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GB/T 177-1985 PDF English

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GB/T 177-1985: PDF in English (GBT 177-1985)

GB/T 177-1985 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 13.030.20 Z 63 Test method for strength of hydraulic cement mortar October 1, 1985 Implemented Issued Table of Contents Test method for strength of hydraulic cement mortar ... 3  1 Instrument ... 3  2 Materials ... 5  3 Temperature and humidity ... 5  4 Specimen moulding ... 6  5 Curing ... 7  6 Strength test ... 7  Additional Information... 9  Test method for strength of hydraulic cement mortar This method is applicable to flexural and compressive strength tests of Portland cement, common Portland cement, slag cement, limestone cement, and coal ash cement. For other type of cements that are designated to adopt this method, after the water-cement ratio is experimentally determined, it may also applicable. 1 Instrument 1.1 Mortar mixer Mortar mixer is in type of blades double-turning; the stirring blades and stirring bowl are turned in reverse direction. Blades and bowl are made of wear-resistant metallic material; the gaps BETWEEN blades AND bowl-bottom and bowl-wall are 1.5 ± 0.5mm. The manufacturing quality shall comply with provisions of GB3350.1-82 “Apparatus for physical test of cement - -Mixer for mixing mortars”. 1.2 Mortar vibrostand Mortar vibrostand (Figure 1) is vibrated by an electrical motor that is mounted with 2 symmetrical laterality wheels. When using, fix it to the concrete base and comply with the provisions of GB 3350.2-82 "Apparatus for physical test of cement - Vibrator for compacting mortar specimen". 1.3 Mould and baiting funnel 1.3.1 Mould is detachable triple-mould; it is consisted by partition-plates, end-plates, and base etc. The manufacturing quality shall comply with provisions of GB 3350.5-82 “Apparatus for physical test of cement - Specimen mould for use in testing mortar strength”. For the mould in use, the mould-cavity height must not be less than 39.8mm, mould-cavity width must not be greater than 40.2mm. 1.3.2 Baiting funnel (Fig. 2) is consisted of funnel and die ring. Funnel is made of 0.5mm galvanized iron sheet, the feeding mouth’s width is generally 4-5mm. Die ring’ height is 25mm, made of metal material. Baiting hopper’s weight is 2.5 ~ 2.0kg. 1.4 Flexural testing machine Flexural testing machine generally uses double-level type; it may also adopt others of which the performance meets the requirements. Flexural jig shall comply with the requirements of 2.5 ~ 2.9 in GB 3350.3-82 "Apparatus for physical test of cement - Electrically driven flexure testing device". Loading and support cylinder must be made of hard steel material, After abrasion, the allowed dimensions of the cylinder is. 10- mm. 0.2 1.5 Compressive testing machine and compression jig 1.5.1 Tonnage of compressive testing machine should be to 20 ~ 30t, the error must not exceed ± 2.0%. 1.5.2 Compressive jig is made of hard steel material, and complies with GB 3350.4-82 " Apparatus for physical test of cement compression jig". 1.6 Calibrating knife Calibrating knife’s section is an equilateral triangle, the effective length is 26mm. 2 Materials 2.1 Cement specimen shall be fully mixed, pass through 0.9mm square-hole sieve, and record the sieve residues. 2.2 Standard sand shall comply with the quality requirements of GB178-77 "Standard sand for cement strength test". 2.3 Test water must be clean, fresh water. 3 Temperature and humidity 3.1 Test chamber’s temperature is 17 ~ 25°C (including strength test chamber); the relative humidity is greater than 50%. Temperature of cement specimen, standard sand, mixing water and mould shall be the same as the chamber temperature. 3.2 Curing oven’s temperature is 20 ± 3°C; the relative humidity is greater than 90%. Curing water’s temperature is 20 ± 2°C. in 2 age-periods. 4.7 When changing cement before test, it must clean the mixing bowl, blades and baiting funnel etc. 5 Curing 5.1 After numbering, place the test moulds into curing oven. The grate plate in curing oven must be level. Take out after 24 ± 3h; demould it; when demoulding, it shall prevent to damage the test specimen. For slower hardening cement, it allows to delay the demoulding, however, the demoulding time must be recorded. 5.2 After the specimen is demoulded, place in water tank for curing. There shall have gap in between the specimens; water surface is at least 2cm above the specimen; the curing water is changed for every 2 weeks. 6 Strength test 6.1 Each age-period’s specimen must be conducted for strength test, within the following time. Age-period Time 3d 3d ± 2h 7d 7d ± 3h 28d 28d ± 3h After specimens are removed from water, they shall be covered with damp cloth before the strength test. 6.2 Flexural strength test. 6.2.1 Fro each age-period, take out 3 specimens to conduct flexural strength test. Before test, wipe away water and sand on the specimens’ surface; remove the debris adhered on jig’s cylindrical surface; place the specimen into the flexural jig; it shall make its side to contact with the cylinder. 6.2.2 When using leveraged flexural test machine to conduct the test, before the specimen is placed, it shall make the lever into equilibrium. After the specimen is mounted, adjust the jig, so that the lever is at equilibrium state as possible, when the specimen is fractured. 6.2.3 Loading speed of flexural test is 5 ± 0.5kgf / s. 6.2.4 Flexural strength is calculated according to equation (1). S ─ compressive area, that is 4cmx6.25cm. Compressive strength is calculated to 1kgf / cm2. 6.3.4 In 6 compressive strength results, discard the largest and the smallest 2 values; compressive strength test result is based on the mean of the remaining 4 values. If it is less than 6 values, take the mean. Additional Information. This Standard was proposed by State Bureau of Building Materials Industry. This Standard shall be administered by Building Materials Science and Technology Research Institute. This Standard was responsibly revised by Building Materials Academy. The main drafters of this Standard. Zhao Fuxin, Zhang Datong, and Fan Jiquan. This Standard was first published in 1962. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.