GB/T 23994-2009 PDF English
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Limit of certain harmful elements of coatings for consumer products contacting with human body
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GB/T 23994-2009: PDF in English (GBT 23994-2009) GB/T 23994-2009
ICS 87.040
G 51
Limit of certain harmful elements of coatings for
consumer products contacting with human body
ISSUED ON: JUNE 02, 2009
Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection
and Quarantine;
Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 4
4 Product classification ... 5
5 Requirements ... 5
6 Test method ... 6
7 Inspection rules ... 6
8 Labels for packages ... 7
Appendix A (Normative) Determination of soluble element content ... 8
Appendix B (Normative) Determination of lead content ... 12
Limit of certain harmful elements of coatings for
consumer products contacting with human body
1 Scope
This Standard specifies contents such as requirements, test methods and
inspection rules for limit of certain harmful elements of coatings for consumer
products contacting with human body
This Standard applies to various coatings that are used in consumer product
contacting with human body.
2 Normative references
The terms in the following documents become the terms of this Standard by
reference to this Standard. For dated references, all subsequent amendments
(not including errata content) or revisions do not apply to this standard. However,
parties to agreements that are based on this Standard are encouraged to study
whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For undated
references, the latest edition applies to this Standard.
GB/T 1250, Representation and determination of limit values
GB/T 3186, Paints, varnishes and raw materials for paints and varnishes -
Sampling (GB/T 3186-2006, ISO 15528:2000, IDT)
GB/T 6682, Water for analytical laboratory use - Specification and test
methods (GB/T 6682-2008, ISO 3696:1987, MOD)
GB/T 9750, Marks for package of coating products
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions are applicable to this Standard.
3.1 Consumer product
Articles or parts that are used or enjoyed by consumers in or out of fixed or
temporary residences, residential areas, schools, hospitals, sports fields,
entertainment venues and other occasions.
3.2 Consumer product contacting with human body
a Prepare a mixed sample according to the specified construction ratio of the product
(the thinner does not need to be added), and prepare a coating film of appropriate
thickness. Under the drying conditions that are specified in the product manual, after
the coating is completely dried, determine the dry coating. Determine the powder
coating directly.
6 Test method
6.1 Sampling
Product sampling shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T 3186.
6.2 Test method
The determination of soluble elements is carried out in accordance with the
provisions of Appendix A of this Standard.
The determination of lead content is carried out in accordance with the
provisions of Appendix B of this Standard.
7 Inspection rules
7.1 All requirements that are listed in this Standard are type inspection items.
7.1.1 Under normal production conditions, type inspection shall be carried out
at least once a year.
7.1.2 Type inspection shall be carried out in any of the following cases:
-- when a new product is initially finalized;
-- when the product is produced off-site;
-- when there are major changes in production formulas, processes, key raw
material sources and product construction ratio;
-- when production is resumed after three months of suspension.
7.2 Determination of the test result
7.2.1 The determination of the test results shall be made according to the
rounding comparison method in GB/T 1250. When the test result is 0 after
rounding, report the result as a valid digit.
7.2.2 When the inspection results of all items meet the requirements of this
Standard, the product meets the requirements of this Standard.
Appendix A
Determination of soluble element content
A.1 Principle
Use 0.07 mol/L hydrochloric acid solution to treat the dried coating; use
analytical instrument of appropriate detection-limit to quantitatively determine
the content of soluble elements in the test solution.
A.2 Reagent
In the analysis test, only use reagents that are confirmed to be analytical
reagents; the used water shall meet the requirements of Grade-3 water in GB/T
A.2.1 Hydrochloric acid: about 37% (mass fraction); the density is about 1.18
A.2.2 Hydrochloric acid solution: 0.07 mol/L.
A.2.3 Hydrochloric acid solution: about 2 mol/L.
A.2.4 Nitric acid solution: 1:1 (volume ratio).
A.2.5 Antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury and
selenium standard stock solutions: the concentration is 100 mg/L or 1 000 mg/L.
A.3 Instruments and apparatuses
General laboratory equipment and some of the following equipment.
A.3.1 Analytical instrument of appropriate detection-limit (see A.6): such as
atomic absorption spectrometer, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission
A.3.2 Crushing equipment: crusher, scissors, etc.
A.3.3 Stainless steel metal sieve: pore size of 0.5 mm.
A.3.4 Balance: accuracy of 0.1 mg.
A.3.5 Heating and stirring device: the device shall be able to keep constant
temperature at (37 ± 2) °C and continuously and automatically stir. The outer
layer of the stirrer shall be PTFE or glass. An oscillating water bath that can
keep constant temperature at (37 ± 2) °C can also be used.
A.3.6 Acidity meter: the accuracy is ±0.2 pH unit.
A.3.7 Filter membrane (applicable to aqueous solution): pore size of 0.45 μm.
A.3.8 Volumetric flask: 25 mL, 50 mL, 100 mL, etc.
A.3.9 Pipette: 1 mL, 2 mL, 5 mL, 10 mL, 25 mL, 50 mL, etc.
A.3.10 Series chemical containers: the total volume is 1.6 ~ 5.0 times the
volume of the extractant of the hydrochloric acid solution (A.2.2).
A.3.11 Glass plate or polytetrafluoroethylene plate.
All glassware, sample containers, stirrers, glass plates or
polytetrafluoroethylene plates must be soaked in nitric acid solution (A.2.4) for
24 hours before use, then washed with water and dried.
