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GB 4915-2013 PDF English

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GB 4915-2013English90 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Emission standard of air pollutants for cement industry Valid
GB 4915-2004English479 Add to Cart 4 days Emission standard of air pollutants for cement industry Obsolete
GB 4915-1996English199 Add to Cart 2 days Emission standard of air pollutants for cement plant Obsolete
GB 4915-1985EnglishRFQ ASK 3 days Emission standards for pollutants from cement industry Obsolete
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GB 4915-2013: PDF in English

GB 4915-2013 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 13.040.40 Z 60 Replacing GB 4915-2004 Emission standard of air pollutants for cement industry ISSUED ON. DECEMBER 27, 2013 IMPLEMENTED ON. MARCH 1, 2014 Issued by. Ministry of Environmental Protection; General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China. Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People’s Republic of China Announcement 2013 No.80 In order to implement “Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China, Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Law of the People’s Republic of China” and “Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People’s Republic of China”, further prevent and remedy pollution, protect the environment and human health, hereby four standards, including “Emission standard of air pollutants for cement industry”, are approved to be national standard of pollutant emission (control); and they are jointly issued by the Ministry and General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China. The name and number of the standrads are as follows. I. Emission standard of air pollutants for cement industry (GB 4915-2013); II. Standard for pollution control on co-processing of solid wastes in cement kiln (GB 30485- 2013); III. Emission standard of pollutants for Battery Industry (GB 30484-2013); IV. Emission standard of water pollutants for leather and fur processing industry (GB 30486- 2013). In accordance with the provisions of relevant laws, the standards above shall have compulsory execution effects. The standards above shall be implemented since March 1, 2014. The standards above are published by China Environmental Science Press, and the contents of standards can be inquired on the website of Ministry of Environmental Protection (bz.mep.gov.cn). New enterprises shall cease the implementation of Emission standard of air pollutants for cement industry (GB 4915-2004) since March 1, 2014; and the existing enterprises shall cease to implement Emission standard of air pollutants for cement industry (GB 4915-2004) since July 1, 2015. Hereby the announcement is made. Ministry of Environmental Protection December 27, 2013 Table of Contents Preface ... 4  1 Scope ... 5  2 Normative References ... 5  3 Terms and definitions ... 6  4 Control requirement of air pollutant emission ... 8  5 Pollutant monitoring requirements ... 11  6 Implementation and Supervision... 12  Preface In order to implement “Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China”, “Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Law of the People’s Republic of China” and other laws & regulations, conduct environmental protection and pollution prevention, and promote the advancement of manufacturing technique and pollution treatment technology of cement industry, this Standard is formulated. This Standard specifies the emission limit, monitoring and supervision management requirements of air pollutants that are generated by cement manufacturing enterprises (including independent grinding plants), cement raw material mine, bulk cement exchange station, cement product enterprises and their production facilities. The corresponding national standards related to water pollutant emission and environmental noise, , as well as the corresponding national standards related to solid wastes’ identification, processing and disposing, are applicable to the said enterprises. This Standard was issued in 1985 for the first time, first-revised in 1996, and second-revised in 2004. This is the third revision. The main contents of this revision are as follows. — Bulk cement exchange station is added to its applicable scope; — The adjustments on the emission limit of the existing and new enterprises are made; add the air pollutant emission limit that is applicable to key regions; — Delete the relevant regulations about incinerating hazardous wastes in cement kiln. New enterprises since March 1, 2014, while the existing enterprises since July 1, 2015, shall execute the emission limit of air pollutants in accordance with this Standard. The relevant regulations of Emission standard of air pollutants for cement industry (GB 4915-2004) shall not be executed. This Standard is the basic requirements for the emission control of air pollutants for cement industry. For the pollutant items that is not stipulated in this Standard, the local government can formulate a local pollutant emission standard; For the pollutant items that have been stipulated in this Standard, it may formulate a stricter local pollutant emission standard. When the environmental impact assessment is stricter than this Standard or local standards, it shall be executed in accordance with the environmental impact assessment. This Standard was formulated by the Science-technology Division of Ministry of Environmental Protection. Drafting organizations of this Standard. Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Hefei Cement Research & Design Institute. This Standard was approved by Ministry of Environmental Protection on December 16, 2013. This Standard shall be implemented since March 1, 2014. This Standard shall be interpreted by Ministry of Environmental Protection. Emission standard of air pollutants for cement industry 1 Scope This Standard specifies the emission limit, monitoring and supervision management requirements of air pollutants that are generated by cement manufacturing enterprises (including independent grinding plants), cement raw material mine, bulk cement exchange station, cement product enterprises and their production facilities. This Standard is applicable to the air pollutant emission-management FOR existing enterprises of cement industry or their production facilities; as well as the environmental impact assessment, design on environmental protection facilities, completion environmental protection acceptance, and mass production FOR construction projects of cement industry. For those that use cement kiln to co-process solid wastes, except to execute this Standard, the corresponding regulations of national standards for pollution control shall also be executed. This Standard is applicable to the pollutant emission behaviors that are lawfully permitted. For site selection of new-set pollution sources AND management of existing pollution sources in special protection areas, it shall be executed in accordance with the relevant provisions, regulations and laws, such as “The People's Republic of China on the prevention and Control of air pollution, Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People’s Republic of China”, “The Marine Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China”, “Solid Waste Pollution Environment Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China”, “The environmental impact assessment law of the People's Republic of China”. 2 Normative References This Standard has quoted the following documents or their clauses. For undated documents, the latest version is applicable to this Standard. GB/T 15432 Ambient Air - Determination of Total Suspended Particulates - Gravimetric Method GB/T 16157 The Determination of Particulates And Sampling Methods of Gaseous Pollutants Emitted from Exhaust Gas of Stationary Source HJ/T 42 Stationary Source Emission - Determination of Nitrogen Oxide - Ultraviolet Spectrophotometric Method HJ/T 43 Stationary Source Emission –Stationary source emission - Determination of nitrogen oxide - N-(1-naphthyl) - ethylenediamine dihydrochloride spectrophotometric method HJ/T 55 Technical Guidelines for Fugitive Emission Monitoring of Air Pollutants HJ/T 56 Determination of Sulphur Dioxide from Exhausted Gas of Stationary Source Iodine Titration Method equipment. 3.5 Crusher, mill, packing machine and other ventilation equipments Crusher refers to various equipment that can break granular materials; mill is all kinds of material grinding equipment system (excluding drying grinding and coal grinding); packing machine refers to all types of cement packing equipment (including cement bulk storehouse); other ventilation equipments refer to other production equipment for ventilation, except the above main production equipment, it includes material conveying equipment, stock bins and various storage caverns, etc. 3.6 Dryer associated with independent heat source It is a kind of material drying equipment, there is no waste-heat of kiln exhaust gas that can be utilized, requiring independently-set heat sources such as air heating furnace. 3.7 Bulk cement terminal It refers to the collecting and distributing center of bulk cement; it generally is the exchange station of water transport (sea or river transport) and land transport. 3.8 Production of cement products It means the production of pre-mixed concrete, mortar and precast concrete; it does not include the process of using cement for mixing on construction site. 3.9 Standard condition The state when temperature is 273.15 K and pressure is 101 325 Pa. The stipulated air pollutant concentration of this Standard is the m... ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.