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GB/T 15565-2020: PDF in English (GBT 15565-2020)

GB/T 15565-2020 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 01.080.01 A 22 Replacing GB/T 15565.1-2008, GB/T 15565.2-2008 Graphical symbols - Terms ISSUED ON: MARCH 31, 2020 IMPLEMENTED ON: OCTOBER 01, 2020 Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of PRC. Table of Contents Foreword ... 4  1 Scope ... 6  2 Graphical symbols ... 6  2.1 Symbols ... 6  2.2 General concepts ... 7  2.3 Classification ... 8  2.4 Application areas ... 9  2.5 Design ... 11  2.6 Testing ... 20  3 Signs ... 21  3.1 Basic concepts ... 21  3.2 Classification ... 21  3.3 Carrier ... 25  3.4 Visual elements ... 26  4 Public information guidance system ... 28  4.1 Basic concepts ... 28  4.2 Guidance elements ... 28  4.3 Orientation ... 31  5 Safety information identification system ... 32  5.1 Basic concepts ... 32  5.2 Safety sign system ... 32  5.3 Emergency guidance system ... 35  6 Guidance system design and setting ... 37  6.1 Design principles of guidance elements ... 37  6.2 Principles of guidance system setting ... 38  6.3 Target audience ... 39  6.4 Influencing factors ... 40  Appendix A (Informative) Conceptual system of terms ... 44  Index of English-corresponding words ... 46  Graphical symbols - Terms 1 Scope This standard defines the terms and definitions on the design and setting of graphical symbols, signs, public information guidance systems, safety information identification systems, guidance system; establishes a conceptual system in the field of graphical symbols (see Appendix A for conceptual system diagrams). This standard applies to related fields such as graphical symbols and guidance systems. 2 Graphical symbols 2.1 Symbols 2.1.1 Symbol A visual image with simplified features that express a certain thing or concept. 2.1.2 Graphical symbol A symbol (2.1.1) which uses graphics (2.2.1) as the main feature, the transmission of information of which does not depend on language. 2.1.3 Letter symbol Text code Symbols (2.1.1) formed by letters, numbers, Chinese characters, etc. or their combination. The purpose or function of the referent (2.6.2) to be represented by the graphical symbol (2.1.2). Excluded function The functions (2.2.7) of referents (2.6.2) or related referents ( that are not represented by graphical symbols (2.1.2). 2.2.8 Negation A method of expressing the opposite of affirmation or denying the existence of specific things. 2.2.9 Symbol family A group of graphical symbols (2.1.2) that use graphic features with specific meanings (2.2.5) to represent common concepts. Note: A group of symbols which use the graphs "scalpel and forceps" to represent the concept containing "surgery" form a symbol family. 2.3 Classification 2.3.1 Common symbol Graphical symbols (2.1.2) applicable to multiple fields, professions or commonly used. 2.3.2 Special symbol Graphical symbols (2.1.2) which are only applicable to a certain field, profession or used specifically for a certain need. 2.3.3 Detailed symbol Graphical symbols (2.1.2) that represent details of the function (2.2.7), Symbols for diagram Graphical symbols (2.4.1) for technical product documents that indicate the relationship between the various components of a system or equipment in a simplified diagram. Symbols for indicating Graphical symbols (2.4.1) for technical product documents that indicate geometric characteristics (such as size, distance, angle, shape, position, orientation, etc.) and manufacturing processes involved in the entire process of product design, manufacturing, measurement and quality assurance. 2.4.2 Graphical symbols for use on equipment The graphical symbols (2.1.2) which are used in various equipment for operating instructions or displaying their functions and working status. Display symbol Graphical symbols (2.4.2) for the equipment to show the function or working status of the equipment. Control symbol Graphical symbols (2.4.2) for equipment which are used as operating instructions. Icon Graphical symbols for interactive devices (2.4.2) presented on the device screen to represent computer system referents and/or application functions. Note: The icons can be divided into static icons, interactive icons that change according to user input, dynamic icons that change according to device status. Graphical symbol (2.1.2) design drawing as drawn on the design template in accordance with the graphical symbol (2.1.2) representation rule and used as a reference or for copying. Note: The design templates of graphical symbols for technical product documents, graphical symbols for equipment, graphical symbols used on signs are basic grid, basic pattern, basic model, respectively. Basic line width The width of the most significant part of the line in the original symbol ( which is used to draw the graphical symbol for the equipment (2.4.2). Note: The basic line width is 2 mm or 4 mm. Corner marking Line segments perpendicular to each other at the four corners along the outer edge of the graphical symbol (2.1.2). Note: Refer to Figure 2 for the graphical symbol corner marking for equipment; refer to Figure 4 for the corner marking for public information graphical symbol. Symbol area The square area defined by the corner marking ( Basic size The side length of the symbol area ( Note: The reference size is the basic size for the design of public information guidance elements, as shown in Figure 7. Critical detail Significant detail Symbol details ( which are necessary for the understanding of graphical symbols (2.1.2) or the completeness of graphical symbols (2.1.2). Negation element Symbol elements ( which negatives (2.2.8) all or part meanings (2.2.5) of the graphical symbols (2.1.2). Note: Negation elements usually include two forms of slash and cross. 2.6 Testing 2.6.1 Respondent The person who reacted during the program test. 2.6.2 Referent The concept or thing to be represented by a graphical symbol (2.1.2). Related referent Referents (2.6.2) that have related or similar functions (2.2.7) in the same symbol (2.1.1) system. Note: For example, "Squash" and "Tennis". Negation of a referent By adding negation elements ( to the graphical symbols (2.1.2) to negate all or part of the meaning (2.2.5) of the graphical symbols (2.1.2). 