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JJF 1909-2021 English PDF

JJF 1909-2021_English: PDF (JJF1909-2021)
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JJF 1909-2021English379 Add to Cart 4 days [Need to translate] (Calibration Specification for Pressure Thermometer) Valid JJF 1909-2021

Standard ID JJF 1909-2021 (JJF1909-2021)
Description (Translated English) (Calibration Specification for Pressure Thermometer)
Sector / Industry Metrology & Measurement Industry Standard
Word Count Estimation 19,131
Date of Issue 2021-07-28
Date of Implementation 2022-01-28
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) JJG 310-2002

JJF 1909-2021 (Calibration Specification for Pressure Thermometer) National Metrology Technical Specification of the People's Republic of China Specification for calibration of pressure thermometers Published on 2021-07-28 2022-01-28 Implementation Released by the State Administration for Market Regulation Specification for calibration of pressure thermometers Replacing JJG310-2002 Focal Point. National Thermometer Technical Committee Main drafting unit. Tianjin Academy of Metrology Supervision and Testing Beijing Institute of Metrology and Testing Sciences Participating in the drafting unit. Hebei Metrology and Testing Technology Center Jinan Changfeng Zhiyuan Instrument Technology Co., Ltd. Tai'an Panran Measurement and Control Technology Co., Ltd. This specification entrusts the National Thermometry Technical Committee to be responsible for the interpretation The main drafters of this specification. Yu Songlin (Tianjin Academy of Metrology, Supervision and Testing) Jiang Jing (Tianjin Institute of Metrology, Supervision and Testing) Yuanyuan Wang (Beijing Institute of Metrology and Testing) Participating drafters. Li Qiangguang (Tianjin Academy of Metrology, Supervision and Testing) Kang Zhiru (Hebei Metrology and Testing Technology Center) Zhang Jiong (Jinan Changfeng Zhiyuan Instrument Technology Co., Ltd.) He Baojun (Taian Panran Measurement and Control Technology Co., Ltd.) content Introduction (Ⅱ) 1 range(1) 2 References (1) 3 Terms (1) 4 Overview(1) 4.1 Working principle of pressure thermometer (1) 4.2 Construction Types of Pressure Thermometers(2) 5 Metrology Characteristics(3) 5.1 Indication error(3) 5.2 Setpoint error(3) 5.3 Switching difference(3) 6 Calibration Conditions(3) 6.1 Environmental conditions (3) 6.2 Standard device and ancillary equipment (3) 7 Calibration items and calibration methods (4) 7.1 Inspection items (4) 7.2 Calibration items(4) 7.3 Calibration method(5) 7.4 Data processing(5) 8 Expression of calibration results (6) 9 Recalibration interval(7) Appendix A Calibration Record Reference Format(8) Appendix B Calibration Certificate Inside Page Reference Format (9) Appendix C Indication Error Measurement Uncertainty Evaluation Example(10) Appendix D Example of Measurement Uncertainty Evaluation of Set Point Error (13) introduction JJF 1007-2007 "Terminology and Definition of Thermometers", JJF 1071-2010 "National Standards for Metrology and Calibration" Compilation Rules" and JJF 1059.1-2012 "Measurement Uncertainty Evaluation and Representation" together constitute the support for the revision of this specification A basic set of specifications for work. This specification replaces JJG310-2002 "Pressure Thermometer", compared with JJG310-2002, except for editorial revisions The main technical changes are as follows. --- Modified the scope of application; --- Delete the calibration requirements for "repeatability" and "indication hysteresis"; --- Modified the standard for calibration; ---Modified the technical index requirements of constant temperature equipment; --- Modified the tolerance calculation of steam pressure thermometer; --- Simplifies the calibration requirements for set point errors; --- Added an example of the measurement uncertainty evaluation of the set point error. The previous releases of this specification are as follows. ---JJG310-2002; ---JJG310-1983. Specification for calibration of pressure thermometers 1 Scope This specification applies to circular-scale steam pressure thermometers with a measurement range of (-30~200) ℃. Circular scale gas pressure thermometer with a temperature range of (-80~600)°C, liquid measuring range within a range of (-40~250)°C Calibration of body pressure thermometers. 2 Reference documents This specification references the following documents. JB/T 9259-1999 steam and gas pressure thermometer For dated references, only the dated version applies to this specification; for undated references software, the latest edition (including all revisions) of this specification applies. 3 Terminology The terms and definitions defined in JB/T 9259-1999 and the following apply to this specification. The temperature measurement system part is filled with a pressure thermometer with evaporating liquid (temperature sensing medium). [Source. JB/T 9259-1999, 3.1] A pressure thermometer that is fully filled with gas (temperature sensing medium) in the temperature measurement system. [Source. JB/T 9259-1999, 3.2] A pressure thermometer that is fully filled with liquid (temperature sensing medium) in the temperature measurement system. Pressure thermometers with microswitches or mechanical electrical contact devices. The absolute value of the difference between the two measurement limits of the measuring range. 3.6 switching median value switchingmeanvalue The average value of the actual temperature values corresponding to the electrical contact pressure thermometer contacts when the contacts are turned on and off. 3.7 Set point error setvalueerror The difference between the switching median value and the set value of the electric contact pressure thermometer. 3.8 switching error switchingerror The absolute value of the difference between the actual temperatures when the electrical contact pressure thermometer is turned on and off. 4 Overview 4.1 Working principle of pressure thermometer The pressure thermometer works according to the principle that the pressure of the temperature sensing medium inside the temperature measurement system changes with the temperature. ......

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