GB/T 17519-2013 PDF English
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Guidance on the compilation of safety data sheet for chemical products
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Safety data sheet for chemical products--Part 1: Content and order of sections
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GB/T 17519-2013: PDF in English (GBT 17519-2013) GB/T 17519-2013
ICS 01.040.71; 71.040.40
G 04
Replacing GB/T 17519.2-2003
Guidance on the compilation of safety data sheet for
chemical products
Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of PRC;
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
Introduction ... 5
1 Scope ... 6
2 Normative references ... 6
3 Key points of writing ... 8
4 Format ... 42
5 Writing requirements ... 43
6 Unit of measurement ... 43
Appendix A (Informative) Sample of chemical safety data sheet... 45
Appendix B (Informative) Reference data source for compiling chemical safety
data sheet ... 64
References ... 72
Guidance on the compilation of safety data sheet for
chemical products
1 Scope
This standard specifies the detailed rules for the compilation of 16 parts of the
SDS, the format of the SDS, the writing requirements of the SDS, the
requirements for measurement units.
This standard applies to the compilation of SDS.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For
the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable
to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including
all the amendments) are applicable to this standard.
GB 3100~3102 Quantities and units
GB 4839 Chinese common name for pesticides
GB/T 11651 Code of practice for selection of personal protective equipments
GB 12268 List of dangerous goods
GB 15258 General rules for preparation of precautionary label for chemicals
GB/T 16483 Safety data sheet for chemical products - Content and order of
GB/T 18664 Selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective
GB 20576 Safety rules for classification, precautionary labelling and
precautionary statements of chemicals - Explosives
GB 20577 Safety rules for classification, precautionary labelling and
precautionary statements of chemicals - Flammable gases
GB 20578 Safety rules for classification, precautionary labelling and
precautionary statements of chemicals - Flammable aerosols
emergency telephone number for chemical accidents in the territory of
3.1.4 Recommended uses and restricted uses of chemicals
The filling of this item include:
a) Provide the recommended or expected use of the chemical, including a
brief description of its practical application, such as the use as a flame
retardant, as an antioxidant, etc.
b) It shall, as far as possible, explain the restrictions on the use of chemicals,
including those recommended by non-statutory suppliers.
3.2 Overview of hazards
3.2.1 Overview of emergencies
The overview of emergency situation describes the serious hazards, that may
be caused immediately by chemicals in the accident state, as well as the
hazards that may have serious consequences, that need to be identified
urgently; provide a reference for rescuers at the scene of a chemical accident.
The matters needing attention in writing this item are as follows:
a) This item shall be placed in the starting position of the SDS Part 2 - Hazard
summary, which may use eye-catching fonts or borders.
b) If necessary, describe the physical state of the chemical, such as color,
shape, smell, vapor color.
c) For the following properties (but not limited to) of chemicals, they can be
included in this item as hazards, that may cause immediate serious
hazards or have serious consequences, that need to be identified urgently
in an accident state:
1) Chemicals are flammable and explosive;
2) The chemical has a major or special fire or explosion hazard (such as
can spread to the ignition source, can form an explosive mixture,
combustible dust explosion hazard, etc.);
3) Belong to oxidant, organic peroxide, spontaneous combustion
4) The chemical is unstable (reaction) or reacts with water;
5) It can cause major reactive hazards (for example, uncontrolled reaction
with water or organic matter, natural decomposition, etc.);
Signal word: Danger.
Hazard statement: Extremely flammable liquid and vapor; fatal if swallowed; very
toxic to aquatic organisms.
Precautionary statement:
- Keep away from heat, sparks, open flames, hot surfaces. Use tools, that do not
produce sparks, to perform operation.
- Keep the container tightly closed.
- Take measures to prevent static electricity; ground and connect the container
and receiving equipment.
- Use explosion-proof electrical appliances, ventilation, lighting, other equipment.
- Wear protective gloves, protective goggles, protective face shields.
- Thoroughly wash body parts, that are exposed, after operation.
