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GB 1886.20-2016 PDF English

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GB 1886.20-2016English105 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Food additive -- Sodium hydroxide Valid
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GB 1886.20-2016: PDF in English

GB 1886.20-2016 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA National Food Safety Standard - Food Additives - Sodium Hydroxide ISSUED ON: AUGUST 31, 2016 IMPLEMENTED ON: JANUARY 01, 2017 Issued by: National Health and Family Planning Commission of China Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 4 2 Molecular Formula and Relative Molecular Mass ... 4 3 Technical Requirements ... 4 Appendix A Test Methods ... 6 National Food Safety Standard - Food Additives - Sodium Hydroxide 1 Scope This Standard is applicable to the food additive of sodium hydroxide. 2 Molecular Formula and Relative Molecular Mass 2.1 Molecular formula NaOH 2.2 Relative molecular mass 40.00 (according to 2007 international relative atomic mass) 3 Technical Requirements 3.1 Sensory requirements The sensory requirements shall comply with the provisions of Table 1. Table 1 – Sensory Requirements 3.2 Physical and chemical indicators The physical and chemical indicators shall comply with the provisions of Table 2. Appendix A Test Methods A.1 Safety tips Some of the reagents used in the test methods of this Standard are toxic or corrosive, and shall be handled with care. If it splashes on the skin, it shall be rinsed with water immediately; and the severe cases shall be treated immediately. When using toxic drugs, it shall be managed strictly in accordance with relevant provisions; when using it, inhalation or contact with the skin shall be avoided, and it shall be carried out in a fume hood when necessary. A.2 General rules The reagents and water used in this Standard refer to analytically pure and the Class- III water specified in GB/T 6682 when no other requirements are specified. The standard solutions, standard solutions for impurity determination, preparations and products used in the test are prepared in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 601, GB/T 602, and GB/T 603 when no other requirements are specified. The solution used in the test refers to the aqueous solution when the solvent is not specified. A.3 Identification test A.3.1 Alkaline identification The aqueous solution of this product can dissociate OH-, showing a strong alkaline reaction. A.3.2 Identification of sodium ions Use a clean glass rod burnt with platinum wire on the top. After the platinum wire is wetted with hydrochloric acid, it burns on the flame until it turns colourless. Dip the specimen and burn it in a colourless flame. The flame turns bright yellow immediately. A.4 Determination of total alkali content and sodium carbonate A.4.1 Summary of the method A.4.1.1 Determination of total alkali content (by NaOH) The specimen solution uses bromocresol green-methyl red as the indicator solution; titrate to the end point with a hydrochloric acid standard titration solution. And the total alkali content is determined according to the consumption of the hydrochloric acid standard titration solution. according to Formula (A.4): Where: w1 – mass fraction of the total alkali (by NaOH); w2 – mass fraction of the sodium carbonate; b – label value of the liquid sodium hydroxide (mass fraction of the sodium hydroxide). The test results are subjected to the arithmetic mean of the parallel determination results. The absolute difference between two independent determination results of sodium hydroxide mass fraction obtained under repeatability conditions shall be no more than 0.2%; the absolute difference between two independent determination results of sodium carbonate mass fraction shall be no more than 0.1%. A.5 Determination of insoluble matter and organic impurities Take 5.00g±0.01g of solid sodium hydroxide and dissolve it in 100mL water. The solution shall be completely clear, colourless or slightly coloured. A.6 Determination of mercury (Hg) A.6.1 Summary of the method The same as of GB/T 534-2014. A.6.2 Reagents and materials A.6.2.1 Sulfuric acid solution: 1+1. A.6.2.2 Other reagents are the same as of GB/T 534-2014. A.6.3 Apparatus The same as of GB/T 534-2014. A.6.4 Analytical procedures A.6.4.1 Preparation of test solution Weigh 2.00g±0.01g of solid sodium hydroxide or a liquid specimen equivalent to 2.00g±0.01g of solid sodium hydroxide; place it in a 100mL beaker; dissolve it in 20mL of water. Titrate 10mL of sulfuric acid solution (A.6.2.1); add 0.5mL of potassium permanganate solution; cover this beaker with watch glass; boil for a few seconds; and ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.