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CQC-C0601-2014: PDF in English

CQC-C0601-2014 Page 1 of 34  Serial No.. CQC-C0601-2014 Implementation Detailed-Rules for China Compulsory Certification – Electric Welding Machine ISSUED ON. SEPTEMBER 1, 2014 IMPLEMENTED ON. SEPTEMBER 1, 2014 Issued by. China Quality Certification Center Page 3 of 34  Table of Contents 0. Introduction ... 4  0.1 Terms and definitions ... 4  0.2 Classification management requirements of manufacturing enterprise ... 5  1. Application Scope ... 7  2. Standards for certification ... 7  3. Certification mode ... 7  3.1 Basic mode ... 7  3.2 Details of certification mode ... 7  3.3 Applicability of certification mode ... 7  4. Division of certification-unit ... 8  5. Certification entrusting ... 8  5.1 Certification application and acceptance ... 8  5.2 Application materials ... 8  5.3 Implementation arrangement ... 9  6. Certification implementation ... 9  6.1 Type test ... 9  6.2 Initial factory inspection ... 11  6.3 Certification evaluation and approval ... 13  6.4 Certification time limit ... 13  7. After-certification supervision ... 13  7.1 After-certification follow-up inspection ... 14  7.2 On-site sampling inspection ... 14  7.3 Market sampling inspection ... 15  7.4 Frequency and time of after-certification supervision ... 15  7.5 Record of after-certification supervision ... 15  7.6 Evaluation of result of after-certification supervision ... 16  8. Certificate ... 16  8.1 Certificate maintenance ... 16  8.2 Change of certificate for covered products ... 16  8.3 Expansion of covered products ... 17  8.4 Cancellation, suspension and withdrawal of certificate ... 17  8.5 Use of certificate ... 17  9. Certification marks ... 17  10. Charge ... 17  11. Certification responsibilities ... 17  12. Process and time-limit requirements related to technical disputes, complaints and appeal ... 17  Attachment 1    Division Principles of Certification‐unit and Sample Quantity of Electric Welding  Machine Product Compulsory Certification ... 18  Attachment 2    Requirements for factory’s quality assurance capacity ... 20  Attachment 3    Factory Quality Control Testing Requirements for Electric Welding Machine ... 27  Appendix  4    List  and Requirements  of  Critical  Components  and Materials  of  Electric Welding  Machine ... 30  Appendix  5    Change  Requirements  of  Critical  Components  and Materials  of  Electric Welding  Machine Product Compulsory Certification ... 33  Page 4 of 34  0. Introduction Implementation Detailed-Rules for China Compulsory Certification - Electric welding machine (hereafter referred to as Detailed-Rules) is formulated according to the provisions of Implementation Rules for China Compulsory Certification - Electric welding machine (CNCA-C04-01.2014) (hereafter referred to as Implementation Rules). Detailed-Rules is used together with Implementation Rules as a supportive document. The product scope, certification basis and all other contents of this Detailed- Rules shall comply with relevant provisions of Implementation Rules. It shall also be adjusted according to the Notices such as defined directory and directory adjustment that are issued by Certification and Accreditation Administration of China (hereafter referred to as CNCA). In accordance with the provisions of Implementation Rules, following the principles of maintaining the effectiveness of product certification, improving quality of product, serving certification companies, and controlling risk of certification, CQC formulates and issues this Detailed-Rules. Through establishing the classification management requirements of manufacturing enterprises, and combining the classification of manufacturing enterprises, this Detailed-Rules determines the implementation requirements for China Compulsory Certification of electric welding machine. 0.1 Terms and definitions 0.1.1 Testing at Manufacturer’s Premises (abbreviated as TMP mode) It means that the engineers of designated laboratory use the testing equipment in the factory laboratory to conduct testing. The factory shall dispatch test personnel to provide assistance. The designated laboratory will examine, approve and issue the test report. 0.1.2 Witnessed Manufacturer’s Testing (abbreviated as WMT mode) It means that the engineer of designated laboratory witnesses the factory laboratory’s test conditions and all tests completed by using the laboratory’s equipment or according to the test plan submitted; or witnesses part of the test conditions and the test items. Test personnel of the factory laboratory shall provide the original records and draft up the test report together with the engineer of designated laboratory according to relevant provisions. The designated laboratory shall audit, approve and issue the test report. 0.1.3 ODM (Original Design Manufacturer) manufacturing enterprise The factory that utilizes the same-quality assurance capability requirements, same-product design, same-production process control, and same inspection requirements etc., to design, process, manufacture the same-product for a Page 5 of 34  manufacturer or multiple manufacturers. 0.1.4 Holder of ODM initial certificate The organization that holds the initial product certificate of ODM product. 0.1.5 OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) manufacturing enterprise The manufacturing factory that manufactures the certification product in accordance with the entrusting party’s design, process control and inspection requirements. The entrusting party can be the certification entrusting client [Note by Translator (not part of this document). “Certification entrusting client” refers to the applicant who applies the production certification to CQC. “Certification entrusting client” may be the Manufacturer or its proxy (Power of Attorney) such as local representative, importer, distributor etc. Hereafter it is abbreviated as CLIENT] or the manufacturer. OEM manufacturing enterprise manufactures the certification product with its own equipment in accordance the entrusting party’s design, process control and inspection requirements. 0.2 Classification management requirements of manufacturing enterprise CQC collects and sorts-out a... ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.