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GB 8978-1996 PDF English

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GB 8978-1996English150 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Integrated wastewater discharge standard  
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GB 8978-1996: PDF in English

GB 8978-1996 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 13.030.20 Z 60 Integrated wastewater discharge standard ISSUED ON. OCTOBER 04, 1996 IMPLEMENTED ON. JANUARY 01, 1998 Issued by. National Environmental Protection Bureau; State Technology Supervision Bureau. 3. No action is required - Full-copy of this standard will be automatically & immediately delivered to your EMAIL address in 0~60 minutes. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Main content and scope of application ... 5  2 References ... 6  3 Definitions ... 6  4 Technical content ... 6  5 Monitoring ... 17  6 Supervision of standard implementation ... 20  Appendix A (Standard appendix) ... 21  Appendix B (Standard appendix) ... 22  Appendix C (Standard appendix) ... 23  Appendix D (Standard appendix) ... 24  Foreword This standard is the revision of GB 8978-88 “Integrated wastewater discharge standard”. The main contents of the amendment are as follows. to put forward the year-limitation standard, AND use the year-limitation to replace the classification between the current enterprises and the newly reconstructed-expanded enterprises in the original standard. It divides into two time-sections using the date of implementation of this standard as a year-limitation. The enterprises that are built before December 31, 1997 shall follow the standard values as specified in the first time-section; AND the enterprises that are built after January 1, 1998 shall follow the standard values as specified in the second time-section. In the scope of application of the standard, it defines that the integrated discharge standard and the industrial discharge standards are not followed at the same time. The wastewater discharge by the paper making industry, shipping, shipping industry, marine petroleum development industry, textile dyeing industry, meat product industry, synthetic ammonia industry, iron and steel industry, utilization of aviation propellants, weapon industry, phosphate fertilizer industry, caustic soda and polyvinyl chloride industry is subjected to the relevant national industrial standards. All the other enterprises that discharge wastewater are subjected to this standard. Except for the 12 industries aforementioned, the following released 17 industrial water pollutant discharge standards are included into this revision. As compared with the original standard, in this standard, the standard values in the first time-section are basically maintained at the newly reconstructed and extended level of the original standard. In order to control the characteristic pollutants and other toxic and hazardous pollutants in the 17 industrial water pollutant discharge standards which had been included into this revision, it increases 10 control items; AND in the second time-section, it increases 40 control items as compared with the original standard, AND the maximum allowable discharge concentration of such items as COD and BOD5 are more stringent to some extent. The standard, from the date of entry into force, replaces GB 8978-88, AND it replaces the following standards at the same time. GBJ 48- 83 Hospital wastewater discharge standard (Trial) GB 4645-83 Beet sugar industrial water pollutant discharge standard GB 3546-83 Cane sugar industrial water pollutant discharge standard GB 3547-83 Synthetic fatty acid industrial pollutant discharge standard GB 3548-83 Synthetic detergent industrial pollutant discharge standard NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Integrated wastewater discharge standard Replacing GB 8978-88 This standard was established to implement the Environmental Protection Law of People’s Republic of China, the Water Pollutant Prevention and Control Law of People’s Republic of China, and the Marine Environmental Protection Law of People’s Republic of China, to control water pollution, protect surface water in rivers, lakes, canals, channels, reservoirs, and the sea, protect the quality of groundwater, safeguard the people’s health, ensure ecological balance, AND promote the development of the national economy and rural and urban construction. 1 Main content and scope of application 1.1 Main content This standard specifies the maximum allowable discharge concentration of the 69 water pollutants AND the maximum allowable discharge amount of some industries based on a fixed year-limitation, in accordance with the discharge direction of the wastewater. 1.2 Scope of application This standard applies to the water pollutant discharge management of the current enterprises, the environmental impact assessment of the construction projects, AND the environmental protection facility design, completion acceptance, and the discharge management after putting into operation of the construction projects. In accordance with the principles that the Integrated wastewater discharge standard and the national industrial discharge standards shall not apply concurrently, the paper making industry is subjected to the Paper making industrial water pollutant discharge standard (GB 3544-92); the shipping is subjected to the Shipping pollutant discharge standard (GB 3552-83); the marine industry is subjected to the Marine industrial pollutant discharge standard (GB 4286-84); the marine petroleum development industry is subjected to the Marine petroleum development oil bearing industrial wastewater discharge standard (GB 4914-85); the textile dyeing industry is subjected to the Textile dyeing industrial water pollutant discharge standard (GB 4287-92); the meat product industry is subjected to the Meat product industrial water pollutant discharge standard (GB 13457-92); the synthetic ammonia industry is subjected to the Synthetic ammonia industrial water 4.1.1 The wastewater which is discharged into the category III water area of GB 3838 (except for the protected areas and the swimming areas as indicated) AND which is discharged into the category II marine area of GB 3097 shall follow the class 1 standards. 4.1.2 The wastewater which is discharged into the category IV and V water area of GB 3838 AND which is discharged into the category III marine area of GB 3097 shall follow the class 2 standards. 4.1.3 The wastewater which is discharged into the urban drainage system having the secondary wastewater treatment plant shall follow the class 3 standard. 4.1.4 The wastewater which is discharged into urban drainage systems having no secondary wastewater treatment plant shall follow the requirements of clause 4.1.1 and 4.1.2, respectively, in accordance with the functional requirements of the discharge system water receiving area. 4.1.5 In the protected area as indicated in the category I and II water area and the category III water area in GB 3838 AND the category I marine area in GB 3097, it is prohibited to build new pollutant discharge outlet. The current pollutant discharge outlet shall, in accordance with the water body functional requirements, be subjected to the total pollutant amount control, in order to ensure that the receiving water body complies with the water quality standard of the specified purposes. 4.2 Standard values 4.2.1 In this standard, the pollutants discharged are divided into two categories based on their nature and control method. Category I pollutant. it is sampled at the workshop or workshop treatment facility discharge outlet regardless of the industries and wastewater discharge method, or the functional category of the receiving water body, AND its maximum allowable discharge concentration must reach to the requirements of this standard (the tailing dam water outlet of the mining industry shall not be considered as the workshop discharge outlet). Category II pollutant. it is sampled at the pollutant discharge-enterprise’s discharge outlet, AND its maximum allowable discharge concentration must reach to the requirements of this standard. 4.2.2 In this standard, it specifies the maximum allowable discharge concentration of the category I pollutant and the category II pollutant AND the maximum allowable water discharge amount of some industries, which are respectively. As for the enterprises which are built (including reconstructed and extended) before December 31, 1997, the discharge of the water pollutant must follow simultaneously the requirements of Table 1, Table 4, and Table 5. Table 2 -- Maximum allowable discharge concentration for category II pollutants (for the enterprises constructed before December 31, 1997) Unit. mg/L No. Pollutants Scope of application Class 1 standard Class 2 standard Class 3 standard 1 pH All discharge-enterprises 6 ~ 9 6 ~ 9 6 ~ 9 2 Color (dilution ratio) Dyeing industry 50 180 - Other discharge-enterprises 50 80 - 3 Suspended solids (SS) Mining, ore dressing, co... ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.