JJG 168-2018_English: PDF (JJG168-2018)
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JJG 168-2018 | English | 1519 |
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8 days [Need to translate]
Vertical Metal Tank Capacity
| Valid |
JJG 168-2018
JJG 168-2005 | English | RFQ |
8 days [Need to translate]
Verification Regulation of Vertical Metal Tank Capacity
| Obsolete |
JJG 168-2005
JJG 168-1987 | English | 839 |
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6 days [Need to translate]
Vertical Metal Tank Capacity
| Obsolete |
JJG 168-1987
JJG 168-1976 | English | RFQ |
3 days [Need to translate]
(Chinese Industry Standard)
| Obsolete |
JJG 168-1976
Standard ID | JJG 168-2018 (JJG168-2018) | Description (Translated English) | Vertical Metal Tank Capacity | Sector / Industry | Metrology & Measurement Industry Standard | Word Count Estimation | 66,625 | Date of Issue | 2018-12-25 | Date of Implementation | 2019-06-25 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | JJG 168-2005 | Drafting Organization | China Institute of Metrology, National Large Capacity Second Metering Station | Administrative Organization | National Capacity Measurement Technical Committee | Regulation (derived from) | State Administration of Markets, Announcement No.34 of 2018 | Issuing agency(ies) | State market supervision and administration | Standard ID | JJG 168-2005 (JJG168-2005) | Description (Translated English) | Verification Regulation of Vertical Metal Tank Capacity | Sector / Industry | Metrology & Measurement Industry Standard | Classification of Chinese Standard | A53 | Classification of International Standard | 17.060 | Word Count Estimation | 53,593 | Date of Issue | 2005-09-05 | Date of Implementation | 2006-03-05 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | JJG 168-1987 | Quoted Standard | ISO 7507.1; ISO 7507.2; GB/T 13235.1; GB/T 13235.2 | Drafting Organization | China Institute of Metrology | Administrative Organization | National Flow & Volume Capacity Measurement Technical Committee | Summary | This standard applies to a capacity greater than 20m3 vertical metal cans (including floating roof tank) the initial verification, testing and use of follow-up inspection. | Standard ID | JJG 168-1987 (JJG168-1987) | Description (Translated English) | Vertical Metal Tank Capacity | Sector / Industry | Metrology & Measurement Industry Standard | Classification of Chinese Standard | A53 | Word Count Estimation | 21,245 | Date of Issue | 1987/6/23 | Date of Implementation | 1988/10/1 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | JJG 168-1976 |
JJG 168-2018
Vertical Metal Tank Capacity
National Metrology Verification Regulations of the People's Republic
Vertical metal can capacity
Published on.2018-12-25
2019-06-25 implementation
State Market Supervisory Administration released
Vertical metal tank capacity verification procedures
Replace JJG 168-2005
Focal Point. National Capacity Measurement Technical Committee
Main drafting unit. China Institute of Metrology
National Large Capacity Second Metering Station
Participated in drafting unit. Jiangsu Institute of Metrology
Qingdao Institute of Metrology and Technology
Zhoushan Quality and Technology Supervision and Inspection Institute
Zhengzhou Chenwei Technology Co., Ltd.
This regulation entrusts the National Capacity Measurement Technical Committee to explain
The main drafters of this procedure.
Wang Jintao (China Institute of Metrology)
Shen Jianguo (National Large Capacity Second Metering Station)
Participate in the drafters.
