard was drafted as per the rules specified in GB/T 1.1-2009. This Standard was proposed by and under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee for Standardization of Petroleum Products and Lubricants (SAC/TC 280). Drafting organizations of this Standard. Shenzhen Institute of Measurement and Quality Testing, PetroChina Petrochemical Research Institute, CNOOC Refinery Co., Ltd., and National Petroleum Products Quality Supervision and Inspection Center. Chief drafting staffs of this Standard. Zhao Yan, Wang Lin, Xu Dongyu, Ji Ming, Zhang Shiyuan, Huang Weilin, OuYang Kechuan, Lv Huanming, and Li Dong. Determination of Ester Compounds in Motor Gasoline – Gas Chromatography Warning – personnel using this Standard shall have practical working experience in the formal laboratory. The use of this Standard may involve certain hazardous materials, equipment and operation; this Standard doesn’t address all possible safety issues. The users shall be responsible for taking appropriate safety and health measures, and ensure compliance with the conditions stipulated in the relevant national regulations. 1 Scope This Standard specifies the determination method of ester compounds (ethyl acetate, sec-butyl acetate, dimethyl carbonate) in the motor gasoline. This Standard is applicable to determine the motor gasoline, ester compounds with concentration of 50mg/L ~ 2000mg/L; this Method can also determine beyond such content range; however, the precision is not investigated. This Standard is not applicable to alcohol-containing gasoline; Certain alcoholic compounds (such as methanol, ethanol, tert-amyl alcohol, and sec-butanol) and ketone compounds (such as acetone and butanone) may interfere the determination of ester compounds. 2 Normative References The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) are applicable to this document. GB/T 1884 Crude Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products - Laboratory Determination of Density - Hydrometer Method GB/T 1885 Petroleum Measurement Tables GB/T 4756 Method for Manual Sampling of Petroleum Liquids GB/T 6683 Petroleum Products - Determination of Precision Data in relation to Methods of Test 6.4 Electronic balance. accurate to 0.0001g. 6.5 Volumetric flask. 100mL. 6.6 Sample flask. small glass flask covered with gland or threaded buckle cap, and there is a rubber gasket with polytetrafluoroethylene outer surface in the cap. 6.7 Pipette. 0.5mL, 1.0mL, 2.0mL, 5.0mL. 7 Sampling 7.1 Sampling shall be performed as per GB/T 4756 or other equivalent method. 7.2 Since the laboratory receives the sample, the original container shall be cooled and stored at 0°C~5°C before sampling of any sub-samples. 7.3 If necessary, transfer the cooling sample into the pressure-sealed container, store at 0°C~5°C till analysis is required. 8 Test Procedures 8.1 Gas chromatographic conditions If different instruments are used, then the optimal analysis conditions may be different; thus, it is impossible to give the general parameters for the gas chromatographic analysis. The setting parameters shall ensure the to-be-tested components to be separated and tested effectively. The parameters given in Appendix A are proven to be feasible. 8.2 Sample injection Directly take about 1.5mL of sample and place it into 2.0mL sample flask (6.6); manually or take autosampler to inject 1.0µL specimen into gas chromatograph (6.1); perform the chromatographic analysis according to the optimized method conditions. If the content of ester compounds in the sample exceeds the test range specified in Clause 1, the sample shall be suitably diluted (for instance, isooctane – xylene solution with volume ratio of 5.1). 8.3 Qualitative analysis Test the standard working solution (5.5) and specimen under the same instrument analysis conditions; perform the qualitative analysis according to the retention time of ester compounds chromatographic peak. The reference retention time of 3 kinds of ester compounds can refer to Appendix B. Appendix A (Normative) Establishment of Valve Blowback System and Instrument Parameters A.1 Establishment of valve blowback column system A.1.1 Adjust the valve to the positive blow position (1 in Figure A.1); adjust the flowrate to control Valve A, so that the flowrate can reach the setting value in Table A.1. Measure the flowrate on the detector exit sample side. A.1.2 Adjust the valve to the blowback position (2 in Figure A.1); measure the flowrate on the detector exit sample side. If compared with flowrate in Table A.1, the flowrate changes; adjust the flowrate control valve B, so that the flowrate is changed within ±1mL/min. A.1.3 Switch the valve from the positive blow position to the blowback position for several times; observe the baseline; The change in pressure caused by initially switching of the valve shall not generate the change or drift of the baseline. If baseline changes, slightly adjust the flow control valve B, so that the baseline is stable. A.2 Determination of blowback time Prepare the n-nonane solution containing n-octane with volume ratio of 5%. Under the positive blow state, inject 1µL of such solution into the system. Record the chromatogram until the n-nonane flows out, the recorder pen returns to the baseline. Measure the time from the sample injection to the recorder pen returns to the baseline between the n-octane and n-nonane peak, in seconds. At this point, the n-octane has flowed out, while the n-nonane has not. Half of such measurement time can be approximated as “blowback time”, and shall be slightly adjusted within 30s~60s. Repeat the above operation including the sample injection, switch to blowback state according to the above determined “blowback time”. Then obtain the n-octane chromatogram, while the n-nonane peak is very small or invisible in the chromatogram. If necessary, do the further test, adjust “blowback time” till all n-octane peaks appear; there is very small or no n-nonane peak. The “blowback time” obtained through actual valve operation is required to be used in all the following calibration and analysis. A.3 Instrument conditional parameters When using different instruments, the optimum analysis conditions may be different; so it is impossible to give the general parameters for gas chromatographic analysis. The setting parameters shall ensure the to-be-tested components to be separated and ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.