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GB 8076-2008 PDF English

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GB 8076-2008English115 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Concrete admixtures Valid
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GB 8076-2008: PDF in English

GB 8076-2008 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 91.100.30 Q 12 Replacing GB 8076-1997 Concrete Admixtures 混凝土外加剂 ISSUED ON. DECEMBER 31, 2008 IMPLEMENTED ON. DECEMBER 30, 2009 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine; Standardization Administration of PRC. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 Introduction ... 5 1 Scope ... 6 2 Normative References ... 6 3 Terms and Definitions ... 7 4 Codes ... 7 5 Requirements ... 8 6 Test Methods ... 10 7 Inspection Rules ... 19 8 Instructions, Package, Storage and Return of Products ... 21 Appendix A (Normative) Technical Condition of Reference Cement Used for Inspecting Concrete Admixture Performance ... 24 Appendix B (Normative) Test Method of Chloride Ion Content in Concrete Admixture (Chromatography of Ions) ... 26 Appendix C (Informative) Information on Concrete Admixture ... 30 Table 1 -- Performance Indexes of Test Concrete ... 9 Table 2 -- Uniformity Indexes ... 10 Table 3 -- Test Items and Needed Amount ... 12 Table 4 -- Admixture Measurement Items ... 20 Foreword The compressive strength ratio, shrinkage ratio and relative durability listed in Table 1 of Chapter 5 are mandatory; while the rest are recommended. This standard replaces GB 8076-1997 Concrete Admixture and it differs from GB 8076 - 1997 in the following aspects. --- Add high performance water reducer and pumping admixture; formulate technical requirements and test methods; --- Add Chapter “Codes of product”; --- Classify high performance water reducer, high efficiency water reducer and ordinary water reducer; namely, a certain type of admixture may be divided into accelerating reducer, standard reducer and retarding reducer; --- Delete “qualified product”, adjust the product technical index based on the performance index of former Class I product; --- Adjust technical indexes (such as solid content, water content and density etc.) of uniformity items by referring to EN 934-2.2001 and JIS A 6204. 2006; Add concrete test items for some products (for instance. slump and air content change in one-hour duration); --- Delete testing method on reinforcing steel rust in the former standard; establish test method – use chromatography of ions to measure chloride ion content in concrete admixture; --- Improve the specific area of reference cement being that is specially used in concrete admixture performance inspection. Appendix A and Appendix B in this Standard are normative; while Appendix C is informative. This Standard was proposed by China Building Materials Federation. This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee on Cement Products of Standardization Administration of China. Drafting organization of this Standard. China Building Materials Academy. Participating drafting organizations of this Standard. Jiangsu Research Institute of Building Science, Zhejiang Wulong Chemical Industrial Stock Co. Ltd, Tongji University, Shanghai Architectural Institute of Science and Technology, China Academy of Building Research, China Academy of Railway Sciences, Nanjing Hydraulic Research institute, China Building Material Test & Certification Center, Suzhou Concrete Cement Concrete Admixtures 1 Scope This Standard specifies the terms, definitions, requirements, test procedures, inspection rules, package, exit-factory, storage and return of admixtures used in concrete. This Standard is applicable to high performance water reducer (accelerating, standard and retarding reducers), high efficiency water reducer (standard and retarding reducers), ordinary water reducer (accelerating, standard and retarding reducers), air- entraining water reducer, pumping admixture, early strength admixture, retarder and air-entraining admixture, eight in total. 2 Normative References The following standard contains provisions which, through reference in the following text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments (excluding correction) to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. GB/T176 Method for Chemical Analysis of Cement GB/T 8074 Method for Cement Surface Area Testing Blaine Method GB/T 8075 Definition, Classification, Nomenclature and Terms of Concrete Admixtures GB/T 8077 Method for Concrete Admixture Uniformity Test GB/T 8170 Rules of Rounding off for Numerical Values & Expression and Judgment of Limiting Values GB/T 14684 Building Sand GB/T 14685 Pebbles and Crackle for Construction GB/T 50080 Standard for Test Method of Performance on Ordinary Fresh Concrete GB/T 50081 Standard for Test Method of Mechanical Properties on Ordinary crushed-stone result shall prevail. 6.1.4 Water It shall meet the technical requirements for water consumption of concrete mixing specified in JGJ 63. 6.1.5 Admixtures The admixtures that need to be inspected. 6.2 Mixing proportion Reference concrete mixing proportion is designed according to JGJ 55. The proportion of test concrete added with non-air-entraining admixture shall be the same with that of cement, sand and crushed-stone of the corresponding reference concrete. Mixing proportion design shall meet the following provisions. a) Cement consumption. per unit cement consumption of reference concrete and test concrete mixed with high performance water reducer or pumping admixture is 360 kg/m3; and per unit cement consumption of reference concrete and test concrete mixed with other admixtures is 330 kg/m3. b) Sand ratio. sand ratio of both reference concrete and test concrete mixed with high performance water reducer or pumping admixture is 43% ~ 47%; sand ratio of reference concrete and test concrete mixed with other admixtures is 36% ~ 40%; but the sand ratio of test concrete added with air-entraining water reducer or air-entraining admixture shall be 1% ~ 3% less than that of reference concrete. c) Admixture amount to be added. it is added according to manufacturer's instructions. d) Water consumption. slump of reference concrete and test concrete added with high performance water reducer or pumping admixture is controlled to be (210±10)mm; the water consumption is minimum when slump is (210±10)mm; slump of reference concrete and test concrete mixed with other admixtures is controlled to be (80±10) mm. Water consumption includes the water content contained in liquid admixture, sand and stone. 6.3 Concrete mixing Adopt the single-lay-shaft forced blender with nominal capacity of 60L and that meets the requirements stipulated in JG 3036. The mixing amount of blender shall neither be less than 20L nor greater than 45L. When admixture is in powder, then, put the cement, sand, crushed-stone and 6.5.1 Measurement of slump and slump change in one-hour duration One sample is taken from each concrete lot. Both slump and slump change in one- hour duration are represented by the mean value of three test results. Among the three test results, if either the maximum value or minimum value exceeds 10mm from the medium value, then both the maximum and minimum values shall be abolished, and the medium value is taken as the test result of this lot; when both maximum value and minimum value exceeds 10mm from the medium value, then test shall be carried out again. Measured value of slump and slump change in one-hour duration is represented by mm, and the result is rounded-off to 5mm. Slump measurement Concrete slump is measured in accordance with GB/T 50080; w... ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.