JJF 1370-2012_English: PDF (JJF1370-2012)
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JJF 1370-2012 | English | 579 |
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Calibration Specification For Dynamic Characteristics of Force Transducer under Sinusoidal Loading
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JJF 1370-2012
JJF 1370-1995 | English | 199 |
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Operating technical norm of water calorimeter absorbed dose primary standard for γ-rays
| Obsolete |
JJF 1370-1995
Standard ID | JJF 1370-2012 (JJF1370-2012) | Description (Translated English) | Calibration Specification For Dynamic Characteristics of Force Transducer under Sinusoidal Loading | Sector / Industry | Metrology & Measurement Industry Standard | Classification of Chinese Standard | A54 | Classification of International Standard | 17.100 | Word Count Estimation | 25,215 | Quoted Standard | JJG 391-2009; JJG 624-2005; GB/T 20485.11-2006 | Drafting Organization | Beijing Changcheng Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology | Administrative Organization | National Force & Hardness Measurement Technical Committee | Regulation (derived from) | AQSIQ Announcement No. 199 of 2012 | Issuing agency(ies) | State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine | Summary | This standard applies to the use of laser interferometry for newly manufactured (or newly acquired), in use, after repair of the force sensor (hereinafter referred to as the sensor) and the dynamometer is not greater than the force of 100 kN, a frequency | Standard ID | JJF 1370-1995 (JJF1370-1995) | Description (Translated English) | Operating technical norm of water calorimeter absorbed dose primary standard for ��-rays | Sector / Industry | Metrology & Measurement Industry Standard | Classification of Chinese Standard | A54 | Classification of International Standard | 17.100 | Word Count Estimation | 4,428 | Administrative Organization | State Bureau of Technical Supervision |
JJF 1370-2012
Calibration Specification For Dynamic Characteristics of Force Transducer under Sinusoidal Loading
People's Republic of China National Metrology Technical Specifications
Sine Mana Sensor Calibration of Dynamic Performance Specification
Issued on. 2012-12-03
2013-03-03 implementation
The State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine released
Sine Mana Sensor Calibration of Dynamic Performance Specification
Focal point. the National Technical Committee on Metering hardness force value
Main drafting unit. Beijing Great Wall Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology
Participated in the drafting unit. China Institute of Metrology
This specification entrust national force value hardness measurement technical committee responsible for the interpretation
The main drafters of this specification.
Tension (Beijing Great Wall Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology)
Wang Yu (Beijing Great Wall Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology)
Qin Haifeng (Beijing Great Wall Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology)
Drafters participate.
Zhang Gigi (Great Wall, Beijing Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology)
Peng Jun (Beijing Great Wall Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology)
Hu Gang (China Institute of Metrology)
table of Contents
Introduction (Ⅱ)
1 Scope (1)
2. References (1)
3 terminology and units of measurement (1)
3.1 Static Sensitivity amplitude (1)
3.2 Dynamic Sensitivity amplitude (1)
3.3 phase delay (1)
3.4 equivalent mass sensor end (1)
4 Overview (1)
5 Metrological characteristics (2)
5.1 Appearance and Accessories (2)
5.2 Technical Specifications (2)
Calibration Condition 6 (2)
6.1 environmental conditions (2)
6.2 calibration equipment (2)
7 calibration items and calibration methods (3)
7.1 appearance and attachment checking (4)
7.2 Other metrological characteristics calibration (4)
8 calibration results expression (9)
9 Recalibration interval (10)
Appendix A Measurement Uncertainty Example (11)
Appendix B Glossary of related terms (17)
Appendix C sinusoidal three-parameter (known frequency) least-squares fitting algorithm (18)
This specification is the first time to develop. JJF 1071 "National Calibration Specifications writing rules," Universal metering JJF 1001 "
Terms and definitions ", JJF 1059" Evaluation and Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement "together form a support system of the calibration specification
The basic norms set series work. The calibration specifications in laser interferometry measurements of vibration acceleration parameters
Exam GB/T 20485.11-2006 "vibration and shock sensor calibration methods - Part 11. Laser interferometry vibrator
Move absolute calibration "(ISO 16063-11.1999, IDT) the proposed method.
Sine Mana Sensor Calibration of Dynamic Performance Specification
1 Scope
This calibration specifications apply to newly manufactured Laser interferometry (or newly acquired), use the force transmission repaired
Sensor (hereinafter referred to as sensors) and dynamometers in force is not greater than 100kN, the frequency range 1Hz ~ 3kHz within
Amplitude and phase delay sensitivity calibration.
2. References
The calibration specifications cited the following documents.
JJG391-2009 force sensor
JJG624-2005 dynamic pressure sensor
GB/T 20485.11-2006 vibration and shock sensor calibration methods - Part 11. Laser interferometry vibrator
Fixed absolute calibration (ISO 16063-11.1999, IDT)
For dated references, only the dated edition applies to this calibration practices; undated references the
File, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies calibration specification.
3 terminology and units of measurement
3.1 Static amplitude sensitivity staticamplitudesensitivity
Static calibration, the sensor output value increment increment the urging of the obtained ratio, unit. for piezoelectric sensor
Pico is a [gallons] per cow [Dayton] (pC/N); the strain sensor millivolts per volt [special] cow [Dayton]
(MV/(V · N)).
3.2 magnitude dynamic sensitivity dynamicamplitudesensitivity
Sinusoidal excitation at a given frequency, output amplitude is compared with the input force sensor calibration value, according to the formula
(A.1), said units. for piezoelectric sensor Pico [gallons] per cow [Dayton] (pC/N); for strain gauge
Sensor millivolts per volt [special] cow [Dayton] (mV/(V · N)).
3.3 phase delay phaselag
Sinusoidal excitation force of a given frequency, the phase difference between the output and input power is the school of the sensor, the unit.
3.4 equivalent mass sensor end equivalentendmassofforcetransducer
During calibration, the inertial force sensor itself part of the quality produced in motion is also applied to move its sensitive element
Force state, this part of the end portion of the equivalent mass called mass unit. kilograms (kg).
4 Overview
Force sensors are typically sensitive element through the signal conditioner will force into an electrical signal, mainly used for a variety of static or
Dynamic force measurements. According to the principle of the sensor, the force sensor strain gauge, piezoelectric, piezoresistive, capacitive, etc.