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GB/T 12549-2013 PDF English

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GB/T 12549-2013: PDF in English (GBT 12549-2013)

GB/T 12549-2013 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 43.040.50 T 23 Replacing GB/T 12549-1990 Terms and definitions for vehicle controllability and stability ISSUED ON: NOVEMBER 27, 2013 IMPLEMENTED ON: JULY 01, 2014 Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of PRC; Standardization Administration of PRC. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative references ... 4  3 Steering system ... 4  4 Suspension system ... 7  5 Tires and wheels ... 13  6 Axis systems and motion ... 22  7 Movement characteristics ... 32  8 Characteristics of limit maneuver and abnormal motion ... 40  9 Test and evaluation ... 43  10 Aerodynamics ... 51  Index in English ... 68  Foreword This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009 and GB/T 20000.2-2009. This standard replaces GB/T 12549-1990 "Terms and definitions for vehicle controllability and stability". This standard was formulated with reference to such documents as ISO 8855:1991 "Road vehicles - Vehicle dynamics and road-holding ability - Vocabulary", SAE J670e "Vehicle dynamics terminology". This standard is a revision of GB/T 12549-1990 "Terms and definitions for vehicle controllability and stability". Compared with GB/T 12549-1990, the main changes are as follows: - ADD the terminology of vehicle aerodynamics (see Chapter 10); - ADD the definitions of wheelbase change rate, longitudinal slip rate, wheel linear free rolling angular velocity, longitudinal slip angular velocity, etc.; - DELETE the definitions of slip rate, rudder holding force, rudder holding moment, etc.; - MODIFY the definitions of Ackerman angle, steering force, kingpin offset, disturbance response, closed-loop control, total variance, etc. This standard has collected and screened the automotive aerodynamic terms, which are used in China for many years. Some terms and symbols in Chapter 10 are coordinated and consistent with Clause 3.1 Aerodynamic fundamentals in GB/T 16638.1-2008 "Aerodynamics - Concepts quantities and symbols - Part 1: Aerodynamic terms in common use". This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China. This standard shall be under the jurisdiction of the National Automotive Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 114). Drafting organization of this standard: China FAW Group Technology Center. The main drafters of this standard: Huang Chaosheng, Wang Debao, Ma Zhimin, Liu Minghui, Zhu Hongwei, Ying Guozeng, Wu Zhenxin, Ling Qisheng. This standard replaces the standard previously issued as follows: - GB/T 12549-1990. Terms and definitions for vehicle controllability and stability 1 Scope This standard specifies the terms and definitions of vehicle controllability and stability. This standard applies to all types of vehicles. 2 Normative references The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) is applicable to this standard. GB/T 3730.3-1992 Motor vehicles and towed vehicles - Dimensions of vehicles - Terms and definitions GB/T 6326-2005 Tyre terms and definitions GB/T 16638.1-2008 Aerodynamics - Concepts quantities and symbols - Part 1: Aerodynamic terms in common use 3 Steering system 3.1 Angles in steering system 3.1.1 Steer angle δs The angle, BETWEEN the vehicle's longitudinal symmetry plane (see 6.1.6) and the center plane of the steering wheel (see 4.1.1) AND the intersection of the pavement (see Figure 1). vehicle steered. 3.2.2 Steering force When the vehicle is turning, the operating force, which is applied to the steering wheel, in the same rotation direction as the steering wheel. It is equal to the steering wheel moment divided by the steering wheel radius. 3.2.3 Friction force of steering system The minimum steering force, which is necessary to initiate angular displacement of the steering wheels. It does not include the friction between the wheels and the pavement. 3.2.4 Forward efficiency The ratio -- of rocker shaft or rack's output power TO steering shaft's input power. 3.2.5 Steering system stiffness When the steering knuckle is fixed, the ratio -- of the torque increment input by the steering wheel TO the angular displacement increment it produces. 3.2.6 Moment of inertia of steering system The equivalent moment of inertia, which converts the moving parts of the steering system and the steering wheel to the rotating body, which rotates around the steering shaft (or kingpin). 4 Suspension system 4.1 Suspension geometry 4.1.1 Wheel plane For a single wheel, the wheel plane is the plane, which is equidistant from the inner edge of the wheel rim, on both sides. For double wheel, the wheel plane is the plane, which is equidistant from the inner rim of the outer wheel rim AND the outer rim of the inner wheel rim. [GB/T 3730.3-1992, definition 2.2] (see Figure 4) 4.1.2 Wheel center The intersection, between the wheel plane and the wheel centerline of rotation. [GB/T 3730.3-1992, definition 2.3] (see Figure 1) 4.1.3 Wheel alignment The angular relationship, between the wheel and the body (or pavement), namely the general term of the inclination of the steering kingpin (see 4.1.9), the caster angle of the steering kingpin (see 4.1.6), the camber angle (see 4.1.8), the toe-in (see 4.1.4). 4.1.4 Toe-in When the end point of the horizontal diameter of the inner contour line of the wheel rim, at both ends of the same axis, is taken as the vertex of the isosceles trapezoid, the difference between the lengths of the front and rear base sides of the isosceles trapezoid is the toe-in. When the front base of the trapezoid is smaller than the back base, the toe-in is positive; otherwise, it is negative. The angle between the horizontal diameter of the wheel and the Y plane is the toe angle. [GB/T 3730.3-1992, definition 3.28] 4.1.5 Toe angle According to the provisions of 4.1.4. 