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GB/T 32023-2023 PDF English

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GB/T 32023-2023English165 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Footwear - Test methods for whole shoes - Rigidity of flexing area Valid
GB/T 32023-2015English100 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Footwear -- Test methods for whole shoes -- Rigidity of flexing area Obsolete
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GB/T 32023-2023: PDF in English (GBT 32023-2023)

GB/T 32023-2023 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 61.060 CCS Y 78 Replacing GB/T 32023-2015 Footwear - Test Methods for Whole Shoes - Rigidity of Flexing Area ISSUED ON: SEPTEMBER 7, 2023 IMPLEMENTED ON: APRIL 1, 2024 Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 5 2 Normative References ... 5 3 Terms and Definitions ... 5 4 Principle ... 6 5 Instruments and Equipment ... 6 6 Specimen and Environmental Conditioning ... 10 7 Test Methods ... 10 8 Test Results ... 13 9 Test Report ... 14 Foreword This document was drafted in accordance with the rules provided in GB/T 1.1-2020 Directives for Standardization - Part 1: Rules for the Structure and Drafting of Standardizing Documents. This document serves as a replacement of GB/T 32023-2015 Footwear - Test Methods for Whole Shoes - Rigidity of Flexing Area. In comparison with GB/T 32023-2015, apart from structural adjustments and editorial modifications, the main technical changes are as follows: a) The Scope of the Standard is modified (see Chapter 1; Chapter 1 of Version 2015); b) The definition of “rigidity of flexing area” is modified (see 3.1; 3.1 of Version 2015); c) The term and definition of “bending stiffness” is added (see 3.3); d) The test principle, instrument and equipment requirements, and test methods of the bending stiffness test method are added (see 4.2, 5.2 and 7.2); e) The requirements for specimen and environmental conditioning are modified (see Chapter 6; Chapter 6 of Version 2015); f) The requirements for the test results of the bending stiffness test method are added (see 8.2); g) The requirements for the test methods in the test report are added (see Chapter 9). Please be noted that certain content of this document may involve patents. The institution issuing this document does not undertake the responsibility of identifying these patents. This document was proposed by China National Light Industry Council. This document shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee on Shoemaking of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 305). The drafting organizations of this document: ANTA (China) Co., Ltd.; Lirong Shoes (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.; TopScore Co., Ltd.; Foshan Nanhai District Footwear Industry Association; Wenling Shijiefeng Shoes Material Co., Ltd.; China Light Inspection and Certification (Wenling) Co., Ltd.; China Leather & Footwear Research Institute; Sinolight Inspection & Certification Co., Ltd.; Dongguan North and South Testing and Certification Technology Co., Ltd.; Ruian Dahu Shoes Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this document: Li Su, Ren Lei, He Zuojun, Guo Huazhong, Wu Huichao, Fei Rui, Shao Lijun, Li Chunlei, He Xiaojun, Lv Yuhu, Huang Penghui. The issuing of the previous versions: ---Firstly issued in 2015 as GB/T 32023-2015; Footwear - Test Methods for Whole Shoes - Rigidity of Flexing Area 1 Scope This document describes the test methods for determining the rigidity of flexing area of footwear. ---Method A: the bending torque test method, which is applicable to the whole shoe and sole (except those with a thickness greater than 25 mm in the flexing area); NOTE: the thickness of the flexing area of the sole includes the thickness of the inner sole, that is, to measure the thickness of the thickest part of the sole (including the inner sole) along the flexing line of the sole. ---Method B: the bending stiffness test method, which is applicable to the whole shoe and sole. 2 Normative References The contents of the following documents constitute indispensable clauses of this document through the normative references in the text. In terms of references with a specified date, only versions with a specified date are applicable to this document. In terms of references without a specified date, the latest version (including all the modifications) is applicable to this document. GB/T 22049 Footwear - Standard Atmospheres for Conditioning and Testing of Footwear and Components for Footwear 3 Terms and Definitions The following terms and definitions are applicable to this document. 3.1 rigidity of flexing area The capability of the flexing area of the whole shoe or sole material to resist elastic deformation when being subject to force. NOTE: it is expressed by bending torque or bending stiffness. 3.2 torque The product of the force in the vertical direction and the distance from the center of rotation. NOTE: it is expressed in (N  m). 