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GB 14554-1993 PDF English

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GB 14554-1993: PDF in English

GB 14554-1993 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Replacing GBJ 4-73 1 Emission standards for odor pollutants APPROVED ON. JULY 19, 1993 IMPLEMENTED ON. JANUARY 15, 1994 Issued by. National Environmental Protection Administration Note. 1 This Standard substitutes the indicators of hydrogen sulfide and carbon disulfide in GBJ 4-73. 3. No action is required - Full-copy of this standard will be automatically & immediately delivered to your EMAIL address in 0~60 minutes. Table of Contents 1 Subject content and scope of application ... 3  2 Normative references ... 3  3 Terminology ... 4  4 Technical contents ... 4  5 Standard implementation ... 8  6 Monitoring ... 8  Annex A (Supplement) Calculation of emission concentration and emissions 11  Additional information... 11  Emission standards for odor pollutants This Standard is formulated to implement the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution, to control the pollution of odor pollutants to the atmosphere, to protect and improve the environment. 1 Subject content and scope of application 1.1 Subject content This Standard specifies the maximum emission limit at one time of eight odor pollutants, the odor concentration limit of complex odor substances, and the factory concentration limit at boundary of fugitive emission sources in chronological order. 1.2 Scope of application This Standard is applicable to the emission management of all the organizations that emit odor gases to the atmosphere throughout the country and the garbage dumps, the environmental impact assessment, design and completion acceptance of the construction projects, and the emission management after the completion of construction. 2 Normative references GB 3095 Ambient air quality standard GB 12348 Standard of noise at boundary of industrial enterprises GB/T 14675 Air quality - Determination of odor - Triangle odor bag method GB/T 14676 Air quality - Determination of trimethylamine - Gas chromatography GB/T 14677 Air quality - Determination of toluene, dimethy1 benzene and styrene - Gas chromatography GB/T 14678 Air quality - Determination of sulfuretted hydrogen, methyl sulfhydryl, dimethyl sulfide and dimethyl disulfide - Gas chromatography GB/T 14679 Air quality - Determination of ammonia - Sodium salicylate- sodium hypochlorite spectrophotometric method GB/T 14680 Air quality - Determination of carbon disulfide - Diethylamine spectrophometric method 3 Terminology 3.1 Odor pollutants The gaseous substances that stimulate the olfactory organs and thus cause unpleasantness and damage to the living environment. 3.2 Odor concentration It refers to the dilution ratio required for diluting the odor gases (including the peculiar smell) with odorless air until it’s just odorless. 3.3 Fugitive emission sources The emission sources with no exhaust cylinder or an exhaust cylinder height of less than 15m. 4 Technical contents 4.1 Standard grading The factory standard values at boundary of odor pollutants in this Standard are divided into three grades. 4.1.1 For the odor pollutants discharged into the Class I area in GB 3095, CARRY out the Grade I standard. No new pollutant discharging organization shall be established in the Class I area. 4.1.2 For the odor pollutants discharged into the Class II area in GB 3095, CARRY out the Grade II standard. 4.1.3 For the odor pollutants discharged into the Class III area in GB 3095, CARRY out the Grade III standard. 4.2 Standard values 4.2.1 The factory standard values at boundary of odor pollutants refer to the limits of fugitive emission sources. SEE Table 1. the pollution sources are set at the exhaust vents of the control device. A permanent symbol shall be set. 6.1.4 The sampling frequency of the organized emission sources shall be determined according to the production cycle. For the production cycle within 8h, SAMPLE once every 2h; for the production cycle of greater than 8h, SAMPLE once every 4h. TAKE the maximum measured value. 6.2 Monitoring of fugitive emission sources 6.2.1 Sampling point The sampling points for monitoring at boundary of factories shall be set on the downwind side at boundary of factories, or on the boundary line in the direction with the presence of odor. 6.2.2 Sampling frequency For continuous emission sources, SAMPLE once every other 2h, for a total of 4 times. TAKE the maximum measured value. For intermittent emission sources, SAMPLE within the period of time when the odor is most intense. The number of sample collections shall not be less than 3 times. TAKE the maximum measured value. 6.3 Monitoring of waters During the monitoring of waters (including the sea, rivers, lakes, gutters and canals), the banks shall be considered as the boundary line at boundary of factories. The sampling point settings and the sampling frequency shall be the same as the monitoring of fugitive emission sources. 6.4 Determination The methods for the determination of each individual odor pollutant and odor concentration in this Standard are shown in Table 3. Table 3 -- Methods for the Determination of Odor pollutants and Odor Concentration Serial No. Controlled item Methods for determination 1 Ammonia GB/T 14679 2 Trimethylamine GB/T 14676 3 Sulfuretted hydrogen GB/T 14678 4 Methyl sulfhydryl GB/T 14678 5 Dimethyl sulfide GB/T 14678 6 Dimethyl disulfide GB/T 14678 ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.