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YS/T 1039-2015 English PDF

YS/T 1039-2015_English: PDF (YS/T1039-2015)
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YS/T 1039-2015English389 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Rolled copper foil for flexible printed circuit board   YS/T 1039-2015

Standard ID YS/T 1039-2015 (YS/T1039-2015)
Description (Translated English) Rolled copper foil for flexible printed circuit board
Sector / Industry Nonferrous Metallurgy Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard H62
Classification of International Standard 77.150.30
Word Count Estimation 11,122
Date of Issue 2015-04-30
Date of Implementation 2015-10-01
Quoted Standard GB/T 2036-1994; GB/T 5121.1; GB/T 5121.2; GB/T 5121.3; GB/T 5121.4; GB/T 5121.5; GB/T 5121.6; GB/T 5121.7; GB/T 5121.8; GB/T 5121.9; GB/T 5121.10; GB/T 5121.11; GB/T 5121.12; GB/T 5121.13; GB/T 5121.14; GB/T 5121.15; GB/T 5121.16; GB/T 5121.17; GB/T 5121.18; GB/T 5121.19; GB/T 5121.20; GB/T 5121.21; GB/T 5121.22; GB/T 5121.23; GB/T 5121.24; GB/T 5121.25; GB/T 5121.26; GB/T 5121.27; GB/T 5121.28; GB/T 5121.29; GB/T 5231; GB/T 8888; GB/T 10610; GB/T 26303.3; GB/T 29847-2013
Drafting Organization Heze Guangyuan Group Shandong Tianhe Rolling Copper Foil Co., Ltd., Nonferrous Metals Technology and Economic Research Institute, China Aluminum Shanghai Copper Industry Co., Ltd., Ningbo Xingye Shengtai Group Co., Ltd., Zhongbiao Obote Copper & Aluminum Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization National Non-Ferrous Metals Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 243)
Regulation (derived from) Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Announcement (2015 No. 28)
Proposing organization National Non-Ferrous Metals Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 243)
Issuing agency(ies) Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China
Summary This Standard specifies the rolled copper foil of a flexible printed wiring requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation, storage, quality certificate and purchase order (or contract) content. This Standard applies to the manufacture of flexible printed wiring rolled copper box (hereinafter referred to as copper).

YS/T 1039-2015 (The flexible printed wiring rolled copper) ICS 77.150.30 H62 People's Republic of China Nonferrous Metals Industry Standard The flexible printed wiring rolled copper Issued on. 2015-04-30 2015-10-01 implementation Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China released Foreword This standard was drafted in accordance with GB/T 1.1-2009 given rules. This standard by the national non-ferrous metals Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC243) and focal points. This standard is drafted by. Heze Guangyuan Group Co., Ltd. Shandong days rolled copper foil, non-ferrous metals Technical and Economic Research Institute, aluminum Shanghai Copper Co., Ltd., Ningbo Xingye Shengtai Group Co., Ltd., the color Obote Cu-Al Industry Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard. in Liansheng, Xuji Ling, Chang Bao-Ping, Zhang Fen, Xue Fangzhong, Raymond Chan, Shao Shengzhong, Zhangmeng Liang, Hu Wenjiang, Wang Dongxing, C-jun Xu, Gou Wei Juan. The flexible printed wiring rolled copper 1 Scope This standard specifies the rolled copper foil flexible printed circuit boards with the requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation, storage, quality Certificates and the amount of the purchase order (or contract) content. This standard applies to the manufacture of flexible printed circuit boards with a rolled copper foil (hereinafter referred to as copper). 2 Normative references The following documents for the application of this document is essential. For dated references, only the dated version suitable for use herein Member. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies to this document. GB/T 2036-1994 term printed circuits GB/T 5121 (all parts) of copper and copper alloys - GB/T 5231 and processing of copper and copper alloy grades and chemical composition GB/T 8888 heavy non-ferrous metal processing products, packaging, labeling, transportation, storage and quality certificate GB/T 10610 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) Surface texture Profile method - Rules and procedures for evaluation of the surface structure GB/T 26303.3 copper and copper alloy processing material Dimensions test methods Part 3. plate and strip GB/T 29847-2013 Test method for copper foil for printed boards 3 Terms, definitions and symbols GB/T 2036-1994 and as defined in the following terms, definitions and symbols apply to this document. For ease of use, the following listed repeatedly The GB/T 2036-1994 some terms and definitions. 3.1 Low temperature annealing rolled copper copperfoilasroled-wrought-lowtemperatureannealable It can be rolled copper foil in the course of performance reached by the low temperature heat treatment after certain requirements. 3.2 Adhesion enhancement bondenhancingtreatment Improved adhesion between the metal foil surface is treated with the adjacent layers of material. [GB/T 2036-1994, the definition 3.2.53] 3.3 Etching etching Unwanted conductive material by chemical or electrochemical methods to remove the printed pattern formed on a substrate process. [GB/T 2036-1994, the definition 5.3.19] 3.4 Weldability solderability Metal surface by molten solder wetting ability. [GB/T 2036-1994, the definition 6.4.12] ......

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