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SN/T 0066-2015 English PDF (SN0066-1992)

SN/T 0066-2015_English: PDF (SN/T0066-2015)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
SN/T 0066-2015English399 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Methods for sampling and sample preparation of chrome ores in bulk for import Valid SN/T 0066-2015
SN 0066-1992English599 Add to Cart 4 days [Need to translate] Method for samplling and sample preparationof chrome ores in bulk for import Obsolete SN 0066-1992

Standard ID SN/T 0066-2015 (SN/T0066-2015)
Description (Translated English) Methods for sampling and sample preparation of chrome ores in bulk for import
Sector / Industry Commodity Inspection Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard D33
Classification of International Standard 73.060.30
Word Count Estimation 17,165
Date of Issue 2015-05-26
Date of Implementation 2016-01-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) SN 0066-1992
Quoted Standard GB/T 2007.1-1987; GB/T 2007.2; GB/T 2007.3; GB/T 2007.4; GB/T 2007.6; GB/T 2007.7; SN/T 2726
Drafting Organization Exit Inspection and Quarantine of Liaoning People's Republic of China
Administrative Organization Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People Republic of China
Regulation (derived from) State Quality-Inspection-accreditation [2015] No.224
Proposing organization Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China
Summary This standard specifies the bulk import chrome ore sampling and sample preparation methods. This standard applies to bulk import chrome ore (lump ore, fine ore and concentrates) chemical composition, moisture, particle size and other physical items and preparation of samples for measurement.

Standard ID SN 0066-1992 (SN0066-1992)
Description (Translated English) Method for samplling and sample preparationof chrome ores in bulk for import
Sector / Industry Commodity Inspection Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard D33
Word Count Estimation 15,180
Date of Issue 1992/12/24
Date of Implementation 1993/5/1
Quoted Standard GB 2007.1; GB 2007.2; GB 2007.3; GB 2007.4; GB 2007.5; GB 2007.6; GB 2007.7
Adopted Standard JIS M8108-1982, NEQ
Drafting Organization People's Republic of China Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau in Liaoning
Administrative Organization People's Republic of China National Import and Export Commodities Inspection Bureau
Proposing organization People Republic of China National Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau
Issuing agency(ies) People Republic of China National Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau
Summary This standard applies to the import of bulk chrome ore (lump ore, iron ore fines and concentrates) chemical composition, moisture, particle size and other physical examination and preparation of the project with the sample.

SN/T 0066-2015 (Chrome ore imports bulk sampling and sample preparation method) People's Republic of China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Standards Replacing SN 0066-1992 Chrome ore imports bulk sampling and sample preparation method Issued on. 2015-05-26 2016-01-01 implementation People's Republic of China The State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine released Foreword This standard was drafted in accordance with GB/T 1.1-2009 given rules. This standard replaces SN 0066-1992 "chrome ore imports bulk sampling and sample preparation method." This standard compared with SN 0066-1992, the main changes are as follows. --- Increasing the preface; --- In Chapter 1, increasing the clause "This standard specifies the bulk import chrome ore sampling and sample preparation method"; --- In Chapter 2, delete the original text of the standard "2 reference standard", add "2 Normative references"; --- "2 Normative references", delete obsolete standard "GB 2007.5-87", to increase the standard "GB/T 2007.4-2008 Bulk minerals sampling and sample preparation General bias, precision Experimental methods for checking "" SN/T 2726 Inspection minerals terminology "; --- Added "3 Terms and Definitions"; --- The standard "coefficient of variation" are replaced by "relative standard deviation"; --- Standard in many "80 mesh" are changed to "180μm"; --- The "5.2 sampling tool" in the drawings in Appendix A to move; --- The "6.1 sample preparation tool" in Appendix B to move to the drawings; --- The original 6.2 to 6.6 standard texts made editorial modifications; --- Original standard "Appendix A reference piece" Delete; --- Delete annotated, the annotated contents described in the "foreword" in. This standard is proposed and managed by the National Certification and Accreditation Administration Committee. This standard was drafted. People's Republic of China Liaoning Province Exit Inspection and Quarantine. The main drafters of this standard. of Interferon Zeng Ze, Fu Yao, JIANG Wei Qi, Ren Yuwei, Yang Yu. This standard replaces the standards previously issued as follows. --- SN 0066-1992. Chrome ore imports bulk sampling and sample preparation method 1 Scope This standard specifies the bulk import chrome ore sampling and sample preparation methods. This standard applies to bulk import chrome ore (lump ore, fine ore and concentrates) chemical composition, moisture, particle size and other physical items like measuring Chemicals and preparation. 2 Normative references The following documents for the application of this document is essential. For dated references, only the dated version suitable for use herein Member. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies to this document. GB/T 2007.1-1987 bulk minerals sampling and sample preparation General manual sampling methods GB/T 2007.2 bulk minerals sampling and sample preparation General manual sample preparation method GB/T 2007.3 minerals in bulk sampling, test methods for sample preparation quality fluctuation General Evaluation GB/T 2007.4 bulk minerals for sampling and sample bias General, Experimental methods for checking the precision GB/T 2007.6 bulk minerals sampling and sample preparation General Determination of Water - heat drying method GB/T 2007.7 bulk minerals sampling and sample preparation method for determination of size by General manual sieving SN/T 2726 Test Mineral Terminology 3 Terms and Definitions SN/T 2726 defined by the following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1 Batch lot Processing or production of a certain amount of material under the same conditions. 3.2 Consignment consignment One delivery of a certain amount of ore. Consignment may be batch, lot or batch number portion of ore composition. 3.3 Batch batch Constitute a group or a delivery material mass batches. 3.4 Basic batch baciabatch The minimum number of quality goods. 3.5 Increments and increment amount portionandportionamount Samples from a number of materials in a point or a prescribed part of the quality of the extracted sample parts, each kind of quality parts called parts of the sample volume. 3.6 Part number of samples portionnumber By a group of materials should take a minimum number of parts, the number of increments. ......

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