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GB 15086-2013 PDF English

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GB 15086-2013English85 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Motor vehicles door locks and retention components performance requirements and test methods Valid
GB 15086-2006English559 Add to Cart 4 days Motor vehicles -- Door locks and door retention components -- Performance requirements and methods Obsolete
GB 15086-1994English319 Add to Cart 3 days Motor vehicles-Door locks and door hinges-Performance requirements and test methods Obsolete
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GB 15086-2013: PDF in English

GB 15086-2013 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 43.040.60 T 26 Replacing 15086-2006 Motor vehicles’ door locks and retention components performance requirements and test methods ISSUED ON. SEPTEMBER 18, 2013 IMPLEMENTED ON. JANUARY 1, 2015 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine; Standardization Administration of PRC. Table of contents Foreword ... 3  Introduction ... 6  1 Scope ... 7  2 Terms and definitions ... 7  3 Technical requirements ... 11  4 Test methods ... 15  5 Transition period for implementation ... 15  APPENDIX A (Informative) Clause number comparison of this standard and corresponding GTR No.1 ... 17  APPENDIX B (Normative) Lock load tests 1, 2 and 3 ... 18  Appendix C (Normative) Inertia test procedure ... 22  Appendix D (Normative) Hinge test procedures ... 28  Appendix E (Normative) Test of sliding door retention components ... 32  Foreword Chapters 3 and 4 of this standard are mandatory, AND the rest are recommended. This standard is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009. This standard replaces GB 15086-2006 “Motor vehicles’ door locks and retention components performance requirements and test methods” As compared with GB 15086-2006, the main technical changes are as follows. - ADD the “door system” (see 2.2), “door hinge system” (see 2.6), “child safety lock system” (see 2.11), “side front door” (see 2.12), “side rear door” (see 2.13), “fork-bolt” (see 2.14), “door closure warning system” (see 2.15), “door latch system” (see 2.16), “primary door latch” (see 2.17), “primary door latch system” (see 2.18), “auxiliary door latch” (see 2.19), “trunk lid” (see 2.20), and “back door” (see 2.21); - MODIFY the definitions of “door”, “latch” “striker (or stop) which had been listed in GB 15086-2006 (see 2.1, 2.7, 2.8; 2.1, 2.5, 2.6 of 2006 version); - CHANGE the “longitudinal load” and “lateral load” into “load 1” and “load 2” (see,; - DELETE the requirements that “The door hinge system of the vehicle's side hinged door must be installed in the front edge of the door along the vehicle travel direction. If the door is free-style, this requirement applies to the door that opens firstly, and the other shall be able to be latched” (see 3.1.5 of 2006 version); - ADD the general requirements for door locks (see 3.1) and latching requirements for door locks (see 3.2.3); - ADD the requirements for vertically opened rear door locks and door hinges [see, b), d)]; - ADD the test requirements for individual hinges (see; - ADD the side door requirements of rearwards installed hinges (see; - ADD the load 1, load 2 and inertia load requirements of the sliding door lock (see,,; Introduction China is a member of the WTO. With the release of the world's first regulation GTR No.1 “Global regulation on door locks and door retention components”, it will become the first officially issued global motor vehicle technology regulation. Therefore, Therefore, GB 15086 adopts, through modification, the global technical regulation GTR No.1 “Global regulation on door locks and door retention components” (English version). GTR No.1 was developed through harmonizing the European regulations (mainly ECE R11 and EU Directive 70/387/EEC) and North American regulations (primarily the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard FMVSS 206 and Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standard CMVSS 206) on “Motor vehicles’ door lock and door retention components”, AND its technical content is consistent with that of the ECE R 11.03 series. GTR No.1 is applicable to category 1-1 vehicles (equivalent to the category M1 vehicles of ECE classification) and Category 2 vehicles (equivalent to the category N vehicles of ECE classification). The vehicle classification methods are specified in the Appendix 5 of GTR No.1, BUT the vehicle category definition are not applicable to our country; meanwhile, as for some descriptions in Appendix 5 “DISCUSSION OF ISSUES TO BE ADDRESSED BY A GTR” of GTR No.1, currently GTR is modifying the vehicle classification and definition, AND whether it is applicable to all category 2 vehicles is still under discussion. As for the vehicle classification in China, it adopts the standard GB/T 15089- 2001 “Classification of power-driven vehicles and trailers”, which is modified from the Appendix 7 of European ECE R.E.3 series. To maintain the consistency of GB 15086, the vehicle classification methods currently used in China are followed. Therefore, this standard is applicable to “the door lock and door retention components of the side door (including sliding doors) or back door for the category M1 and N1 vehicles for passenger access”. Motor vehicles’ door locks and retention components performance requirements and test methods 1 Scope This standard specifies the terms and definitions, technical requirements and test methods for vehicle door locks and door retention components, including latches, hinges and other supports. This standard applies to the door lock and door retention components of the side door (including sliding doors) or back door for the category M1 and N1 vehicles for passenger access. 2 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 2.1 Doors It refers to the hinged door and sliding door used at the vehicle side or back which can be opened and closed for entry and exit of the occupant. It does not include folding doors, roll-up doors and simple doors easy to be installed and removed. 2.2 Door system It includes door, latch, striker (or stop), door hinge, and guide rail and sliding door assembly, as well as the other retention components which are located on the door or around the door frame. The double door system includes two doors. 2.3 Door lock Door latch system It is composed of at least one latch and one striker (or stop). 2.17 Primary door latch It refers to the door lock with fully latched position and secondary latched position. 2.18 Primary door latch system It is composed of at least one latch and one striker (or stop). 2.19 Auxiliary door latch It is the door lock with fully latched position which is installed onto the door or door system that had been equipped with the primary door latch system. 2.20 Trunk lid It refers to a movable vehicle body panel, which is used as the an entrance into the space from the outside of the compartment in which the permanently mounted partition or fixed or downwardly folded seat back is completely separated from the passenger compartment. 2.21 Back door It refers to the door or door system which is located at the rear end of the motor vehicle, through which the occupant can get into or off the vehicle, OR the cargo can be loaded or unloaded. It does not include the following components. a) Trunk lid; b) Doors or windows consisting entirely of glass material, with door locks and/or door hinge systems mounted directly on the glass material. Inertial loads Each primary door latch system and auxiliary door latch system shall comply with the dynamic requirements of a) and/or b) of the following inertial load requirements, OR comply with the calculation requirements of c). Inertial load requirements. a) As for the door latch system, under the unlatched conditions of the latched device, respectively APPLY 30g initial load along the direction parallel with the vehicle longitudinal axis and the vehicle transverse axis, AND it shall not be disengaged from the fully latched position; b) As for the rear door lock system, under the unlatched conditions of the latched device, APPLY 30g initial load along the direction parallel with the vehicle vertical axis, AND it shall not be disengaged from the fully latched position; c) As for each component and sub-system, it may obtain the minimum inertial load along the specific direction through calculation. The combined inertial load to prevent unlocking shall be such as to ensure that the door latch system, when correctly mounted to the door AND subjected to the inertial loads specified in a) and/or b) above, is kept at the latched position. Door hinges Each door hinge system shall be capable of withstanding the performance requirements of the following door hinge systems. a) Supports the door; b) Shall not be disengaged at longitudinal loads of 11000 N; c) Shall not be disengaged at a transverse load of 9000 N; d) The rear door hinge opened vertically shall not be disengaged under the vertical load of 9000N. If the entire door hinge system is not tested and only a single hinge in a door hinge system is tested, the hinge shall be loaded in proportion to the total number of hinges in the door hinge system. As for the side door with a rear-mounted hinge and w... ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.