Jie Junxiang (National Large Capacity Second Metering Station)
Huang Zhaohui (Jiangsu Institute of Metrology)
Song Shugu (Qingdao Institute of Metrology and Technology)
Li Cunjun (Zhoushan City Quality and Technical Supervision and Inspection Institute)
Xu Zhongyang (Zhengzhou Chenwei Technology Co., Ltd.)
table of Contents
Introduction (III)
1 range (1)
2 References (1)
3 Terms and units of measurement (1)
3.1 Terminology (1)
3.2 Unit of measurement (3)
4 Overview (3)
4.1 Structure (3)
4.2 Use (4)
4.3 Measurement principle (4)
5 Metrological performance requirements (4)
5.1 Using the ruler method, radial deviation method (optical vertical line and guide rail principle) (4)
5.2 Using radial deviation method (photoelectric distance measurement principle) (4)
6 General technical requirements (4)
6.1 Tank Construction Requirements (4)
6.2 Reference height requirements (5)
6.3 Metering slot requirements (5)
6.4 Metering board requirements (5)
6.5 Tank bottom plate stability requirements (5)
6.6 Base circle diameter measurement position requirements (5)
7 measuring instrument control (5)
7.1 Verification conditions (5)
7.2 Verification project (8)
7.3 Verification method (9)
7.4 Data Processing (17)
7.5 Preparation of the capacity meter (25)
7.6 Verification result processing (26)
7.7 Verification cycle (26)
Appendix A Measuring method for optical radial deviation of guide rails (27)
Appendix B Optical Self-calibration Method (30)
Appendix C Photoelectric Measuring Instruments---The Site Self-Study Contents and Methods of Total Station (31)
Appendix D Double Disc Type Floating Roof Measurement Method (34)
Appendix E Level Self-Tuning Method (36)
Appendix F Photoelectric Measuring Instruments---Total Station Horizontal Measuring Method Data Processing (37)
Appendix G Verification Record Reference Format and Sample Data (40)
Appendix H Verification certificate page format and example calculation results (47)
Appendix I Capacity Table Reference Format (1) and Example Calculation Results (48)
Appendix J Capacity Table Reference Format (2) (57)
This regulation is based on JJF1002-2010 "National Metrology Verification Procedures Writing Rules" as the basic norms.
This procedure is based on the international recommendations of the international legal system. OIMLR71.2008 "General requirements for fixed storage tanks
(Fixedstoragetanks-Generalrequirements), International Standard ISO 7507-1.2003
And calibration of vertical cylindrical metal cans for liquid petroleum products (Petroleum and liquid)
Petroleum products-Calibration of vertical cylindricaltanks-Part 1.Strapping
Method), ISO 7507-2.2005 Calibration of vertical cylindrical metal cans for petroleum and liquid petroleum products (optical
Reference and method) (Petroleum and liquid petroleum products-Calibration of vertical
cylindricaltanks-Part 2. Optical-reference-linemethod), ISO 7507-4.2010 Petroleum and
Calibration of vertical cylindrical metal cans for liquid petroleum products (photoelectric internal distance measurement method)" (Petroleumandliquidpe-
troleumproducts-Calibrationofverticalcylindricaltanks-Part 4.Internalelectro-opti-
Caldistance-rangingmethod) and ISO 7507-5.2000 "Cylinders for petroleum and liquid petroleum products
Calibration of metal cans (photoelectric external distance measurement method)" (Petroleumandliquidpetroleumproducts-Calibration
Ofverticalcylindricaltanks-Part 5.Externalelectro-opticaldistance-rangingmethod)
Based on the industry situation of China's vertical metal can capacity measurement and the actual needs of petrochemical enterprises,
JJG 168-2005 "Vertical Metal Tank Capacity" was revised. Compared with JJG 168-2005, except for editorial repair
In addition, the main technical changes are as follows.
--- Added introduction;
--- Added reference files;
--- Added terms and units of measure;
--- Increased and improved general technical requirements;
--- Increased and improved the control of measuring instruments;
---Modified and perfected the verification method, the "fence method" and "radial deviation method" are used as the main text in the main body of the procedure.
Method, in which "optical vertical line", "with guide rail" or "photoelectric ranging" can be used as "radial deviation method"
The principle of measuring the radius difference of the circle plate is in line with the current actual situation;
--- Added the contents of the appendix, and increased the content and method of the photoelectric distance measuring instrument-the total station on-site self-school;
--- Added the contents of the appendix to increase the data processing of the photoelectric distance measuring instrument-total horizontal measuring method of the total station;
--- Modified the verification record format.