6 Specimen and Environmental Conditioning 6.1 The specimen shall not be less than one pair of whole shoes or sole. 6.2 Before the test, the specimen shall be conditioned under the temperature condition of standard environment for at least 4 h in accordance with the stipulations of GB/T 22049. 7 Test Methods 7.1 Method A - Bending Torque Test Method 7.1.1 Test conditions The lift angle of the hinge plate is (45.0  0.5) (when there are special requirements, it can be selected within the range of 0 ~ 60). The lifting speed of the hinge plate is (3.0  0.1)/s (when there are special requirements, it can be selected within the range of 0/s ~ 20/s). The test shall be carried out under the temperature condition of standard environment in accordance with the stipulations of GB/T 22049. 7.1.2 Test procedures If the specimen has shoelaces, the shoelaces of the specimen shall be removed, so as to ensure that the specimen is tested without shoelaces. Determine the marking line: as shown in Figure 5, place the inside of the specimen downward on the horizontal surface, and the inner edge of the sole contacts the horizontal surface at points A and B. Then, set two vertical surfaces to contact the sole at points X and Y, and connect XY as the longitudinal axis of the specimen. Draw a bending line AC perpendicular to XY through point A and draw a marking line DE at (20  1) mm from the bending line close to the toe direction. Respectively extend the AC and DE lines to the sole side wall. Put the toe fixation block into the shoe cavity of the specimen. The rear edge of the fixation block shall be on the DE line 20 mm in front of the bending line AC (see Figure 5). Load the specimen on the bending testing machine, use the toe holding device to clamp the toe, and ensure that the longitudinal axis of the specimen coincides with the central axis of the hinge. The bending line AC of the specimen is in the same vertical plane as the central axis of the hinge. NOTE: when the front of the shoe is fixed, the heel may not contact the plate. Start the instrument, at the specified speed, rotate the hinge plate to the specified angle, and record the maximum torque during the rotation. Remove the specimen from the instrument and place it under the temperature condition of the standard laboratory environment for 5 min ~ 10 min. Repeat steps ~ for a total of 3 tests. 7.2 Method B -- Bending Stiffness Test Method 7.2.1 Test conditions In accordance with the requirements of 5.2.3, adjust the distance between the centers of the two support columns, so that the center line of the support column spacing area is aligned with the center of the punch hammer. The pressing displacement of the punch hammer is set in accordance with the shoe size of the specimen: ---Shoe size < 205, the displacement is (8.0  0.5) mm; ---205  shoe size < 250, the displacement is (12.0  0.5) mm; ---Shoe size  250, the displacement is (16.0  0.5) mm. The test shall be carried out under the temperature condition of standard environment in accordance with the stipulations of GB/T 22049. 7.2.2 Test procedures For shoe sole specimen, no pretreatment is required; for whole shoe specimen, along the bottom line of the shoe upper, cut off the upper surface. If there is a removable inner pad, double-sided tape can be used to fix the inner pad on the sole, so as to ensure that the inner pad will not shift during the impact. NOTE: the sole of whole shoe includes all material layers between the human foot and the ground, such as: outsole, midsole and insole, etc. Mark the test position, as shown in Figure 6. In accordance with, draw the 6---support column; 7---T-shaped slot; 8---scale line (for precise determination of span); 9---center line (for alignment with the scale line). Figure 7 -- Specimen Fixation Select the waveform program with a loading-unloading time of 80 ms ~ 80 ms. Use the pressing displacement corresponding to the shoe size to perform a bending test on the specimen and record the maximum impact force value Fm during the test. After the test is completed, remove the specimen and place it under the temperature condition of the standard laboratory environment for 5 min ~ 10 min. Repeat steps ~ for a total of 3 tests. 8 Test Results 8.1 Method A - Bending Torque Test Method 8.1.1 The test results are expressed as the maximum torque of each specimen, in (N  m), accurate to 0.1 N  m. 8.1.2 Take the average value of three test results and respectively express the test results of each shoe. 8.1.3 The maximum allowable deviation of each test data from the average value is 10%, otherwise, the test shall be re-performed. 8.2 Method B -- Bending Stiffness Test Method 8.2.1 The bending stiffness Sm shall be calculated in accordance with Formula (1), and the result shall be accurate to 1 N/mm; Where, Sm---the bending stiffness, expressed in (N/mm); Fm---the maximum impact force, expressed in (N); Dm---the impact displacement value, expressed in (mm), i.e., the pressing displacement of the corresponding shoe size. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.