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YS/T 575.14-2020 English PDF (YST575.14-2007, YST575.14-2006)

YS/T 575.14-2020_English: PDF (YS/T575.14-2020)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
YS/T 575.14-2020English239 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] (Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite ores. Part 14: Determination of rare earth oxide content) Valid YS/T 575.14-2020
YS/T 575.14-2007English239 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite. Part 14: Determination the total content of rare earth oxide. Tribromo-arsenazo photometric method Obsolete YS/T 575.14-2007
YS/T 575.14-2006English239 Add to Cart 2 days [Need to translate] Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite. Determination the total content of rare earth oxide. Tribromo-arsenazo photometric method Obsolete YS/T 575.14-2006

Standard ID YS/T 575.14-2020 (YS/T575.14-2020)
Description (Translated English) (Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite ores. Part 14: Determination of rare earth oxide content)
Sector / Industry Nonferrous Metallurgy Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard H30
Classification of International Standard 71.100.10
Word Count Estimation 11,199
Date of Issue 2020-12-09
Date of Implementation 2021-04-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) YS/T 575.14-2007
Drafting Organization Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
Administrative Organization Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
Regulation (derived from) Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Announcement No. 48 [2020]
Proposing organization Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
Issuing agency(ies) Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

Standard ID YS/T 575.14-2007 (YS/T575.14-2007)
Description (Translated English) Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite. Part 14: Determination the total content of rare earth oxide. Tribromo-arsenazo photometric method
Sector / Industry Nonferrous Metallurgy Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard Q52
Classification of International Standard 71.100.10
Word Count Estimation 6,662
Date of Issue 2007-11-14
Date of Implementation 2008-05-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) YS/T 575.14-2006
Drafting Organization Zhengzhou Research Institute Aluminum Corporation of China
Administrative Organization National Standardization Technical Committee of non-ferrous metals
Regulation (derived from) NDRC Notice No. 77 of 2007
Summary This standard specifies the bauxite in the determination of total rare earth oxides. This standard applies to bauxite Determination of total rare earth oxides, measuring range: 0. 020% ~ 0. 300%.

Standard ID YS/T 575.14-2006 (YS/T575.14-2006)
Description (Translated English) Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite. Determination the total content of rare earth oxide. Tribromo-arsenazo photometric method
Sector / Industry Nonferrous Metallurgy Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard D42
Classification of International Standard 73.060
Word Count Estimation 6,644
Date of Issue 2006-07-27
Date of Implementation 2006-10-11
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 3257.15-1999
Regulation (derived from) NDRC Notice No. 46 of 2006; NDRC Notice No. 77 of 2007

