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GB/T 223.61-1988 PDF English

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GB/T 223.61-1988English70 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Methods for chemical analysis of iron, steel and alloy - The ammonium phosphomolybdate volumetric method for the determination of phosphorus content  
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GB/T 223.61-1988: PDF in English (GBT 223.61-1988)

GB 223.61-88 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA UDC 669.14/.15.543.06 Replacing GB 223.3-81 Method II Methods for chemical analysis of iron, steel and alloy - the ammonium phosphomolybdate volumetric method for the determination of phosphorus content APPROVED ON. JANUARY 18, 1988 IMPLEMENTED ON. FEBRUARY 1, 1989 Issued by. China Bureau of Technical Supervision. Approved by China Bureau of Technical Supervision. Table of Contents Additional information ... 3  1 Method summary ... 4  2 Reagents ... 4  3 Procedure ... 7  4 Calculation (expression) of analytic result ... 9  5 Precision... 10  Annex A (Supplemented) Source data from precision test ... 11  Additional information This Standard is under the jurisdiction of the Central Iron and Steel Research Institute, Ministry of Metallurgical Industry. The main drafting organization of this Standard. Central Iron and Steel Research Institute of the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry. The drafting organizations of this Standard. Central Iron and Steel Research Institute, Ministry of Metallurgical Industry and the Steel and Iron Research Institute of Maanshan Iron and Steel Company Limited. Main drafter of this Standard. Cao Hongyao Level mark of this Standard. GB 223.61-88 I Methods for chemical analysis of iron, steel and alloy - the ammonium phosphomolybdate volumetric method for the determination of phosphorus content This Standard is applicable to determination of phosphorus in pig iron, iron dust, carbon steel and alloyed steel. The phosphorus content range by determination is as. 0.01%~1.0%. This Standard complies with "General Rules and Regulations of the Chemical Analysis Methods for Products of Metallurgical Industries" (GB 1467-78). 1 Method summary Dissolve the sample with oxidizing acid; at nitric acid acidity of 2.2 mol/L, add ammonium molybdate to generate ammonium phosphomolybdate deposition; after filtering, dissolve with excessive standard sodium hydrate solution; taking phenolphthalein solution as indicator, back-titrate the excessive sodium hydrate with nitric acid standard solution till the pink just disappears (the end-point) (about pH8). The general reaction formula of dissolving ammonium molybdate precipitation with sodium hydrate is as. Arsenic of less than 100μg, tantalum < 500 μg, zirconium, vanadium or niobium < 1 mg, wolfram < 8 mg, titanium < 10 mg and silicon < 20 mg contained in the test solution, may not interfere the determination; exceeding the limits above, remove arsenic by hydrochloric acid and hydrobromic acid; mask zirconium, niobium, tantalum, titanium and silicon by hydrofluoric acid; reduce vanadium by hydroxylamine hydrochloride; remove wolfram (in ammonia solution at presence of EDTA) by beryllium carrier. 2 Reagents 2.1 Ammonium nitrate. solid. 2.2 Ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid disodium (hereinafter referred to as EDTA disodium). solid. 2.3 Perchloric acid (ρ=1.67 g/ml). 2.4 Hydrofluoric acid (ρ=1.15 g/ml). 2.5 Nitric acid (ρ=1.42 g/ml). 2.6 Nitric acid (1+3). 2.7 Nitric acid (2+100). 2.8 Hydrochloric acid (ρ=1.19 g/ml). 2.9 Hydrobromic acid (ρ=1.49 g/ml). 2.10 Ammonium hydroxide (ρ=0.90 g/ml). 2.11 Ammonium hydroxide (5+95). 2.12 Sodium nitrite solution (10%). 2.13 Beryllium sulfate solution (2%). prepare with sulfuric acid (1+100). 2.14 Hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution (10%). prepare just before use. 2.15 Ammonium molybdate solution. weigh 135 g of ammonium molybdate [(NH4)6·Mo7O24·4H2O], dissolve it in warm water and cool it; dilute to 1000 ml with water, stir, and slowly pour into 1000 ml of nitric acid (2+3, mix; add 5 mg of diammonium hydrogen phosphate, standing 24h; and filter it with slow filter paper before use. 2.16 Neutral water. boil the distilled water to remove carbon dioxide, and then cool it by following water. Prepare just before use. 2.17 Phenolphthalein solution. weigh 0.25 g of phenolphthalein, dissolve it in 30ml of alcohol, and dilute to 50 ml with water. 2.18 Standard sodium hydrate solution, C(NaOH) = 0.1 mol/L or C(NaOH) = 0.05 mol/L. 2.18.1 Preparation Weigh 4 g or 2 g of sodium hydrate, dissolve it in 1000 ml of neutral water (2.16), and store the solution in a sealed plastic bottle. 