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GB/T 26784-2011 PDF English

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GB/T 26784-2011: PDF in English (GBT 26784-2011)

GB/T 26784-2011 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 13.220.50 C 82 Fire Resistance Test for Elements of Building Construction - Alternative and Additional Procedures ISSUED ON: JULY 20, 2011 IMPLEMENTED ON: NOVEMBER 1, 2011 Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1    Scope ... 4  2    Normative References ... 4  3    Terms and Definitions ... 5  4    Alternative Heating Curves ... 5  5    Additional Test Procedures ... 13  Annex A    (Informative) Comparison of Chapter and Article Numbers in this Standard  and those in EN 1363‐2:1999 ... 21  Annex  B    (Informative)  Technical  Differences  between  this  Standard  and  EN  1363‐2:1999 and their Reasons ... 23  Annex  C    (Informative)  Guide  for  Possible  Application  Scenarios  of  Different  Fire  Heating Curves ... 25  Annex D    (Informative) Application Guide for Spray Water Impact Test ... 27  Fire Resistance Test for Elements of Building Construction - Alternative and Additional Procedures Warning: The fire resistance test of for elements building construction may be hazardous and there is a possibility that toxic and/or harmful smoke and gases may be evolved during the test. Mechanical and operational hazards may also arise during the construction of the test specimens, and their testing and disposal of test residues. An assessment of all potential hazards and risks to health shall be made and safety precautions shall be identified and provided. Written safety instructions shall be issued. Appropriate training shall be given to relevant personnel. Laboratory personnel shall ensure that they follow written safety instructions at all times. 1 Scope This Standard specifies alterative fire heating curves and other procedures that may need to be adopted under special fire circumstances of the elements of building construction. The alternative fire heating curves include hydrocarbon (HC), external fire exposure, slow heating, electric fire and tunnel fire RABT-ZTV heating curves; the additional test procedures include (weight and spray water) impact test and measurement of radiation. This Standard is applicable to the elements or accessories of building construction which need to be subject to fire resistance test under special fire heating curve conditions and/or to be subject to other additional tests during fire resistance test. Unless one of the alternative fire heating curves is specifically required, the standard temperature-time curve given in GB/T 9978.1 shall be used. Similarly, the (weight and spray water) impact test and measurement of radiation shall only be undertaken when they are specifically requested. 2 Normative References The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated reference, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB/T 5907 Fundamental Terminology of Fire Protection - Part 1 GB 6246 Lined Fire Hose - Performance Requirements and Test Methods GB 8181 Fire Nozzles Fire resistance of samples shall be assessed by comparing the behaviours of samples tested using the slow heating curve with that obtained using the standard temperature-time curve specified in GB/T 9978.1. The samples shall be structurally identical for each exposure condition, but they need not necessarily be the element to be classified. The samples are defined in the appropriate test method. 4.3.5 Criteria The fire resistance periods for compliance with the judgment indexes specified in GB/T 9978.1, when carrying out fire resistance test using the slow heating conditions specified in this chapter, shall be equivalent to those achieved with the standard heating conditions specified in GB/T 9978.1, plus 20min. If the times during which the criteria are satisfied are not equivalent, then the element of building construction which the test specimens represent shall be classified for the shorter duration as specified above. 4.4 Electric fire heating curve 4.4.1 General In assessment on the fire resistance of the elements of building construction or cable plugging components under electric fire conditions (with organic polymer materials as the main fuel), electric fire heating curve specified in 4.4.2 may be adopted to carry out fire resistance test. 4.4.2 Expression of temperature-time curve For electric fire, the temperature-time relationship in fire-resistance test furnace shall be represented by Formula (6): T=1 030(1-0.325e-0.167t-0.675e-2.5t)+T0 ………………………………… (6) Where, t -- the duration of test, min; T -- the average temperature in fire-resistance test furnace when the test is carried out to the time t, ℃; T0 -- the initial average temperature in fire-resistance test furnace prior to test, which is required to be 5℃~40℃. When T0=20℃ in Formula (6), the standard temperature-time curve of electric fire is as shown in Figure 4. See Annex C for the possible application scenarios of this fire heating a) de≤15% for 0< t≤5; b) de≤10% for 5< t≤N; c) de≤5% for N< t≤N+110. Where, de -- the percentage deviation of area; t -- the duration of test, min; N -- the sum of heating period and constant temperature period, min. The cooling time is specified as 110min. All areas shall be computed by the same method, i.e., by the summation of areas at intervals not exceeding 1min and shall be calculated from time 0min. At any time after the first 10min of fire resistance test, the temperature measured by any thermocouple in the fire-resistance test furnace shall not differ from the corresponding temperature of standard temperature-time curve by more than 100℃. For the test specimens which burn rapidly, a deviation in excess of 100℃ above the corresponding temperature value of standard temperature-time curve may be exceeded for a period not in excess of 10min provided that such excess deviation is clearly identified as being associated with the sudden ignition of significant quantities of combustible materials increasing the gas temperature in the fire-resistance test furnace. 5 Additional Test Procedures 5.1 Weight impact test 5.1.1 General In actual building fire, the fire resistance (including fire separation function) of such elements and accessories of building construction as fire wall, fire partition, fire resistant shutter and fire door obtained using the fire resistance test methods specified in GB/T 9978.1 may be influenced by impacts arising from the failure of other components and objects exposed to fire. If it is needed to test such influence, weight impact test may be additionally carried out during fire resistance test for the elements and accessories of building construction. 5.1.2 Apparatus b) A length of short pipe (galvanized steel pipe or stainless steel pipe alternatively) with nominal diameter of Φ65mm and length of 150mm is connected between bottom of fire nozzle and fire hose, with one end connected to the water inlet of fire nozzle and the other end connected to the fire hose; c) Fire nozzle, short pipe and fire hose are connected with each other with fire snap-types coupling which complies with those specified in GB 12514.1 and GB 12514.2 and has nominal diameter of Φ65mm; d) One pressure gauge is connected on the short pipe for the purpose of measuring the root pressure of fire nozzle. The pressure sampling pipe of pressure gauge shall be installed along the normal direction of short pipe and shall not be stretched into the water flow in short pipe; the minimum reading range of pressure gauge is (0~0.6)MPa, with accuracy not less than Grade 1.5. 5.2.3 Procedure Spray water impact test shall be carried out on the exposed surface of test specimen within 3min after the end of fire resistance test. The spray nozzle shall be placed towards the central normal direction of test specimen and be (6±0.1)m away to the test specimen. If it is impossible to place spray nozzle in such way for some reason, the angle of spray nozzle direction drift off the central normal of test specimen shall not be larger than 30°, and in this case the distance between spray nozzle and test specimen shall be less than (6±0.1)m, and this distance shall be reduced by (0.3±0.005)m per 10° drift off the central normal. For test specimens with different fire resistance, different root pressure of fire nozzle is required for spray water impact test, see Table 1. One of the calculation methods for the area of exposed surface of test specimen is to calculate according to the boundary dimensions of test specimen. In this case, the test specimen includes support frame and track, with exception of the wall used for installing the test specimen. The spray water impact is applied to the bottom of exposed surface of test specimen at first, and then to all other parts, with direction changed slowly to make water impact and move inside the outer periphery of test specimen, centralized impact is disallowed, and water impact shall not be stopped or changed in direction at any point on test specimen. The water impact direction may be changed in the following means within 310mm scope on the outer periphery of test specimen: a) Impact along the periphery of test specimen, and move upward starting from any bottom corner of the test specimen. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.