The previous versions of this procedure are released as follows.
---JJG 168-2005;
---JJG 168-1987.
Vertical metal tank capacity verification procedures
1 Scope
This procedure is applicable to the first verification and follow-up of vertical metal cans (hereinafter referred to as vertical tanks) with a capacity greater than 20m3.
Verification and in-use inspection.
2 reference files
This procedure refers to the following documents.
JJF1009-2006 Capacity Measurement Terms and Definitions
GB/T 13235.1-1991 Petroleum and liquid petroleum products - Vertical cylindrical metal tanks - Volume 1
Minute. Scale method
GB/T 13235.2-1991 Volumetric calibration method for vertical cylindrical metal tanks for petroleum and liquid petroleum products
Learning reference line method)
GB/T 13235.3-1995 Petroleum and liquid petroleum products - Volumetric calibration method for vertical cylindrical metal tanks
Intra-electric distance measurement method)
OIMLR71.2008 General requirements for fixed tanks (Fixedstoragetanks-Generalrequire-
APIMPMSChapter12.1 Static Oil Quantity Calculation Calculationofstaticpetroleumquantities)
ISO 7507-1.2003 Calibration of vertical cylindrical metal cans for petroleum and liquid petroleum products (span method)
Part 1. Strappingmethod)
ISO 7507-2.2005 Calibration of vertical cylindrical metal cans for petroleum and liquid petroleum products (optical reference lines
Law) (Petroleumandliquidpetroleumproducts-Calibrationofverticalcylindricaltanks-
Part 2. Optical-reference-linemethod)
ISO 7507-4.2010 Calibration of vertical cylindrical metal cans for petroleum and liquid petroleum products
Law) (Petroleumandliquidpetroleumproducts-Calibrationofverticalcylindricaltanks-
Part 4. Internalelectro-opticaldistance-rangingmethod)
ISO 7507-5.2000 Calibration of vertical cylindrical metal cans for petroleum and liquid petroleum products
Law) (Petroleumandliquidpetroleumproducts-Calibrationofverticalcylindricaltanks-
Part 5. Externalelectro-opticaldistance-rangingmethod)
For dated references, only dated versions apply to this Code; any undated quotation
The latest version (including all amendments) applies to this procedure.
3 terms and units of measure
3.1 Terms
The following terms and definitions apply to this procedure.
3.1.1 Vertical tank verticalmetaltank
The general term for vertical cylindrical metal cans includes fixed top metal cans, outer floating top metal cans and inner floating top metal cans.
3.1.2 Fixed top metal cans (also known as vaulted metal cans) fixedroofmetaltank
A vertical tank fixedly connected to the top of the tank top and the top of the tank wall.
3.1.3 floating roof (disk) floatingroof
A sealing cover made of metal or other material that floats on a liquid surface. Floating roof (disc) with liquid surface
Floating and floating, when the liquid level drops to a certain height, the floating roof (disk) is supported by the pillars.
3.1.4 inner floating roof metal tank innerfloating-roofmetaltank
A fixed top metal can with a floating roof inside the tank.
3.1.5 outer floating roof metal cans externalfloating-roofmetaltank
An open vertical tank with a floating roof inside the tank. The structure of the outer floating roof is made of steel shallow disc, floating type, single or double layer
Board and other forms.
3.1.6 metering port diphatch
An opening for a gauge, temperature measurement or sampling operation at the top of the tank.
3.1.7 Upper reference point on the measurement reference point
The intersection of the vertical line of the lower ruler groove in the main metering port and the upper edge of the metering port. Also called the ruler point.
3.1.8 metering board dippingdatumplate
Located directly below the metering port, the lower end surface of the dipstick hammer is supported by the gauge, and the horizontal metal plate is mounted on the tank wall.
It is the positioning plate for the measurement reference point.
3.1.9 Dipping point under the measurement point
The intersection of the free vertical line of the measuring reference point and the surface of the metering plate. Also called zero.