2.6.3 Partial information sign The sign (3.1.1) whose information only relates to the specific locations, equipment or components. Note: For example, the "beware of electric shock" sign set on electrical equipment indicates that the warning information of beware of electric shock is only valid for the equipment. 3.2.13 Internally illuminated sign Sign (3.1.1) which is made of transparent or translucent materials, displayed through the internal or rear light source of the sign carrier (3.3.1). 3.2.14 Phosphorescent sign The sign (3.1.1) which uses phosphor as a coating, which can continue to emit light after removing the excitation energy. Note: According to the luminescence mechanism, phosphorescent safety signs are also called phosphorescent safety signs, photoluminescence safety signs. 3.2.15 Retroreflective sign The sign (3.1.1) which uses retroreflective materials (materials whose reflected light is close to the opposite direction of the incident light) as the base material. 3.3 Carrier 3.3.1 Sign carrier Materials that carry and display the contents of the sign (3.1.1). Plate A sign carrier (3.3.1) made of rigid material. chromaticity observer as well as the brightness factor or brightness. Contrast color A color which contrasts sharply with the safety color ( to make it more eye-catching. 4 Public information guidance system 4.1 Basic concepts 4.1.1 Public information guidance system A guidance system composed of public information guidance elements (4.1.3) to guide people to conduct orderly activities in public places. 4.1.2 Public information sign The signs (3.1.1) that convey information such as public places, public facilities (4.3.1) and service functions (4.3.4). 4.1.3 Guidance element The smallest component of a guidance system that has a specific function. 4.2 Guidance elements 4.2.1 Location sign The sign (3.1.1) which is composed of graphical signs (3.2.1) and/or letter [letter signs (3.2.2)], to indicate the location of service functions (4.3.4) or public facilities (4.3.1). 4.2.2 Direction sign functions (4.3.4) or public facilities (4.3.1). Note: This term also applies to street guidance maps. Overview plan A schematic diagram to help the observer get an overview of the location of the area shown in the main body ( in the overall area of the planned guidance. Note: This term also applies to street guidance maps. 4.2.5 Street guidance map A simplified map which provides the main physical geographic information as well as the location distribution information and guidance information of public facilities (4.3.1) in the block. 4.2.6 Portable printing matter Guidance information that is convenient for users to carry and consult at any time. 4.2.7 Distribution map A schematic diagram which provides the geographic distribution location information of a certain type of public facility (4.3.1) or service facility (4.3.2). 4.2.8 Path map A schematic diagram which provides the path information from a specific starting point to the target. Note: For example, a tour path map. 4.2.9 Route map Traffic facilities Public facilities (4.3.1) that provide transportation services for public travel. Note: Such as bus and tram stations, railway passenger stations, etc. 4.3.4 Service function The service content provided by public facilities (4.3.1) for the public. Note: Such as shopping services, medical services, etc. 5 Safety information identification system 5.1 Basic concepts 5.1.1 Safety information identification system A sign system that transmits safety information formed by a variety of system elements in public places or work areas. 5.1.2 Emergency guidance system A guidance system composed of emergency guidance elements (4.1.3) that guides people to evacuate from dangerous areas along a designated escape route (5.3.8) in an emergency. Note: In the emergency guidance system, the guidance elements mainly include evacuation plan, safety signs, safety marks, etc. 5.2 Safety sign system 5.2.1 Safety sign A sign (3.1.1) which is formed by the graphical symbols (2.1.2) in the geometric shape formed by the background color ( formed by the safety color ( and/or the enclosure ( to convey specific safety information. A plan that provides escape routes (5.3.8) and emergency facilities and other information. 5.3.2 Maintained safety sign During normal or emergency operation, the sign (3.1.1) whose internal lamps are always energized. 5.3.3 Non-maintained safety sign The sign (3.1.1) whose internal luminaire is only activated when the power supply for normal lighting fails. 5.3.4 Emergency exit The door or passage in the escape route (5.3.8) leading to a safe place. Final exit The final emergency exit (5.3.4) which connects the escape route (5.3.8) and the safe place. 5.3.5 Dead end corridor Corridors with only one-way escape routes (5.3.8). 5.3.6 Assembly area A designated safety area for the concentration of evacuees outside the hazardous area. 5.3.7 Emergency shelter A safety place with emergency life service facilities (4.3.2) for emergency or temporary refuge nearby and where the refuge can live temporarily. 6.1.3 Conspicuity The characteristics of the signs (3.1.1)/guidance elements (4.1.3) in the field of vision which are more attractive than their environmental background. Note: This term also applies to the guidance system's setting principle (see 6.2). 6.1.4 Uniformity The characteristics of the visual elements (3.4.1) used in the design of the < guidance system> guidance element (4.1.3) and the setting method and setting location used by the setting being similar. Note: This term also applies to the guidance system's setting principle (see 6.2). 6.1.5 Coordination The characteristics of visual elements (3.4.1) as cooperated with each other to realize the overall effectiveness of the guidance element (4.1.3), or the characteristics of guidance elements (4.1.3) to cooperate with each other or the environment to realize the overall function of the guidance system. Note: This term also applies to the guidance system's setting principle (see 6.2). 6.2 Principles of guidance system setting 6.2.1 Systematicness The characteristics of various guidance elements (4.1.3) in the guidance system for the continuous transmission of information and the smooth link and conversion of information between the guidance systems to achieve the guidance purpose. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.