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GB/T 33206-2016 PDF English

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GB/T 33206-2016: PDF in English (GBT 33206-2016)

GB/T 33206-2016 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 21.220.10 G 42 Performance testing of automotive V-ribbed belts ISSUED ON. DECEMBER 13, 2016 IMPLEMENTED ON. JULY 01, 2017 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative references ... 4  3 Purposes ... 4  4 High temperature constant tension life test ... 4  5 Belt dislocation noise test ... 9  Foreword This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009. This standard was proposed by the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation. This standard shall be under the jurisdiction of the National Pulley and Belt Standardization Technical Committee Friction Belt Drive Technical Sub- committee (SAC/TC 428 /SC 3). The drafting organizations of this standard. Wuxi Belt Co., Ltd., Ningbo Yujiang Special Tape Co., Ltd., Ningbo Fengmao Far East Rubber Co., Ltd., Ningbo Kaichi Tape Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Kaiou Transmission Belt Co., Ltd., Qingdao Institute of Product Quality Inspection Technology. The main drafters of this standard. Wu Yizhen, You Jianping, Ma Feng, Feng Jianbin, Ying Jianli, Xie Deli, He Ning. Performance testing of automotive V-ribbed belts 1 Scope This standard specifies the method for the high temperature constant tension life and dislocation noise test of the PK type automotive V-ribbed belts (hereinafter referred to as the belt). This standard applies to the determination of temperature constant tension and dislocation noise of PK-type automotive V-ribbed belt at specified conditions. 2 Normative references The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) are applicable to this standard. GB/T 2941 Rubber - General procedures for preparing and conditioning test pieces for physical test methods GB 13552 Automotive v-ribbed belts 3 Purposes To evaluate the noise characteristics of high temperature tension life and dislocation under different environmental conditions. 4 High temperature constant tension life test 4.1 Test device 4.1.1 The high temperature constant tension life test device diagram is as shown in Figure 1. Δ - Offset, in millimeters (mm); l - Spacing between adjustable pulley and idler. Before the test, PLACE the test belt in the test chamber complying with the test conditions to condition it, the conditioning time shall be consistent with the provisions of GB/T 2941. Prior to each test, USE isopropanol or other volatile detergent to clean the pulley, MAKE inspection, ENSURE that the pulley surface is free from oil, dust, abrasion damage or other contaminants. SELECT arbitrarily a test belt, STORE the rest test belts in a store chamber indoor. INSTALL the test belt onto the test bench, ENSURE each parameter complies with requirements before startup. SET the driving pulley speed to (1000 ± 100) r/min sinusoidal input, 33.33 Hz. SET the offset of the adjustable pulley to the desired dislocation of the belt. RUN the test belt for 10 s as required by test conditions 1 in Table 7, USE a dedicated microphone to test the noise during the operation. The microphone shall be located between the test pulleys, projecting 100 mm above the adjustable pulley end surface, RECORD all the noise. USE dB(A) to indicate the maximum and average noise level, noise duration, noise type (subjective judgment), and the belt dislocation angle. At the increment of 0.5°, CHANGE the belt dislocation angle, ADJUST the test parameters. MAKE noise test in accordance with the requirements of until all the angles between -3° ~ 3° have been tested, OR otherwise the belt specimen is jumped out of groove. TAKE off the test belt from the test bench and RETURN it to the storage chamber. REPEAT ~, until all the belt test is completed. REPEAT ~, until each belt is measured 3 times, SELECT arbitrarily the belt during each repeated test. MAKE test in accordance with the requirements of test condition 3 in Table 7, RUN the test belt for 10 s, USE a dedicated microphone to test the noise during the operation. The microphone shall be located between the test pulleys, projecting 100 mm above the adjustable pulley end surface, RECORD all the noise. USE dB(A) to indicate the maximum and average noise level, noise duration, noise type (subjective judgment), and the belt dislocation angle. At the increment of 0.5°, CHANGE the belt dislocation angle, ADJUST the test parameters. MAKE noise test in accordance with the requirements of until all the angles between -3° ~ 3° have been tested, OR otherwise the belt specimen is jumped out of groove. TAKE off the test belt from the test bench and RETURN it to the storage chamber. REPEAT ~, until all the belt test is completed. REPEAT ~, until each belt is measured 3 times, SELECT arbitrarily the belt during each repeated test. MAKE test in accordance with the requirements of test condition 2 in Table 7, RUN the dry test belt for 10 s while using the microphone to test the noise, then SPRAY water mist for about 10 s to let the entire belt be wet, STOP spraying mist (no noise test in the spraying process), until the belt is completely dried, meanwhile USE microphone to test the noise. The microphone shall be located between the test pulleys, projecting 100 mm above the adjustable pulley end surface, RECORD all the noise. USE dB(A) to indicate the maximum and average noise level, noise duration, noise type (subjective judgment), and the belt dislocation angle. At the increment of 0.5°, CHANGE the belt dislocation angle, ADJUST the test parameters. MAKE noise test in accordance with the requirements of until all the angles between -3° ~ 3° have been tested, OR otherwise the belt specimen is jumped out of groove. TAKE off the test belt from the test bench and RETURN it to the storage chamber. REPEAT ~, until all the belt test is completed. REPEAT ~, until each belt is measured 3 times, SELECT arbitrarily the belt during each repeated test. 5.8.2 Belt specimen after 60 h of high temperature constant tension life test ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.