GB/T 17921-2010 PDF English
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GB/T 17921-2010 | English | 70 |
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Earth-moving machinery -- Seat belts and seat belt anchorages -- Performance requirements and tests
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GB/T 17921-1999 | English | 239 |
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Earth-moving machinery-Seat belts and seat belt anchorages
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GB/T 17921-2010: PDF in English (GBT 17921-2010) GB/T 17921-2010
ICS 53.100
P 97
Replacing GB/T 17921-1999
Earth-moving Machinery - Seat Belts and Seat Belt
Anchorages - Performance Requirements and Tests
(ISO 6683.2005, MOD)
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative References ... 5
3 Terms and Definitions ... 6
4 Technical Requirements of Restraint System ... 6
5 Performance Requirements of Anchorage ... 7
6 Performance Requirements and Test Methods of Restraint System ... 8
The modification of this Standard adopts ISO 6683.2005 Earth-moving Machinery -
Seat Belts and Seat Belt Anchorages - Performance Requirements and Tests (English
This Standard is re-drafted in accordance with ISO 6683.2005.
In accordance with the practical application and the national condition of China, this
Standard makes some modifications in the adoption of ISO 6683.2005. The technical
differences between this Standard and ISO 6683.2005 are as follows.
---The quoted standard is modified from UNECE R16.2000 to GB 14166-2003;
---The quoted standard SAE J386. 1997 Operator Restraint System for Off-Road
Work Machines is deleted;
---Chapter 4 is deleted; the content in the previous Chapter 4 is modified into 4.4;
Chapter No. is postponed.
In order to make it convenient for application, this Standard makes the following
editorial modifications.
---“This international standard” is modified into “this Standard”;
---The foreword of the international standard is deleted.
This Standard serves as a replacement of GB/T 17921-1999 Earth-moving Machinery
- Seat Belts and Seat Belt Anchorages.
In comparison with GB/T 17921-1999, this Standard has the following main changes.
---The name of the standard is modified into “Earth-moving Machinery - Seat Belts
and Seat Belt Anchorages - Performance Requirements and Tests”;
---Normative reference “GB/T 19930 Earth-moving Machinery - Tip-over
Protection Structure (TOPS) for Compact Excavators - Laboratory Tests and
Performance Requirements (GB/T 19930-2005, ISO 12117. 1997, MOD)” is
---The term “seat belt device” is modified into “seat belt assembly”;
---The title of Chapter 4 is modified into “Technical Requirements of Restraint
---“4.4 Seat Belt Assembly” is added to Chapter 4;
---In 4.3, “when (670 ± 45) N tensile force acts on the seat belt, the acting force
Earth-moving Machinery - Seat Belts and Seat Belt
Anchorages - Performance Requirements and Tests
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the minimum performance requirements of restraint system
(seat belts and seat belt anchorages) for earth-moving machinery. Once a machine
rolls over (please refer to the stipulation in GB/T 17922), it needs to firmly fasten the
driver or passenger within the Roll Over Protection System (ROPS), or once a machine
tips over (please refer to the stipulation in GB/T 19930), it needs to firmly fasten the
driver or passenger within the Tip Over Protection System (TOPS).
2 Normative References
Through the quotation in this Standard, clauses in the following documents become
clauses of this Standard. In terms of references with a specified data, all the
subsequent modification lists (excluding corrigendum content) or revised editions are
not applicable to this Standard. However, all parties that reach an agreement in
accordance with this Standard are encouraged to explore the possibility of adopting
the newest versions of these documents. In terms of references without a specified
date, the newest versions are applicable to this Standard.
GB/T 8420 Earth-moving Machinery - Human Physical Dimensions of Operators
and Minimum Operator Space Envelope (GB/T 8420-2000, eqv ISO 3411. 1995)
GB/T 8591 Earth-moving Machinery - Seat Index Point (GB/T 8591-2000, eqv ISO
5353. 1995)
GB 14166-2003 Safety Belts and Restraint Systems for Adult Occupants of Motor
Vehicles (ECE R16.1993, MOD)
GB/T 17922 Earth-moving Machinery - Roll-over Protective Structures -
Laboratory Tests and Performance Requirements (GB/T 17922-1999, idt ISO
3471. 1994)
GB/T 19930 Earth-moving Machinery - Tip-Over Protection Structure (TOPS) for
Compact Excavators - Laboratory Tests and Performance Requirements (GB/T
19930-2005, ISO 12117. 1997, MOD)
W---cushion width;
Z---seat belt fastened area.
a Calibration point of driver’s seat (please refer to GB/T 8591).
Figure 1 -- Range of Seat Belt Fastening
If seats can rotate or there is a suspension device, seat belt shall be fastened on the
anchorage near the rear corner of the driver’s seat cushion (in the shadow line area
illustrated in Figure 1), so that the seat belt assembly can move together with the
cushion. Belts, strings or similar objects that are easily bendable and tenacious can be
utilized to transmit the force of the seat belt assembly from the anchorage to the
The calibration point of driver’s seat shall be determined in accordance with the
stipulation in GB/T 8591.
6 Performance Requirements and Test Methods of
Restraint System
When loading from the upper front, namely, within the range of 60 ° ± 15° above the
horizontal direction, when the acting force basically goes through SIP point (please
refer to GB/T 8591), the installed restraint system shall comply with the following
a) The fastened restraint system shall be able to endure not less than 15,000 N
continuously increased tensile force F (Figure 1), force-bearing time shall be
not less than 10 s at the minimum and not more than 30 s at the maximum.
When imposing force F, the shape block demonstrated in Figure 2 can be
b) Under the circumstance of bearing force F, the length increase of the seat belt
shall not be more than 20%.
c) Under the effect of the force F, any component in the seat belt assembly and its
fastened part are allowed to manifest permanent deformation. However, the
restraint system, seat components and seat adjustment and locking
mechanism shall not be loosened.
d) After the buckle endures the force F, the force that unlocks the buckle shall
comply with the requirement in 4.3.
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.