- No eating, drinking, or smoking in the workplace.
- Discharge into the environment is prohibited.
Incident response:
- Skin (or hair) contact: Take off all contaminated clothing immediately; use water
to rinse the skin AND take a shower.
- Ingestion: Induce vomiting, seek medical attention immediately.
- Collect leakage.
- In case of fire, use dry powder, foam, carbon dioxide to extinguish the fire.
Safe storage:
- Store in a cool, well-ventilated place.
- Locked for safekeeping.
- This product or its container is disposed of by incineration.
3.2.4 Physical and chemical hazards
Inhalation: Can be quickly absorbed through the lungs. Can cause liver and
kidney damage. Excessive inhalation can cause depression of central nervous
system, drowsiness, disturbance of consciousness. Cause arrhythmia.
Ingestion: Non-toxic if swallowed.
Chronic effects: Long-term or repeated excessive exposure can cause liver and
kidney damage. Animal studies have shown carcinogenicity. IARC lists it as a
possible carcinogen (G2A). No significant reproductive toxicity is found in the rat
Skin: Prolonged contact can cause skin irritation. One time or long-term contact
has not cause skin absorption of harmful doses of this product.
Eyes: May cause mild irritation.
Symptoms and signs: Redness and swelling after eye and skin irritation;
drowsiness or disturbance of consciousness; arrhythmia; changes in urine output
and urine appearance after renal damage, edema (accumulation of body fluids);
loss of appetite and jaundice (skin becomes yellow) after liver damage,
occasionally with upper abdominal pain.
3.2.6 Environmental hazards
The matters, that shall be paid attention to, when writing this item are:
a) Describe the significant environmental hazards of chemicals, in a simple
and easy-to-understand language. Relevant supporting information or
data can be provided in SDS Part 12 - Ecological information.
b) The specific ingredients in the mixture, that can cause environmental
hazards, can be described in this item or in SDS Part 12.
c) If the information shows that the chemical has no significant environmental
impact, it can be stated in this item or in SDS Part 12.
Example 1:
Toxic to aquatic life. May cause long-term harmful effects on the aquatic
Example 2:
No significant toxic effects were found in the algae test.
3.2.7 Other hazards
This item shall describe other hazard characteristics, that are not included in
3.4.1 Description of first aid measures
The matters, that shall be paid attention to, when writing this item are:
a) According to the different exposure routes of the chemical, in the order of
inhalation, skin contact, eye contact, ingestion, respectively describe the
corresponding first-aid measures. If there are other injuries (such as
frostbite caused by cryogenic liquids, burns caused by solid melting, etc.)
that must be treated, in addition to poisoning and chemical burns, it shall
also explain the corresponding first-aid measures.
First aid:
Inhalation: Leave the scene quickly, to a place with fresh air. Keep the airway
unobstructed. If breathing is difficult, supply oxygen. In case of breathing and
heartbeat stop, immediately perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Seek
medical attention immediately.
Skin contact: Take off contaminated clothing immediately. Use plenty of running
water to rinse it thoroughly, for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical attention
Eye contact: Immediately separate the eyelids. Use running water or saline to
rinse it thoroughly. The rinsing time is generally 5 min ~ 10 min. Seek medical
attention immediately.
Ingestion: Rinse mouth, do not induce vomiting. Seek medical attention
b) The proposed first aid measures shall correspond to the health hazard
items in the SDS Part 2.
c) The proposed first aid measures shall be consistent with the first aid
measures, that are described on the label.
d) First aid measures should be evaluated and determined, one by one, by
medical professionals, according to the health hazard characteristics of
e) Suggestions shall be made on the following matters (but not limited to):
1) Whether the contacts shall be moved from the scene to a place with
fresh air;
2) Whether it is necessary to remove the clothing of contacts AND dispose
of contaminated clothing;
a) Applicable extinguishing agents: Use concise language to indicate the
applicable extinguishing agents. For the selection of suitable fire
extinguishing agents, please refer to relevant professional books. For the
selection of suitable fire extinguishing agents for certain chemical fires,
please refer to GB 17914, GB 17915, GB 17916.