3.1.10 reference height referenceheight
The vertical distance between the upper and lower measurement reference points. Also called the height of the ruler point.
3.1.11 empty height ulageheight
The vertical distance between the liquid surface and the upper reference point.
3.1.12 minimum measurement capacity thesmalestmeasurablevolume
In order to ensure that the tank capacity measurement reaches the specified uncertainty, the minimum amount of liquid discharged or injected during the sending and receiving operation
Body volume. Generally it is the capacity corresponding to the height of 2m liquid level.
3.1.13 attachment volume deadwoodvolume
The volume of assembly accessories that affect the tank capacity. When its volume increases the effective capacity of the tank, take a positive value;
When the volume is such that the effective capacity of the can is reduced, a negative value is taken.
3.1.14 floating roof quality themassoffloatingroof
The sum of the quality of the floating roof structure and the mass of all attachments acting on the floating roof.
3.1.15 dead amount deadstock
The capacity below the level of the reference point is measured.
3.1.16 bottom volume bottomvolume
The capacity below the water level at the highest point of the tank bottom. Also known as tank bottom capacity.
3.1.17 reference level referencelevel
When measuring the starting and ending height of the attachment at the bottom of the tank and the tank, the leveling axis of the level is formed by horizontal rotation or by
The level formed by the filling of the liquid.
3.1.18 elevation elevation
The height measured from the point measured by the level and the height gauge to the reference level.
3.1.19 stepped upendrule
When the height of the measuring point is above the reference level, the zero point of the elevation is required to be called the reverse ruler.
3.1.20 ruler method strappingtapemethod
A method of measuring the circumference of each ring plate using a steel tape measure and taking into consideration the thickness of the ring plate, the method of obtaining the diameter of each ring plate. According to measurement
The difference between the two methods is divided into two methods. the outer ruler method and the inner ruler method.
3.1.21 optical vertical line method optical-reference-linemethod
The vertical reference ray formed by the optical collimator axis is called the optical vertical line. Measured by optical vertical line
The method of radial deviation of each ring plate is called optical vertical line method.
3.1.22 base circle basecircle
In order to estimate the circumference or diameter of other ring plates, the circumference of a certain position needs to be used as a base for comparison with other circles.
The circle is called the base circle.
3.1.23 radial deviation radialdeviation
The difference between the radius of a circle and the radius of the base circle.
3.1.24 horizontal station for horizontal positionforradialdeviationmeasurement
The radial deviation measurement position set along the circumference of the can.
3.1.25 vertical measurement point positionforverticalmeasurement
Corresponding to the horizontal station, the position is set in the vertical direction of the tank wall.
3.1.26 photoelectric distance measurement method electro-opticaldistance-rangingmethod
Use the electronic angle measurement, ranging and data automatic processing functions of photoelectric measuring instruments to complete the radial deviation of each ring plate
Method of measurement.
3.1.27 with guide method opticalmeasurementmethodwithradialguide
Radial offset of each ring plate using optical tangent alignment and rail ranging function with rail optical radial measuring instrument
The method of differential measurement.
3.2 Unit of measurement
Volume unit. liter, symbol L; cubic decimeter, symbol dm3; cubic meter, symbol m3.
Length unit. mm, symbol mm; centimeter, symbol cm; decimeter, symbol dm; meter, symbol m.
Volume unit. cubic decimeter, symbol dm3; cubic meter, symbol m3.
Capacity unit. liter, symbol L; kiloliter, symbol kL.
Temperature unit. Celsius, symbol °C.
Time unit. minute, symbol min; hour, symbol h.
Quality unit. kilogram, symbol kg.
4 Overview
4.1 Structure
The vertical tank is a vertically mounted cylindrical metal tank welded by several layers of rings, from the bottom of the tank, the wall of the tank, and the top of the tank.
Or a floating roof (disc), metering port, inlet and outlet lines and other accessories.
4.2 Use
Vertical tanks are measuring instruments for the settlement of petroleum, liquid petroleum products and other liquid media.
