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GB 1886.230-2016 PDF English

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GB 1886.230-2016English70 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Food additive -- L-ascorbyl palmitate Valid
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GB 1886.230-2016: PDF in English

GB 1886.230-2016 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA National Food Safety Standard - Food Additives - Ascorbyl Palmitate 食品添加剂 抗坏血酸棕榈酸酯 ISSUED ON: AUGUST 31, 2016 IMPLEMENTED ON: JANUARY 01, 2017 Issued by: National Health and Family Planning Commission of the PRC Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Chemical name, molecular formula, structural formula, and relative molecular mass ... 4  3 Technical requirements ... 4  Appendix A Inspection methods ... 6  National Food Safety Standard - Food Additives - Ascorbyl Palmitate 1 Scope This Standard applies to the ascorbyl palmitate, a food additive prepared by reacting palmitic acid with thionyl chloride to obtain palmitoyl chloride and reacting with ascorbic acid. 2 Chemical name, molecular formula, structural formula, and relative molecular mass 2.1 Chemical name Ascorbic acid hexadecanoate 2.2 Molecular formula C22H38O7 2.3 Structural formula 2.4 Relative molecular mass 414.56 (according to 2013 international relative atomic mass) 3 Technical requirements 3.1 Sensory requirements Sensory requirements shall be in accordance with Table 1. USE iodometry. This product contains an enediol structure in its structure, has strong reducibility, is easily oxidized by iodine solution to a diketone structure , and simultaneously reduces iodine to form hydrogen iodide (HI). A.3.2 Reagents and materials A.3.2.1 Iodine standard titration solution: c(12I2)=0.1 mol/L. A.3.2.2 Absolute ethanol. A.3.3 Analytical procedures WEIGH about 0.3 g (accurate to 0.0002 g) of sample; PLACE it into a 250 mL conical flask; ADD 50 mL of absolute ethanol to dissolve it; ADD 30 mL of water and shake well. Immediately USE the iodine standard titration solution to titrate, until yellow appears and remains 30 s without fading as the end point. RECORD the volume (mL) of the iodine standard titration solution consumed. A.3.4 Result calculation Ascorbyl palmitate content (C22H38O7) w1 is calculated according to formula (A.1): Where: V - The volume of the iodine standard titration solution consumed by titrating the sample, in milliliters (mL); c1 - The concentration of the iodine standard titration solution, in moles per liter (mol/L); 0.2073 - The mass of ascorbyl palmitate expressed in grams equivalent to 1.00 mL of iodine standard titration solution [c(12I2)=1.000 mol/L]; m1 - The mass of sample weighed, in grams (g). The test result is based on the arithmetic mean of parallel determination results. A.5.1.3 Balance: The sensitivity is 0.0001 g. A.5.1.4 Flat weighing bottle. A.5.2 Analytical procedures WEIGH about 1 g (accurate to 0.0001 g) of sample; PLACE it into a constant- weight weighing bottle. Then, PLACE the weighing bottle in a vacuum drying oven; at 56 °C~60 °C, about 2.67 kPa (20 mmHg), DRY for 1 h. After the pressure in the vacuum drying oven returns to normal, TAKE the weighing bottle out. PLACE the weighing bottle into a dryer; COOL to room temperature and weigh. A.5.3 Result calculation The mass fraction w2 of loss on drying is calculated according to the formula (A.3): Where: m2 - The sample mass before drying, in grams (g); m3 - The sample mass after drying, in grams (g). A.6 Determination of residue on ignition A.6.1 Reagents and materials Sulfuric acid. A.6.2 Analytical procedures WEIGH 1 g of sample (accurate to 0.01 g); PLACE it into a porcelain crucible which has been burned at 700 °C~800 °C to a constant weight. First, USE a small fire to slowly heat until completely carbonized. After cooling, ADD 0.5 mL~1.0 mL of sulfuric acid to make it moist. After heating at low temperature until the sulfuric acid vapor is removed, MOVE it into a high temperature furnace and burn it at 700 °C~800 °C to a constant weight. A.6.3 Result calculation Residue on ignition w3 is calculated according to formula (A.4): ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.