Example 1:
Use foam, CO2 or dry powder to extinguish the fire.
b) Inapplicable extinguishing agents: Indicate the unsuitable extinguishing
agents, including those that may have chemical reactions or rapid physical
changes with the igniting substances, which will cause other hazards
(such as certain substances that react with water to release flammable or
toxic gases). It is recommended to fill in the reason why the fire
extinguishing agent is not applicable.
Example 2:
Extinguishing with water is invalid.
Example 3:
Avoid using direct running water to extinguish fires. Direct running water may
cause flammable liquids to splash and spread the fire.
3.5.2 Special hazards
This item shall provide information on the special hazards, that may be caused
by chemicals in the fire scene, e.g.:
a) Poisonous and harmful combustion products, that may be produced by
chemical combustion.
b) When the compressed gas (or liquid) in the container is exposed to high
heat, it expands rapidly, OR the material polymerizes and releases heat,
which causes the internal pressure of the container to increase, thereby
leading to cracking or explosion.
Special hazards: Combustion produces toxic sulfur or nitrogen oxide gases.
3.5.3 Precautions and protective measures for fire extinguishing
The information provided in this item shall include:
a) Protective actions taken during the fire extinguishing process. For
example, isolate the accident site, prohibit unrelated personnel from
entering; firefighters shall put out the fire in the upwind direction; spray
water to cool the container, etc.
b) Personal protective equipment to be worn by firefighters. Including fire-
fighting boots, fire-fighting clothing, fire-fighting gloves, fire-fighting
helmets, respiratory protective equipment (such as self-contained
breathing apparatus).
c) When filling in this item, it shall include the information about the possibility
of leakage AND firefighting water pollution to water sources and soil, as
well as the measures to be taken, to reduce such environmental pollution.
3.6 Leakage emergency treatment
3.6.1 Personal protective measures, protective equipment and emergency
It includes:
a) Protective equipment worn by non-emergency personnel (see SDS Part
b) Protective equipment worn by emergency personnel.
c) Fire source control measures.
d) Delineation of the on-site guard zone and evacuation of personnel.
e) Leak source control measures.
f) Control of leakage, etc.
Personal protective measures, protective equipment and emergency
Eliminate all ignition sources;
Delimit the warning zone, according to the influence area of liquid flow and vapor
diffusion; evacuate irrelevant personnel to the safe zone;
It is recommended that emergency personnel wear positive pressure self-
contained breathing apparatus, anti-static clothing, rubber and oil-resistant
All equipment used during operation shall be grounded;
3.7.1 Handling
The filling contents of this item include:
a) Make suggestions on precautions and measures, for the safe disposal of
chemicals, which include:
1) Prevent personnel from coming into contact with chemicals: It shall fill
other precautions and measures, to prevent personnel from coming in
contact with the contents, than those required in the SDS Part 8 -
Exposure control/personal protection requirements. For the personal
protection and other measures, it may be indicated in this item that
"Refer to SDS Part 8".
2) Fire and explosion prevention: It shall fill the precautions and measures,
for preventing fire, explosion, etc.
3) Local or comprehensive ventilation: Fill in the necessity of using local
or comprehensive ventilation measures, when handling chemicals.
4) Prevent the generation of aerosol and dust: Fill in the precautions and
measures to prevent the generation of aerosol and dust, when handling
5) Prevent contact with incompatible materials (incompatible substances
or mixtures): Fill in special handling precautions to prevent direct
contact with incompatible materials.
b) Recommendations for general hygiene requirements, e.g.:
1) It is forbidden to eat or drink in the workplace;
2) Wash hands after use;
3) Take off contaminated clothing and protective equipment, before
entering the dining area.
