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GB/T 23493-2009 (GB/T 23493-2022 Newer Version) PDF English

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GB/T 23493-2022English199 Add to Cart 3 days General quality for Chinese sausage Valid
GB/T 23493-2009English150 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Chinese sausage Obsolete
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GB/T 23493-2009: PDF in English (GBT 23493-2009)

GB/T 23493-2009 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 67.120.10 X 22 Chinese Sausage 中式香肠 ISSUED ON. APRIL 27, 2009 IMPLEMENTED ON. OCTOBER 1, 2009 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative References ... 4  3 Terms and Definitions ... 5  4 Technical Requirements ... 6  5 Testing Methods ... 7  6 Inspection Rules ... 8  7 Labels and Marks ... 10  8 Packaging, Transportation and Storage ... 10  9 Product Recall ... 11  Chinese Sausage 1 Scope This Standard specifies the definition, technical requirements, testing methods, inspection rules, as well as other requirements of Chinese sausage, such as pictorial mark, packaging, transportation and storage. This Standard shall be applicable to the production, inspection and marketing of products defined under 3.1. 2 Normative References Through the reference under this Standard, terms in the following documents become terms of this Standard. All the subsequent modifications (excluding the corrected content) or revised editions of references with a specified date are not applicable to this Standard. However, all parties which reach an agreement in accordance with this Standard are encouraged to study whether the latest version of these documents are applicable. The latest version of all references without a specified date are applicable to this Standard. GB/T 191 Packaging - Pictorial Marking for Handling of Goods (GB/T 191-2008, ISO 780.1997, MOD) GB 317 White Granulated Sugar (GB 317-2006, Codex Stan 212-1999, NEQ) GB 2730 Standard for Cured Meat Products GB 2757 Hygienic Standard for Distilled Liquor and Formulated Liquor GB 2758 Hygienic Standard for Fermented Liquor GB 2760 Hygienic Standard for Uses of Food Additives GB/T 5009.33 Determination of Nitrite and Nitrate in Foods GB/T 5009.37 Method for Analysis of Hygienic Standard of Edible Oils GB/T 5009.44 Method for Analysis of Hygienic Standard of Meat and Meat Products GB 5461 Edible Salt GB/T 6388 Transportation Package Shipping Mark GB 7718 General Standard for the Labeling of Prepackaged Foods GB/T 7740 Natural Casings GB/T 9695.1 Meat and Meat Products - Determination of Free Fat Content GB/T 9695.8 Meat and Meat Products - Determination of Chloride Content GB/T 9695.11 Meat and Meat Products - Determination of Nitrogen Content GB/T 9695.15 Meat and Meat Products - Determination of Moisture Content GB/T 9695.31 Meat and Meat Products - Determination of Total Sugars Content GB 9959.1 Fresh and Frozen Demi Carcass Pork GB/T 9959.2 Fresh and Frozen Pork Lean Cuts GB 9961 Fresh and Frozen Mutton Carcass GB 12694 Hygienic Specifications of Meat Packing Plant GB 14967 Hygienic Standard for Collagen Casing GB/T 16869 Fresh and Frozen Poultry Products GB/T 17238 Fresh and Frozen Beef, Cuts Food Recall Management Regulations - Decree No. 98 [2007] by General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China Food Labeling Management Regulations - Decree No. 102 [2007] by General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China 3 Terms and Definitions The following terms and definitions are applicable to this Standard. 3.1 Chinese sausage Sausage Dried sausage as eyes, nose, mouth and hands, etc. 5.2 Moisture Assess moisture in accordance with the methods stipulated in GB/T 9695.15. 5.3 Protein Assess protein in accordance with the methods stipulated in GB/T 9695.11. 5.4 Fat Assess fat in accordance with the methods stipulated in GB/T 9695.1. 5.5 Total Sugar (counted by glucose) Assess total sugar in accordance with the methods stipulated in GB/T 9695.31. 5.6 Chloride Assess chloride in accordance with the methods stipulated in GB/T 9695.8. 5.7 Peroxide Value Process the sample in accordance with the methods stipulated by GB/T 5009.44. Assess peroxide value in accordance with the methods stipulated in GB/T 5009.37. 5.8 Nitrite Assess nitrite in accordance with the methods stipulated in GB/T 5009.33. 6 Inspection Rules 6.1 Group-Batch Products produced on the same day (or the same shift) and under the same variety shall be categorized into a batch. 6.2 Sampling 6.2.1 Sample size. randomly draw samples from the same batch of products in accordance with Table 3; archive-reserve one third of the samples for future reference. items under this Standard shall be assessed as qualified. If products fail to satisfy the requirements of any exit-factory inspection items under this Standard, these products shall be re-inspected through doubled random sampling. 6.4.2 Assessment and Re-inspection of Type Inspection Products that can satisfy the requirements of all the type inspection items under this Standard shall be assessed as accepted. If products fail to satisfy the requirements of no more than three type inspection items under this Standard, these products shall be re-inspected through doubled random sampling. If these products fail to satisfy the requirements of any one type inspection item after the re-inspection, they shall be assessed as rejected. If these products fail to satisfy the requirements of more than three type inspection items, they shall be assessed as rejected without the re-inspection. 7 Labels and Marks 7.1 Labels on the package of prepackaged products shall be implemented in accordance with GB 7718 and Administrative Provisions on Food Labeling. 7.2 Marks on transportation packaging shall comply with the stipulations under GB/T 191 and GB/T 6388. 8 Packaging, Transportation and Storage 8.1 Packaging Packaging materials shall comply with the stipulations of relevant standards. 8.2 Transportation Transportation tools shall comply with hygienic requirements. During the transportation, products shall not be placed or packaged together with poisonous, detrimental, odorous, volatile or corrosive goods. Avoid squeezing the products, protect the products from the sun, rain and moisture; handle the products with care during the loading and unloading. 8.3 Storage 8.3.1 Warehouse Requirements Warehouse shall be hygienic, dry and equipped with thermal insulation function. Poisonous, detrimental, odorous, volatile or corrosive goods shall not be stored ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.