2.18.2 Calibration Weigh 0.3000 g of reference potassium hydrogen phthalate (stove at 105°C in advance, place it in a dryer and cool it to the ambient temperature) (three portion), dissolve them with 80 ml of neutral water respectively, and add 2~3 drops of phenolphthalein solution (2.17) respectively; titrate them with standard sodium hydrate solution (2.18) to light red; the maximum difference of the amount consumption (mL) of standard sodium hydrate solution for the three solutions shall not exceed 0.05ml, the mean shall be taken, and the concentration of standard sodium hydrate solution is taken according to the formula below. Where, C - The mass concentration of the standard sodium hydrate solution, mol/l; m - The mass of potassium hydrogen phthalate weighed, g; V - The mean volume of the standard sodium hydrate solution consumed for calibration, ml; 204.22 - The mole mass of potassium hydrogen phthalate, g/mol. 2.19 Standard nitric acid solution, C(HNO3)=0.1 mol/l or C(HNO3)=0.05 mol/l. 2.19.1 Preparation Pipette 6.5 ml or 3.3 ml of nitric acid (2.5) that has been remove nitric oxide and cooled up, and dilute it to 1000 ml with water, mix. 2.19.2 Calibration Pipette 25.00 ml of standard sodium hydrate solution (2.18) (three portions), add 50 ml of neutral water (2.16) and 3 drops of phenolphthalein (2.17) respectively, titrate them with standard nitric acid solution (2.19.1) respectively till the red disappears; the maximum difference of the consumptions of standard nitric acid solutions (2.19.1) for three portions of the solution shall not exceed 0.05 mL, and the mean (V1) shall be taken according to the formula below. Where, K - The coefficient for reduction of standard nitric acid solution to standard sodium hydrate solution; V - The mean volume of standard nitric acid solution used for titrating, ml; 25.00 - The volume of the standard sodium hydrate solution (2.18) pipetted, ml. 3 Procedure 3.1 Sample Amount The sample shall be selected as required by Table 1. Table 1 3.2 Blank Test Carry out the blank test in parallel with the test with the sample. 3.3 Determination 3.3.1 Sample dissolution Common sample Place the sample (3.1) into a 300 ml conical beaker, and add nitric acid as required by Table 1, and heat for dissolving [for indissoluble sample, add appropriate amount of hydrochloric acid (2.8) dropwise to promote dissolution]. Add perchloric acid as required by Table 1, heat it till the fume appears, slightly cool, add 0.5 ml of hydrofluoric acid (2.4) dropwise, and heat again and make it fume till the conical beaker becomes transparent inside and refluxes 3~ 4 min (it the sample contains over 10 mg of manganese, add more 7~8 ml of perchloric acid (2.3), heat and make it fume till the conical beaker becomes transparent inside and refluxes 20~25 min, so as to oxidize phosphorus completely); and continue to evaporate it to nearly dry, and cool it up. Sample containing over 50 mg of chromium Proceed the procedure as till adding 0.5 ml of oxygen-fluorine acid (2.4); after this, re-evaporate and make it fume till chromium is oxidized to hexavalent one; add hydrochloric acid (2.8) dropwise by several times, and repeat 2~3 times; and re-evaporate till the conical beaker becomes transparent inside and refluxes 3~4 min; and re-evaporate again to nearly dry, and cool it up. Sample containing over limit of arsenic Proceed the procedure as till adding 0.5 ml of hydrofluoric acid (2.4); after this, re-evaporate till fume appears; take it down and cool it slightly; add 10 ml of hydrochloric acid (2.8) and 5 ml of hydrobromic acid (2.9); heat and evaporate till white fume appears and remove arsenic. Continue to evaporate till the conical beaker becomes transparent inside and refluxes 3~4 min; and re-evaporate it to nearly dry, and cool it up. 3.3.2 Salt dissolution Add 5ml of nitric acid (2.5) and 40 ml of water to dissolve the salt, add sodium nitrite solution (2.12) dropwise to reduce chromium to low-valency one, and add 2 excessive drops, and boil for 1~2 min; remove nitric oxide. 3.3.3 Treatment of interfering element(s) Sample containing over 8 mg of wolfram Proceed the procedures as required by; dissolve the salt with 25 ml of water, add EDTA as required by Table 1, add 10 ml of beryllium sulfate solution (2.13), add ammonium hydroxide (2.10) dropwise to neutralize it pH 3~4, and dilute to 100 ml with water; heat and boil it slightly for 1~2 min, and add 15 ml of ammonium hydroxide (2.10) while stirring; re-boil 1 min and cool it by flowing water. Filter the solution with intermediate speed filter paper, wash it with ammonium hydroxide (2.11) and with water for 2 times. Discard the filtrate and the washing liquid, wash the precipitation into the original conical beaker; dissolve the residual precipitation on the filter paper with 5 ml of nitric acid (2.5) a... ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.