Airtight operation, to prevent vapor from leaking into the workplace atmosphere;
Avoid contact with eyes and skin; avoid inhalation of vapors; see Part 8 for
personal protective measures;
Handling shall be carried out in a place, which has local ventilation or
comprehensive ventilation facilities;
Store in a cool, well-ventilated dedicated warehouse;
Usually added with stabilizers;
Keep away from fire and heat sources;
The storage temperature shall not exceed 37 °C;
It shall be stored separately from oxidants, acids, alkalis; avoid mixed storage;
Use explosion-proof lighting and ventilation facilities;
It is forbidden to use mechanical equipment and tools, that are prone to sparks;
The storage area shall be equipped with leakage emergency treatment
equipment and suitable storage materials.
3.8 Exposure control and personal protection
3.8.1 Occupational exposure limits
List the occupational exposure limits of the substance or mixture components.
The following points shall be noted when writing this item:
a) Accurately fill in the allowable concentration of chemical substances in the
air in the workplace of GBZ 2.1, including the maximum allowable
concentration (MAC), permissible concentration-time weighted average
(PC-TWA), permissible concentration-short-term exposure limit (PC-
b) For substances for which occupational exposure limit values have not
been established in China, it may fill the occupational exposure limits of
the substances, which are stipulated by developed countries abroad. For
example, the threshold limit value (TLV) of the American Conference of
Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), including threshold limit-
time weighted average concentration (TLV-TWA), threshold limit-short-
term exposure limit (TLV-STEL), threshold limit-ceiling (TLV-C).
c) If other air pollutants are expected to be produced, during the use of
chemicals, it shall list the occupational exposure limits for these pollutants.
d) When filling in the occupational exposure limit value, care shall be taken
not to omit the label content, to maintain the integrity of the occupational
exposure limit value. For example, the following signs used in GBZ 2.1:
a) For the recommended use of chemicals, which are described in SDS Part
1 - Identification of chemicals and corporate, it shall list the engineering
control methods to reduce exposure.
b) The proposed engineering control measures shall comply with relevant
national standards, such as: GBZ 1, GBZ/T 194, etc.
c) Indicate the circumstances, under which special engineering control
measures need to be taken, meanwhile state the types of engineering
control measures, e.g.:
1) Use a local exhaust system, to keep the concentration in the air below
the occupational exposure limit;
2) Use only in closed systems;
3) Use only in the spray booth;
4) Use mechanical operations, to reduce the contact between personnel
and materials;
5) Adopt dust explosion control measures.
d) This item is a further supplement to SDS Part 7.
3.8.5 Personal protective equipment
The use of personal protective equipment shall be combined with other control
measures (including ventilation, containment and isolation, etc.), to minimize
the possibility of illness and injury, which are caused by chemical exposure.
This item shall provide suggestions for the correct selection and use of personal
protective equipment. The main points of writing are as follows:
a) The selection of personal protective equipment, shall comply with relevant
national or industry standards, including: GB/T 11651, GB/T 18664, GBZ/T
195, etc.
b) According to the hazardous characteristics of the chemical and the
possibility of exposure, propose the recommended personal protective
equipment, including:
1) Respiratory protection: According to the form of the chemical (gas,
vapor, mist or dust), hazardous characteristics, the possibility of
exposure, fill in the appropriate type of respiratory protective equipment,
such as filter respirators and appropriate filter elements (filter cartridges
or filter canisters);
2) Eye and face protection: According to the possibility of eye and face
1) Radioactivity;
2) Bulk density;
3) Calorific value;
4) Volatile organic compound (VOC) content;
5) Softening point;
6) Viscosity;
7) Percentage of volatilization;
8) Saturated vapor concentration (including temperature);
9) Sublimation point;
10) Liquid conductivity;
11) Metal corrosion rate;
12) Dust particle size/dust dispersion;
13) Minimum ignition energy (MIE);
14) Minimum explosive concentration (MEC).
If the items listed above are not applicable or have no information, they
do not need to be included in the SDS.
e) When necessary, it shall provide the data measurement method and
relevant conditions. For example: Flash point: 23 °C (closed cup);
Kinematic viscosity: 0.65 mm2/s (25 °C).