4.3 Measurement principle
The calculation model of the tank of the vertical tank is a vertical thin-walled cylinder, which is divided into several layer ring plates, which are called first from bottom to top.
The ring plate, the second ring plate, and the nth ring plate are respectively measured for the inner diameter and the inner height of each ring plate, and then each circle can be calculated.
The board capacity Vi, as shown in equation (1).
5 Metrological performance requirements
5.1 Adopting the ruler method and radial deviation method (optical vertical line and guide rail principle)
Vertical tank with capacity of (20~100)m3 (including 100m3), relative expansion of total capacity measurement after verification
Uncertainty is 0.3% (k=2); vertical tank with capacity of (100~700)m3 (including 700m3), total after verification
The relative expansion uncertainty of the capacity measurement result is 0.2% (k=2); the vertical tank with a capacity of 700m3 or more is inspected.
The relative expansion uncertainty of the measured total capacity measurement is 0.1% (k=2).
5.2 Using radial deviation method (photoelectric distance measurement principle)
For vertical tanks with a capacity of less than 700m3 (including 700m3), photoelectric distance measurement is not suitable.
Vertical tank with capacity of (700~3000)m3 (including 3000m3), the relative capacity measurement results after verification
Extended uncertainty is 0.2% (k=2); vertical tank with capacity of 3000m3 or more, total capacity measurement after verification
The relative expansion uncertainty of the fruit is 0.1% (k=2).
6 General technical requirements
6.1 Tank construction requirements
The tank shall be constructed in accordance with the correct engineering specifications and shall comply with the relevant safety requirements of the tank; in the apparent position of the tank
There should be a permanent nameplate, the nameplate should indicate. tank type, tank number, nominal capacity, storage medium, construction enterprise
Industry, construction date, etc.; the tank should have sufficient strength and should not have permanent deformation affecting the capacity; for floating roof tanks,
Ensure that the floating roof moves freely with the surface of the liquid.
The ovality of the new tank body shall not exceed 1%, and the tank inclination shall not exceed 1°.
6.2 Reference height requirements
Regardless of how the tank liquid and temperature change, the reference height allows only minor changes, and this change
The effect of the uncertainty of the measurement results is negligible.
6.3 Metering groove requirements
There must be a lower or lower foot mark in the metering port of the tank to determine the position of the ruler.
6.4 Metering board requirements
The metering plate must be installed in the tank and the lower metering reference point is located on the metering plate. The metering plate should meet multiple measurements,
The hammer should always fall near the center of the metering plate, and should not change the reference height with the ups and downs of the tank bottom.
6.5 Tank floor stability requirements
The foundation of the tank should be stable, and no gap affecting the uncertainty of the measurement results is allowed between the tank foundation and the tank bottom.
6.6 Base circle diameter measurement position requirements
Select the base circle diameter measurement position on a ring plate that is easy to operate and has no obstacles. The position should be outside the circle plate or
1/4 or 3/4 of the inner height is selected. If the normal base circle position is not square, try to be close to the normal position, but should be away from the circle.
Plate horizontal weld.
7 measuring instrument control
Measurement appliance control includes. first verification, subsequent verification, and in-use inspection.
7.1 Verification conditions
7.1.1 Verification of environmental requirements
The test shall be carried out in the case of non-rain, snow, smog, winds of no more than 4, and relative humidity of not more than 85%.
There should be no sources of vibration interference in the tank; there should be no suspended dust particles in the air inside the tank; direct photoelectric source should be avoided for photoelectric measurement
The instrument produces interference.
When measuring with the internal test method, the inside of the tank must be cleaned. When the ambient temperature is below -20 ° C or higher
The test should be stopped at 40 °C.
7.1.2 Verification technical requirements The newly built or rebuilt tank must be filled with water, and its hydrostatic test should be filled with water to the total capacity of the tank.
More than 80%, the stabilization time is not less than 72h, and the verification work is to be carried out after emptying.