A.4 Test steps
A.4.1 Preparation of coating film
Stir the to-be-tested sample evenly. Prepare a mixed sample according to the
specified construction ratio of the product (the thinner does not need to be
added); stir evenly; then, prepare a coating film of appropriate thickness on the
glass plate or polytetrafluoroethylene plate (A.3.11). Under the drying
conditions that are specified in the product manual, after the coating film is
completely dry (if the self-drying paint is dried, the temperature cannot exceed
(60 ± 2) °C), remove the coating film; use the crushing equipment (A.3.2) to
crush it at room temperature; use a stainless steel metal sieve (A.3.3) to sieve
it before processing.
Note 1: For coating films that cannot be crushed (such as elastic or plastic
coating films), use clean scissors (A.3.2) to cut the coating film as much
as possible; directly perform sample processing without sieving.
Note 2: For powdered samples, perform sample processing directly.
A.4.2 Sample processing
Perform two parallel tests on the prepared samples.
Use a suitable chemical container (A.3.10); use a suitable pipette (A.3.9) to
combine the hydrochloric acid solution (A.2.2) that is equivalent to 50 times the
mass of the test sample and of a temperature of (37 ± 2) °C with the test sample.
After stirring for 1 min on the stirring device (A.3.5), use an acidity meter (A.3.6)
Appendix B
Determination of lead content
B.1 Principle
For the dried coating film, use a suitable method to remove all organic
substances; then, use a suitable analytical instrument to determine the lead
content in the test solution.
B.2 Reagent
In the analysis test, only use reagents that are confirmed to be analytical
reagents; the used water shall meet the requirements of Grade-3 water in GB/T
B.2.1 Nitric acid: about 65% (mass fraction); the density is about 1.40 g/mL;
nitric acid that has turned yellow shall not be used.
B.2.2 Hydrogen peroxide: about 30% (mass fraction); the density is about 1.10
B.2.3 Magnesium carbonate.
B.2.4 Nitric acid solution: 1:1 (volume ratio).
B.2.5 Nitric acid solution: 2:98 (volume ratio).
B.2.6 Lead standard stock solution: the concentration is 100 mg/L or 1 000 mg/L.
B.3 Instruments and apparatuses
General laboratory equipment and some of the following equipment.
B.3.1 Appropriate analytical instruments: such as flame atomic absorption
spectrometer, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer.
B.3.2 Crushing equipment: crusher, scissors or other suitable crushing
B.3.3 Electric heating plate: temperature controllable.
B.3.4 Muffle furnace: the temperature can be controlled at (475 ± 25) °C.
B.3.5 Microwave digestion system.
the fume hood; gradually increase the temperature of the electric heating plate
(not exceeding 475 °C) until the sample is digested into a coke mass, and the
volatile digestion products have been fully discharged; only leave a dry
carbonaceous residue. Then, put the crucible into the muffle furnace (B.3.4) at
(475 ± 25) °C; keep it warm until it is completely ashed.
Enough air shall be supplied for oxidation during the ashing; but the material in
the crucible is not allowed to burn at any stage.
After the crucible that contains the ash is cooled to room temperature, add 5
mL of nitric acid (B.2.1); then, use a filter membrane (B.3.9) to filter the solution
in the crucible, and transfer it to a 50 mL volumetric flask (B.3.10); use water to
rinse the crucible and the filter membrane; collect all the obtained solutions in
the same volumetric flask; then, use water to dilute to the mark. Do a reagent
blank test at the same time.
Note: This method is not applicable to fluorocarbon coatings.
B.4.2.2 Wet acid digestion method
Weigh about 0.1 g ~ 0.3 g (accurate to 0.1 mg) of the crushed sample into a 50
mL beaker (B.3.8); add 7 mL of nitric acid (B.2.1); cover the mouth of the beaker
with a watch glass; heat on the electric heating plate (B.3.3) to keep the solution
slightly boiling for about 15 minutes; continue to heat until white smoke is
produced. Remove the beaker from the electric heating plate; cool it for about
5 minutes; slowly add 1 mL ~ 2 mL of hydrogen peroxide (B.2.2) 3 times. After
each addition, wait for the reaction to calm down before adding. Place the
beaker on the electric heating plate again and heat until the sample is
completely digested. If the sample is not fully digested, remove it and cool it
slightly; then, add an appropriate amount of concentrated nitric acid (B.2.1) and
hydrogen peroxide (B.2.2) one or two times; continue to heat to complete the
digestion of the sample. When the remaining solution is about 1 mL, remove
the beaker and cool to room temperature. Use about 10 mL of water to dilute;
then, use a filter membrane (B.3.10) to filter the solution and transfer to a 50
mL volumetric flask (B.3.10). Use water to rinse the beaker and the filter
membrane; collect all the obtained solutions in the same volumetric flask; then,
use water to dilute to the mark. Do a reagent blank test at the same time.
B.4.2.3 Microwave digestion method
Weigh about 0.1 g ~ 0.2 g (accurate to 0.1 mg) of the crushed sample into a
microwave digestion tank; respectively add 5 mL of nitric acid (B.2.1) and 2 mL
of hydrogen peroxide (B.2.2); then, close the digestion tank. Perform digestion
according to the following temperature program: rise to (180 ± 5) °C within about
10 min; maintain the temperature for 30 min; then, cool down. After the digestion
tank is cooled to room temperature, open the digestion tank; use a filter
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.