3.10 Stability and reactivity
3.10.1 Stability
Describe whether the substance or mixture is stable, under normal conditions
and expected storage and disposal temperature and pressure conditions.
Describe any stabilizers, that may need to be used, to maintain the chemical
stability of the substance or mixture. Describe the safety significance of
changes in the appearance of the substance or mixture.
3.10.2 Hazardous reaction
Explain whether the substance or mixture can undergo hazardous reactions,
which are accompanied by phenomena such as pressure increase,
Stability: This product is stable when stored and used under normal ambient
Hazardous reaction: Contact with water or substances that can react with this
product, or the temperature exceeds 177 °C, may cause polymerization. The
polymerization process produces a large amount of carbon dioxide and heat.
Heat accumulation and pressure increase may cause the sealed container to
Conditions to avoid: Humid air, high heat, direct sunlight.
Incompatible materials: Water, amines, strong alkalis, alcohols and copper alloys,
Hazardous decomposition products: Hydrogen cyanide, isocyanate, isocyanic
acid, other unknown compounds will be produced when exposed to high heat.
3.11 Toxicological information
Matters to which attention shall be paid, when writing this part, include:
a) The information provided shall be used to assess the health hazards of
substances and mixtures AND to classify their hazards. This information
1) Data on human health hazards (e.g., epidemiological studies, case
reports or human skin patch tests, etc.);
2) Animal test data (e.g., acute toxicity test, repeated toxicity test, etc.);
3) In vitro test data (e.g., in vitro mammalian cell chromosome aberration
test, Ames test, etc.);
4) Structure-activity relationship (SAR) [such as quantitative structure-
activity relationship (QSAR)].
b) Provide supporting toxicological information for the classification of health
hazards in SDS Part 2 - Hazard overview.
c) For animal test data, it shall fill in concisely, the type of test animal (sex),
route of exposure (oral, transdermal, inhalation, etc.), frequency, time,
dose. For the poisoning case report and epidemiological investigation
information, they shall be described separately.
d) It shall provide information on toxic effects (health effects), which are
caused by contact with the substance or mixture, according to different
routes of exposure (e.g., inhalation, skin contact, eye contact, ingestion).
example, according to the route of exposure.
m) For the description of the toxic effects (health effects) of the mixture, it
shall pay attention to the following issues:
1) For a specific toxic effect, if there is overall test (observation) data for
the mixture, the overall data shall be filled in; if there is no overall test
(observation) data for the mixture, it shall fill in the relevant data of the
component in SDS Part 3 - Ingredients/composition information.
2) The various components may interact in the body, causing changes in
their absorption, metabolism, excretion rates. Therefore, the toxic
effects may change; the total toxicity of the mixture may be different
from the toxicity of its components. It shall be considered when filling
3) It shall be considered whether the concentration of each component is
sufficient to affect the total toxicity (health effect) of the mixture. It shall
list the information on the toxic effects (health effects) of the relevant
components, except in the following cases:
- If the same toxic effects (health effects) exist between the
components, it is not necessary to repeat them. For example, in the
case that both components can cause vomiting and diarrhea, it is not
necessary to list these symptoms twice; it is enough to describe the
mixture as being capable of causing vomiting and diarrhea.
- The existence concentration of the component is unlikely to cause
related effects. For example, if a mild irritant is diluted to a certain
concentration, by a non-irritating solution, THEN, the overall mixture
will not be able to cause irritation.
- The interaction between the components is difficult to predict.
Therefore, when the interaction information is not available, it cannot
be assumed arbitrarily. Instead, it shall describe the toxic effects
(health effects) of each component, separately.
n) For other health hazards, even if GHS does not make classification
requirements, relevant information shall be provided in this Part of the
3.12 Ecological information
Matters to which attention shall be paid, when writing this part, include:
a) It shall provide the supporting information for the environmental hazard
classification in SDS Part 2 - Hazard overview.
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.