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JJF 1032-2005 English PDF (JJF1032-1992)

JJF 1032-2005_English: PDF (JJF1032-2005)
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JJF 1032-2005English1899 Add to Cart 10 days [Need to translate] Terminology and definitions for optical radiation measurements Valid JJF 1032-2005
JJF 1032-1992EnglishRFQ ASK 9 days [Need to translate] Terms and Their Definitions for Optical Radiation Measurement Obsolete JJF 1032-1992

Standard ID JJF 1032-2005 (JJF1032-2005)
Description (Translated English) Terminology and definitions for optical radiation measurements
Sector / Industry Metrology & Measurement Industry Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard A60
Classification of International Standard 17.180
Word Count Estimation 76,753
Date of Issue 2005-10-09
Date of Implementation 2006-04-09
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) JJF 1032-1992
Drafting Organization China Institute of Metrology
Administrative Organization National Technical Committee on Optical Measurement
Summary This standard specifies the "optical radiation measurement terminology and definitions, " the basic concepts, quantities and units, measurement benchmarks and standards, calibration and test methods, equipment and materials, and engineering measurement standard terminology, totaled 557. According to their internal relations broken down into: general terms, radiometric, photometric, spectral brightness, color, laser radiometry, optical characteristics measurement, radiation detectors and optical devices such as IX for inspection.

Standard ID JJF 1032-1992 (JJF1032-1992)
Description (Translated English) Terms and Their Definitions for Optical Radiation Measurement
Sector / Industry Metrology & Measurement Industry Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard A60
Word Count Estimation 37,366
Date of Issue 1992/6/14
Date of Implementation 1993/5/1

JJF 1032-2005 Terminology and definitions for optical radiation measurements National Metrology Technical Specification of the People's Republic Optical radiation measurement terminology and definition Released on October 10,.2005 2006-04-09 implementation The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine issued Optical radiation measurement terminology and definition Replace JJF 1032-1992 This specification was approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine on October 9,.2005, and It will take effect on April 9,.2006. Focal Point. National Optical Metrology Technical Committee Drafted by. China Institute of Metrology This specification is interpreted by the National Optical Metrology Technical Committee. Drafters of this specification. Li Zaiqing (China Institute of Metrology) Yang Yonggang (China Institute of Metrology) Xu Dagang (China Institute of Metrology) Yang Chenzhu (China Institute of Metrology) Li Wei (Beijing Institute of Technology) Wu Houping (China Institute of Metrology) Optical radiation measurement terminology and definition This specification is to amend JJF 1032-1992 "Optical Radiation Measurement Terms and Definitions" (Trial) specifications, Expanded. It covers the basic concepts, quantities and units related to the profession, measurement benchmarks and standards, calibration and testing The total number of laws, instruments and reference materials, and engineering measurement terms reached 557. And subdivided according to its internal contact. General terms, irradiance, luminosity, spectral luminosity, chromaticity, laser irradiance, fiber characterization, radiation detectors and Nine chapters on optical components are available for inspection. 1 general terminology 1.1 [electromagnetic] radiation [electromagnetic] radiation (1) the emission or propagation of energy in the form of electromagnetic waves associated with photons; (2) This electromagnetic wave or photon itself. 1.2 wavelength wavelength The distance between two adjacent points in the same phase in the direction of periodic wave propagation. Its symbol is λ and the unit is m. Note. 1 The wavelength in the medium is equal to the wavelength in the vacuum divided by the refractive index of the medium. Unless otherwise stated, the wavelength value usually refers to air. Value. Standard air (in spectroscopy, t = 15 ° C, p = 101325 Pa) refractive index value for visible radiation is 1.00027~ Between 1.00029. 2 In optical radiation measurement, the commonly used wavelength units are nm or μm. 1.3 wave number wavenumber The reciprocal of the wavelength. Its sign is σ and its unit is m-1. Note. The wave number unit commonly used in spectroscopy is cm-1. 1.4 speed of light velocityoflight Usually refers to the speed at which light (ie electromagnetic waves) travel in a vacuum, symbol c, in m/s. It does not follow the frequency Or a change in wavelength, the value of which is defined as. c=299792458m/s The velocity v of light propagating in the medium is less than c and varies with the refractive index n of the medium or the frequency of the light wave. v= 1.5 frequency frequency The speed of light divided by the quotient of the wavelength, ie ν= The symbol is ν and the unit is Hz. Electromagnetic radiation propagates in any medium When it is, its frequency remains the same. 1.6 optical radiation opticalradiation The wavelength is between the X-ray transition zone (≈1 nm) and the transition to the radio wave (≈1 mm) radiation. Referred to as optical radiation. 1.7 visible radiation visibleradiation ......

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