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YY/T 1548-2017 English PDF

YY/T 1548-2017_English: PDF (YY/T1548-2017)
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YY/T 1548-2017English439 Add to Cart 5 days [Need to translate] Film dose measurement methods used in radiation therapy Valid YY/T 1548-2017

Standard ID YY/T 1548-2017 (YY/T1548-2017)
Description (Translated English) Film dose measurement methods used in radiation therapy
Sector / Industry Medical Device & Pharmaceutical Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard C43
Classification of International Standard 11.040.60
Word Count Estimation 22,242
Date of Issue 2017-05-02
Date of Implementation 2018-04-01
Drafting Organization Beijing Medical Devices Testing Institute, Peidweier Radiation Measuring Instruments (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Cancer Hospital of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Shandong Institute of Metrology, Beijing Honglian Medical Devices Development Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization National Technical Committee for Medical Appliance Standardization Technical Committee on Radiation Therapy, Nuclear Medicine and Radiological Equipment (SAC/TC 10/SC 3)
Regulation (derived from) China Food & Drug Administration Announcement 2017 No. 49
Proposing organization China Food and Drug Administration
Issuing agency(ies) State Food and Drug Administration

YY/T 1548-2017 Film dose measurement methods used in radiation therapy ICS 11.040.60 C43 People's Republic of China pharmaceutical industry standards Radiotherapy film dose measurement method 2017-05-02 released 2018-04-01 implementation State Food and Drug Administration released Directory Preface Ⅰ 1 range 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Terms and definitions 1 4 radiotherapy film dose measurement equipment and conditions used 2 5 parameter measurement and adjustment 4 6 dose response calibration 5 7 film after irradiation treatment and preservation 6 Appendix A (informative) scanner and densitometer acceptance testing and quality assurance 8 Appendix B (informative) Radiotherapy commonly used in several film products and their nominal dosage range 10 Appendix C (informative) RG film processing and washing 11 Appendix D (Normative) Practical irradiation and assessment 17 References 19 Foreword This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009. Please note that some of this document may be patentable. The issuing agencies of this document do not bear the responsibility of identifying these patents. This standard proposed by the State Food and Drug Administration. This standard by the National Standardization Technical Committee of Medical Electrical Radiation therapy, nuclear medicine and radiation dosimetry equipment sub-technical committee (SAC/TC10/SC3). This standard was drafted. Beijing Medical Device Inspection Institute, Peidwewe radiation measurement equipment (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Cancer Hospital, Shandong Institute of Metrology, Beijing Medical Devices Co., Ltd. in conjunction. The main drafters of this standard. Zhang Xin, Fu Guotao, Tian Zhongqing, Wang Jianli, Zhang Ke, Liu Yang, Zhang Zhongzhu. Radiotherapy film dose measurement method 1 Scope This standard specifies the radiotherapy using film for dose measurement methods. This standard applies to radiotherapy in the film dose measurement. 2 Normative references The following documents for the application of this document is essential. For dated references, only the dated version applies to this article Pieces. For undated references, the latest edition (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T 17857 medical radiology terms (radiation therapy, nuclear medicine and radiation dosimetry equipment) Common specifications for flatbed scanners GB/T 18788-2008 3 Terms and definitions GB/T 17857 and GB/T 18788-2008 as defined in the following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1 Radiochromic film RC film Used in radiotherapy with radiochromic effect of film; after exposure to radiation solid material (film) to absorb the radiation photons without the need Potential chemical, optical or thermodynamic development or amplification, to form a stable, real-time color rendering of the image; with or without this material Layer to prevent the follow-up changes in color sensitive materials. 3.2 Radiographic film radiographicfilm RG film Transparent film base, covered on both sides of the substrate or single-sided silver halide crystal particles (mainly silver bromide) latex and latex Coating composition; when the film is exposed to visible light or ionizing radiation, silver ions (Ag) in the silver halide (AgH) crystal particles are reduced to silver Atoms (Ag), several silver atoms form the so-called "latent image"; when the film is washed, the developer causes Ag reduction of the crystal particles to Ag, forming a black Degrees of difference in grayscale images. 3.3 Sensitivity ISO sensitivity, used to measure light intensity required for normal exposure of light measurement equipment. 3.4 Optical density Describe the opacity of the film, expressed in terms of light transmission factor. The mathematical expression is OD = lg I0 Where, I0, I are after the film before and after the light intensity. ......

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