YS/T 575.14-2007 Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite.Part 14. Determination the total content of rare earth oxide.Tribromo-arsenazo photometric method ICS 71.100.10 Q52 People's Republic of China Nonferrous Metals Industry Standard Replacing YS/T 575.14-2006 Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite - Part 14. Determination of total rare earth oxides Tribromoarsenazo spectrophotometry Posted 2007-11-14 2008-05-01 implementation National Development and Reform Commission issued Foreword YS/T 575-2007 "chemical analysis of bauxite -" Is the YS/T 575-2006 (formerly GB/T 3257-1999) amendments A total of 24 parts. --- Part 1. aluminum oxide content - EDTA titration --- Part 2. silica content - Gravimetric - molybdenum blue spectrophotometry --- Part 3. Determination of silica content molybdenum blue photometric --- Part 4. iron oxide content - Potassium dichromate titration --- Part 5. Determination of iron oxide content phenanthroline spectrophotometry --- Part 6. Determination of titanium dioxide content di Zhao DAM spectrophotometry --- Part 7. calcium oxide content - Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry --- Part 8. magnesium oxide content - Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry --- Part 9. potassium hydroxide, sodium oxide content - Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry --- Part 10. Determination of manganese oxide content by flame atomic absorption spectrometry --- Part 11. chromium oxide content - Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry --- Part 12. Determination of vanadium pentoxide content of benzoyl phenylhydroxylamine photometric method --- Part 13. Determination of zinc content by flame atomic absorption spectrometry --- Part 14. Determination of total rare earth oxide Tribromoarsenazo spectrophotometry --- Part 15. Determination of gallium oxide content of rhodamine B extraction spectrophotometry --- Part 16. Determination of phosphorus pentoxide molybdenum blue photometric --- Part 17. Determination of sulfur content - Combustion - iodometric method --- Part 18. Determination of total carbon content - Combustion - non-aqueous titration --- Part 19. Determination of burning weight reduction method --- Part 20. pre-dried sample preparation --- Part 21. Determination of organic carbon titration --- Part 22. Analysis of samples moisture intrudes content - Gravimetric method --- Part 23. Determination of the chemical composition of the X-ray fluorescence spectrometry --- Part 24. Determination of carbon and sulfur content infrared absorption method This is Part 14. The partial replacement of YS/T 575.14-2006 (formerly GB/T 3257.15-1999). This section is amended to YS/T 575.14-2006, compared with YS/T 575.14-2006, the main changes are as follows. --- The drying temperature of the sample unified 110 ℃ ± 5 ℃; --- Increased precision. The non-ferrous metal part by the National Standardization Technical Committee and centralized. This part of the Aluminum Corporation of China Zhengzhou Research Institute is responsible for drafting. This section drafted by the Aluminum Corporation of China Henan Branch. The main drafters of this section. Liang Qian, any joint venture, Lee spring tide, Huang Jian, ORTHOPAEDICS, Bai Wenjing. The non-ferrous metal part by the National Standardization Technical Committee responsible for the interpretation. This part of the standard replaces the previous editions are. --- YS/T 575.14-2006 (formerly GB/T 3257.15-1999). Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite - Part 14. Determination of total rare earth oxides Tribromoarsenazo spectrophotometry 1 Scope This section specifies the determination method of bauxite in the total amount of rare earth oxides. This section applies to the determination of total rare earth oxides in bauxite, the measurement range. 0.020% ~ 0.300%. 2 principle of the method Sample with sodium hydroxide melt, melt a small amount of hot water extraction, and acidified with hydrochloric acid; then sodium hydroxide solution was adjusted to pH 2 ~ 2.5 In sulfosalicylic acid and the presence of hydrogen peroxide, ferric complexed with EDTA, adding a certain amount of hydrochloric acid - sodium acetate buffer solution, tribromo Arsenazo solution, respectively, at a wavelength of 639nm, 621nm, 652nm absorbance was measured at. 3 Reagents 3.1 sodium hydroxide, pure class distinctions. 3.2 perchloric acid, pure class distinctions. 3.3 Hydrogen peroxide. 3.4 Sodium hydroxide solution (100g/L). 3.5 HCl (1 + 1). 3.6 mixed indicator. Press cresol red and thymol blue 1.1 formulated. Cresol red, 1g/L ethanol (1 + 1) solution; thymol blue, 1g/L ethanol (1 + 4) was added. 3.7 sulfosalicylic acid (40g/L). 20.0g said sulfosalicylic acid, 4.50g of sodium hydroxide in 300mL beaker with a small amount of water to dissolve After transferred to 500mL volumetric flask, dilute to the mark with water. A pH of 2 to 2.5. 3.8 sodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate dihydrate (EDTA) solution (0.02mol/L). 3.9 hydrochloric acid - sodium acetate (0.5mol/L) buffer solution. Weigh 34.02gCH3COONa · 3H2O to 300mL beaker, with the amount of Dissolved in water, adjusted to pH 2 with hydrochloric acid to 2.5, water volume in 500mL volumetric flask. 3.10 Tribromoarsenazo solution (0.5g/L). 3.11 matrix solution. Weigh 3.12gAlCl3 · 6H2O, 0.2gFeCl3 · 6H2O, 12.0g sodium hydroxide (3.1) in 250mL burn Cup, add 60mL0.5mg/mL standard solution of titanium sulfate (1.11mol/L), dissolved in a small amount of water, was added 70mL of hydrochloric acid (3.5), And into 1000mL volumetric flask, dilute to the mark, shake. 0.66mg aluminum oxide containing 1mL of this solution, 0.03mg two Titanium oxide, 0.06mg ferric oxide. 3.12 single rare earth oxide standard solution. 3.12.1 accurately weighed 0.1000g dried at 120 ℃ has had various single rare earth oxide (99.99% La2O3, Nd2O3, Gd2O3, Y2O3, etc.) in a 100mL beaker were added 80mL of hydrochloric acid (3.5), low dissolved by heating, cooled to room temperature, transferred to 1000mL volumetric flask, dilute with water to volume, and mix. This solution 1mL each containing 100μg single rare earth oxides. 3.12.2 accurately weighed 0.1000g dried at 120 ℃ has been ceria (99.99% CeO2) in 100mL beaker, add 5mL Perchloric acid (3.2), low dissolved by heating, cooled to room temperature, 80mL of hydrochloric acid (3.5), and then transferred to 1000mL volumetric flask, dilute with water Release to the mark. This solution 1mL containing 100μg ceria. 3.13 total rare earth oxide standard stock solution. ......

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