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GB 10648-2013 PDF English

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GB 10648-2013: PDF in English

GB 10648-2013 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 65.120 B 46 GB/T 10648-2013 Replacing GB 10648-1999 Feed label ISSUED ON. OCTOBER 10, 2013 IMPLEMENTED ON. JULY 01, 2014 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine; Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 5  2 Normative references ... 5  3 Terms and definitions ... 5  4 Basic principles ... 7  5 Basic content that shall be labeled ... 8  6 Basic requirements ... 13  Annex A (Informative) Common measurement unit for guaranteed analysis of product ... 14  Feed label 1 Scope This Standard specifies basic principles, basic content and basic requirements labeled by feed, feed additive and feed ingredient labels. This Standard is applicable to commodity feed, feed additives and feed ingredients (including imported products), excluding feedable raw grain, pharmaceutical feed additives and feeds prepared by farmers themselves. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB/T 10647, Feed industry terms GB 13078, Hygienical standards for feeds 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions defined in GB/T 10647 as well as the followings apply. 3.1 feed label all notes or other instructions describing the contents of feed, feed additives and feed ingredients in words, symbols, numbers and figures 3.2 feed material feed material derived from animals, plants, microorganisms or minerals used to process feed but not feed additives 3.3 feed industrially processed and produced products for animal consumption, including single feed, additive premix feed, concentrate feed, formula feed and supplementary concentrate a feed that in order to supplement the nutrition of herbivores, a variety of feed ingredients and feed additives are prepared according to a certain ratio 3.12 feed additive small or trace substances added during feed processing, preparation, and use, including nutritive feed additives and general feed additives 3.13 feed additive blender feed additive product which is mixed in a certain ratio by one or more feed additives and a carrier or diluent, but which is not an additive premix feed 3.14 official approval document a general name for new feed, new feed additive certificate; feed, feed additive import registration certificate; feed, feed additive production license, and feed additive, additive premix feed product approval number 3.15 common name product name that reflects the true attributes of feed, feed additives and feed ingredients and complies with relevant laws, regulations and standards 3.16 guaranteed analysis of product the product component value that can be obtained by the specified analytical method during the product warranty period and meets the standard requirements 3.17 net content the amount of contents after removing the packaging container and all other packaging materials 3.18 medical feed additive premixed veterinary drug incorporating a carrier or diluent for the prevention or treatment of animal diseases 4 Basic principles 4.1 The labelling content shall comply with the relevant national laws, regulations and standards. 4.2 The labelling content shall be true, scientific and accurate. 4.3 The expression of the labelling content shall be easy to understand. Do not formula and precautions. Feed additive, trace mineral premix and vitamin premix shall indicate recommended dosage and precautions. 5.7 Net content 5.7.1 Packaging products shall indicate the net content of the product packaging unit. Products transported by canned vehicles shall indicate the net content of the transport unit. 5.7.2 Solid products shall use quality labeling. Liquid, semi-solid or viscous products can be labeled by volume or mass. 5.7.3 When labeling in mass, when the mass is less than 1kg, the gram (g) is used as the unit of measurement. If the net content exceeds 1kg (including 1kg), the kilogram (kg) is used as the unit of measurement. When labelling in volume, when the net content is less than 1L, the milliliter (mL or ml) is used as the unit of measurement. If the net content exceeds 1L (including 1L), the liters (L or L) is used as the unit of measurement. 5.8 Date of production 5.8.1 It shall indicate the full year, month, and day. 5.8.2 The date of manufacture indicated on the Chinese label of the imported product shall be the same as the date of manufacture indicated on the label of origin. 5.9 Shelf life 5.9.1 Use “shelf life is day (day) or month or year” or “shelf life to. year, month and day” to represent. 5.9.2 The shelf life indicated on the Chinese label of the imported product shall be the same as the shelf life indicated on the label of origin. 5.10 Storage conditions and methods Storage conditions and storage methods shall be indicated. 5.11 Number of administrative official approval document Feed and feed additive products subject to administrative license management shall be labeled with the number of administrative official approval document. 5.12 Name and address of producer, operator 5.12.1 Feed and feed additive products subject to administrative license management shall indicate producer name, registered address, production address and postal code, contact information consistent with the administrative 5.13.5 Imported products Imported products are labeled with Chinese to indicate the country of origin or region name. 5.13.6 Genetically modified products The labeling of genetically modified products shall comply with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations. 5.13.7 Other content It can indicate other necessary contents, such as. product batch number, quality certification mark during the validity period, etc. 6 Basic requirements 6.1 Printed materials shall be firm and durable. Text, symbols, numbers, graphics are clear and eye-catching, easy to identify. 6.2 It must not be separated or obscured from the package. The full label content shall be visible without opening the package. 6.3 The label for the canned transport product is delivered with the invoice. 6.4 It shall use the standardized Chinese characters, the corresponding Chinese Pinyin and other characters at the same time. 6.5 It shall use national legal unit of measurement. See Annex A for common measurement unit for guaranteed analysis of product. 6.6 A label can only identify one product. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.