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GB/T 27671-2011 (GB/T 27671-2023 Newer Version) PDF English

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GB/T 27671-2011: PDF in English (GBT 27671-2011)

GB/T 27671-2011 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 77.150.30 H 62 Copper Profiles for Electrical Purposes ISSUED ON: DECEMBER 30, 2011 IMPLEMENTED ON: OCTOBER 1, 2012 Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine; Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative References ... 4  3 Terms and Definitions ... 5  4 Requirements ... 5  5 Test Methods ... 17  6 Inspection Rules ... 19  7 Marking, Packaging, Transportation, Storage and Quality Certificate ... 20  8 Contract (or order sheet) Content ... 21  Appendix A (informative) Electrical Properties of Copper and Conversion of Resistivity and Conductivity ... 22  Copper Profiles for Electrical Purposes 1 Scope This Standard specifies the requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation, storage, quality certificate and contract (or order sheet) of copper profiles for electrical purposes. This Standard is applicable to copper profiles with a circumscribed circle diameter not greater than 180 mm for electrical purposes. 2 Normative References The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB/T 228-2002 Metallic Materials - Tensile Testing at Ambient Temperature GB/T 231.1 Metallic Materials - Brinell Hardness Test - Part 1: Test Method GB/T 2828.1 Sampling Procedures for Inspection by Attribute - Part 1: Sampling Schemes Indexed by Acceptance Quality Limit (AQL) for Lot-by-lot Inspection GB/T 3048.2 Test Methods for Electrical Properties of Electric Cables and Wires - Part 2: Test of Electrical Resistivity of Metallic Materials GB/T 4340.1 Metallic Materials - Vickers Hardness Test - Part 1: Test Method GB/T 5121 (all parts) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Copper and Copper Alloys GB/T 5231 Designation and Chemical Composition of Wrought Copper and Copper Alloys GB/T 8888 Wrought Heavy Non-ferrous Metal Products - Packing, Marking, Transportation, Storing and Certificate of Quality GB/T 23606 Copper-hydrogen Embrittlement Test Method GB/T 26303.2 Measuring Methods for Dimensions and Shapes of Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy - Part 2: Rod, Wire and Profile 3 Terms and Definitions The following terms and definitions are applicable to this document. 3.1 Pancake Pancake refers to a single-layer profile that is spirally wound into a thin disc, which is like a mosquito coil in form. 3.2 Traverse Wound Traverse wound refers to a multi-layer profile with a certain width and with each coil wound parallel to the axis of the core. 3.3 Bunched Bunched refers to a wound profile automatically formed by equipment actions in accordance with a certain direction and sequence. 3.4 On Spools On spools refers to an axial shape made of steel, wood and plastics, on which, the profile is regularly wound layer by layer in accordance with a certain winding direction. 4 Requirements 4.1 Product Classification 4.1.1 Designation, state and specification The designation and state of the profiles shall comply with the stipulations of Table 1. The specification of the profiles shall comply with the stipulations of Table 2. The circumscribed circle diameter of the product’s cross-section is not greater than 180 mm, as it is shown in Figure 1; the width b, height h and thickness s of the profiles are shown in Figure 2. The surface quality of the profiles shall be visually inspected. 6 Inspection Rules 6.1 Inspection and Acceptance Inspection 6.1.1 If there is no requirement in the contract (or order sheet), the profiles shall be inspected by the supply-side’s quality inspection department to ensure that the product quality complies with the requirements of this Standard or the contract (or order sheet). In addition, a quality certificate shall be filled. 6.1.2 The demand-side shall inspect the received products in accordance with the stipulations of this Standard. If the inspection result does not comply with the stipulations of this Standard or the contract (or order sheet), it shall be submitted to the supply-side and solved by the demand-side and the supply-side through negotiation. Objections that belong to surface quality, dimensional deviations and geometric tolerance shall be submitted within 1 month from the date of receipt of the product; other objections shall be submitted within 3 months from the date of receipt of the product. If arbitration is required, it shall be determined by the demand-side and the supply-side through negotiation. 6.2 Group Batch The profiles shall be submitted for acceptance inspection in batches. Each batch shall be composed of profiles of the same designation, state, specification or figure No. The weight of each batch shall be not greater than 2,000 kg. 6.3 Inspection Items Each batch of profiles shall be inspected for chemical composition, dimensions and allowable deviations, geometric tolerance, mechanical properties (excluding the specified non-proportional extension strength), electrical properties and surface quality. When requested by the demand-side, the inspections of the specified non-proportional extension strength and hydrogen embrittlement shall also be carried out. 6.4 Sampling The sampling of the profiles shall comply with the stipulations of Table 17. 6.5 Determination of Inspection Results 6.5.1 When the chemical composition is disqualified, the batch of profiles shall be determined as disqualified. 6.5.2 When the dimensional deviations, geometric tolerance and surface quality of the profiles are disqualified, the piece or coil shall be determined as disqualified. When the number of disqualified pieces in each batch exceeds the acceptance quality limit, the whole batch shall be determined as disqualified, or it shall be inspected by the supply- side piece-by-piece or coil-by-coil, and the qualified ones may be separately delivered in batches. 6.5.3 When there are disqualified specimens in the test results of mechanical properties, electrical properties and copper-hydrogen embrittlement, take another double number of specimens (one of the specimens must be taken from the piece or coil that failed the previous inspection) from that batch of profiles for repeated tests. If the repeated test results are all qualified, then, the whole batch of products shall be determined as qualified. If there are still disqualified specimens in the repeated test results, then, the batch of profiles shall be determined as disqualified, or be inspected piece-by-piece by the supply-side, and the qualified ones may be separately delivered in batches. 7 Marking, Packaging, Transportation, Storage and Quality Certificate The marking, packaging, transportation, storage and quality certificate of the profiles shall comply with the stipulations of GB/T 8888. 8 Contract (or order sheet) Content The contract (or order sheet) ordering the materials listed in this Standard shall include the following contents: a) Product name; b) Designation; c) State; d) Specifications or drawings. The drawings shall clarify the special requirements for the shapes, dimensions, tolerances, matching surface and surface of the profiles; e) The weight or length of wound profiles, the winding form, winding direction, the inner and outer diameters of winding, and the width of winding; f) Tensile test or hardness test, and specified non-proportional extension strength (when required); g) Hydrogen embrittlement test (when there are special requirements); h) Serial No. of this Standard; i) Others. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.