Subsequent inspection If there is liquid in the tank, it is required that the gas phase temperature in the tank and the liquid phase temperature are not more than 10 °C.
Otherwise, the tank should be emptied or filled before it can be verified. Transceiver operations are not allowed during the verification process. The tank verification shall generally be carried out continuously. If the interruption is interrupted, the verification may continue, but it must be done.
a) The average temperature difference and temperature difference between the liquid before the test and the interruption should be within 10 °C.
b) The level of the liquid level in the tank should be basically the same as before the interruption.
c) If the instrument and personnel change, multi-point review should be performed to ensure the measurement results before and after the interruption.
d) The measurement record before the interruption must be complete and clear. When using the photoelectric ranging method, the erection of the photoelectric measuring instrument should be firm and reliable. When the field measurement conditions are
In the following cases, the photoelectric distance measurement method cannot be used for verification.
a) The diffuse reflection condition of the tank wall without prism measuring signal is not good (for example. oil on the surface of the tank wall, hanging wax; the wall of the tank is polished)
Strong reflective material such as stainless steel; strong black light absorbing medium attached to the surface of the tank wall; direct sunlight, etc.), not normal
Complete photoelectric distance measurement.
b) The laser incident angle is greater than 60° when measuring the ring plate. If the tank is deformed significantly, it should be noted in the record, draw a sketch of the deformed part, and increase the number of measuring points.
7.1.3 Verification of safety requirements During the entire verification process, the relevant safety regulations must be observed to avoid cross-operation. When measuring in the tank, the oxygen content, combustible gas concentration and harmful gas concentration in the tank must comply with the safety regulations.
If necessary, the monitoring and verification personnel are equipped with air breathing apparatus and have access to the restricted space of the safety department of the inspection unit.
license. Close and empty all pipelines entering and leaving the tank. When personnel are in the tank inspection, all pipelines entering and leaving the tank must be
Install a blind plate to ensure that the line is separated from the tank. Electrical equipment used shall comply with explosion-proof requirements. The guardrails of the escalators and tank tops and other attachments that can be inspected to the tank wall or tank top should be carefully checked.
Determine if it is strong enough to keep people and instruments safe. Anti-static overalls, protective footwear, gloves and helmets must be worn. Gas masks, goggles, etc.
Protective equipment should be worn according to the actual situation on site. When high-altitude workers use hangers or hanging chairs, pulleys, ropes, etc. should be carefully inspected before installation.
Also check if it is reliable after installation. Use a strong and wear-resistant seat belt. Steel can be used for scaffolding.
Pipes, logs and other materials are lapped and should be installed firmly.
7.1.4 Verification equipment
The verification equipment and main technical parameters are shown in Table 1, and the supporting equipment is shown in Table 2. The equipment in Table 1 must be verified or calibrated
Confirmation, the results should meet the requirements of Table 1, and can be used within the traceability cycle.
Table 1 Calibration equipment and main technical parameters
7.2 Verification project
The verification items are shown in Table 3.
Table 3 List of vertical tank verification items
7.3 Verification method
7.3.1 Appearance and general performance check Observe the construction of the tank and it shall comply with the requirements of 6.1. Check the reference height and comply with the requirements of 6.2. The metering port of the inspection tank shall have the marking of the lower or lower ruler and shall comply with the requirements of 6.3. Check whether the measuring plate is installed at the bottom of the tank and that the lower measuring reference point is located on the measuring plate and should meet the requirements of 6.4. Enter the tank and walk on the tank floor to observe whether the tank foundation and the tank floor are stable. It should meet the requirements of 6.5. Select the base circle position, and no obstacles are allowed in its position, which should meet the requirements of 6.6.
7.3.2 Ring plate diameter measurement
The measurement of the diameter of each ring plate is measured by the circumference method and the radial deviation. The perimeter method should be preferred during the measurement process. Enter
The method of siege should be based on the rule of scale. Welt method
a) Peripheral ruler
1) Lo......