4.1.6 Caster angle The angle, between the projection of the centerline of the steering kingpin on the 4.1.9 Kingpin inclination In a plane perpendicular to both the Y and X planes, the acute angle, which is formed by the projection of the axis of the real or imaginary kingpin, on this plane, AND the line which is perpendicular to the X plane. [GB/T 3730.3-1992, definition 3.26] 4.1.10 Kingpin offset The length of the projection of the line, which connects the intersection of the kingpin's extension line and the pavement AND the center of tire contact (see 5.1.1), on the Y'-axis (see 5.1.2). If the center of tire contact is outside the intersection of the kingpin's extension line and the pavement relative to the vehicle body, the kingpin offset is positive; otherwise, it is negative. Note: Rewrite GB/T 3730.3-1992, definition 3.27. 4.1.11 Lateral slip The lateral slip value of the straight-running tire, per unit travel distance, which is measured on the lateral slip test bench. It is expressed in m/km, mm/m. 4.1.12 Wheelbase The distance, between two planes that pass through point A or (B) of two adjacent wheels on the same side of the vehicle AND are perpendicular to the Y and X planes, respectively. [GB/T 3730.3-1992, definition 3.4.1] The distance, between the two planes that pass the semitrailer's tow pin axis and the center of the semitrailer wheel AND are perpendicular to the Y and X planes, respectively. [GB/T 3730.3-1992, definition 3.4.2] 4.1.13 Track Distance between points A and B, on both ends of the wheel, on the same axis. [GB/T 3730.3-1992, definition 3.5] 4.1.14 Track rate When the left and right wheels move up and down synchronously, as relative to the sprung mass (see 6.2.2), the rate of change of the wheel track, as relative to the wheel runout height. 4.2 Suspension system mechanics 4.2.1 Suspension vertical stiffness Under a certain load state, the change in the vertical load of the wheel, which is corresponding to the unit displacement of the sprung center of mass, as relative to the center of the wheel, in the vertical direction. 4.2.2 Suspension longitudinal stiffness The change in longitudinal force at the wheel center, which is corresponding to a unit displacement of the wheel center, as relative to the sprung center of mass, in the longitudinal [x-axis (see 6.1.3) direction]. 4.2.3 Suspension transverse stiffness The change in the lateral force at the wheel center, which is corresponding to a unit displacement of the wheel center, as relative to the sprung center of mass, in the transverse [y-axis (see 6.1.3) direction]. 4.2.4 Ride rate Under a certain load state, the change in the vertical load of the wheel, which is corresponding to the unit displacement of the sprung center of mass, as relative to the ground, in the vertical direction. 4.2.5 [GB/T 6326-2005, definition 9.12.9] 5.1.5 Static loaded radius The vertical distance, from the center of the axle to the support plane of a static tire, under vertical load. [GB/T 6326-2005, definition 9.1.2] 5.1.6 Dynamic loaded radius The vertical distance, from the center of the axle to the support plane, when the tire is running under load AND the inclination angle is zero. [GB/T 6326-2005, definition 9.12.10] 5.1.7 Rolling circumference Under specified conditions, the distance, that the tire center moves, in one full circle. [GB/T 6326-2005, definition 9.2.1] 5.1.8 Rolling radius The value, which is obtained by dividing the rolling circumference of a tire by 2π. [GB/T6326-2005, definition 9.2.2] 5.1.9 Free rolling wheel The rolling wheel, which is only subject to a vertical load, without driving moment (see 5.3.5) or braking moment (see 5.3.6). 5.1.10 Wheel rotation speed of straight free-rolling wheel The rotational angular velocity of a free-rolling wheel rolling, along a straight line, under the conditions of zero slip angle and zero camber angle. 5.1.11 Longitudinal slip angular velocity The difference, between the wheel roll angular velocity and the wheel rotation speed of straight free-rolling wheel. Note: The above two angular velocities are measured, when the velocity components of the wheel center along the X' axis are the same. 5.1.12 Longitudinal slip The ratio -- of the longitudinal slip angular velocity TO the wheel rotation speed of straight free-rolling wheel. 5.2 Tire forces 5.2.1 Vertical force of tire The component along the Z' axis of the force, which acts on the tire by the pavement (see Figure 4). 5.2.2 Lateral force of tire The component of the force, which acts on the tire by the pavement, in the direction of the Y' axis (see Figure 4). 5.2.3 Longitudinal force of tire The component along the X' axis of the force, which acts on the tire by the pavement (see Figure 4). 5.2.4 Radial stiffness The change in the vertical load of the tire, which is corresponding to the unit displacement of the center of the wheel, as relative to the ground plane of the tire, in the vertical direction. 5.2.5 5.2.12 Cornering drag When the wheel camber angle is zero, in order to maintain the slip angle, the horizontal component of the force, which acts on the wheel by the pavement, along the opposite direction of travel of the center of tire contact (see Figure 5). 5.2.13 Resistance force of drag When the wheel camber angle is zero, in order to maintain the slip angle, the longitudinal force acting on the wheel by the pavement (see Figure 5). 5.2.14 Tractive force The component in the forward direction of the force vector, which acts on the center of the tire contact by the pavement. It is equal to the lateral force multiplied by the sine of the slip angle PLUS the longitudinal force multiplied by the cosine of the slip angle. 5.2.15 Drag force It is equal to negative traction. 5.3 Tire moments 5.3.1 Overturning moment of tire The component of the moment vector, which acts on the tire by the pavement, to rotate the tire about the X' axis (see Figure 4). 5.3.2 Rolling resistance moment The component of the moment vector, which acts on the tire by the pavement, to rotate the tire about the Y' axis (see Figure 4). 5.3.3 Aligning torque ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.