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GB/T 42306-2023 English PDF

GB/T 42306-2023_English: PDF (GB/T42306-2023)
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GB/T 42306-2023English219 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Granulated cork and cork powder -- Classification, properties and packing Valid GB/T 42306-2023

Standard ID GB/T 42306-2023 (GB/T42306-2023)
Description (Translated English) Granulated cork and cork powder -- Classification, properties and packing
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard B70
Classification of International Standard 79.100
Word Count Estimation 11,182
Date of Issue 2023-03-17
Date of Implementation 2023-10-01
Drafting Organization Economic Forest Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Forestry, Wood Industry Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Forestry, Northwest A&F University, Xiamen Dingbiao Enterprise Management Service Co., Ltd., Henan Academy of Forestry, Shaanxi Wanlin Co., Ltd., Xinzheng Forestry Bureau , Zhengzhou Quality and Technology Supervision, Inspection and Testing Center
Administrative Organization National Forestry Biomass Materials Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 416)
Issuing agency(ies) State Forestry and Grassland Administration

GB/T 42306-2023 ICS79:100 CCSB70 National Standards of People's Republic of China Classification, properties and packaging of cork pellets and cork powder (ISO :1997:2018, MOD) Released on 2023-03-17 2023-10-01 implementation State Administration for Market Regulation Released by the National Standardization Management Committee foreword This document is in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 1:1-2020 "Guidelines for Standardization Work Part 1: Structure and Drafting Rules for Standardization Documents" drafting: This document is modified to adopt ISO :1997:2018 "Classification, properties and packaging of cork particles and cork powder": Compared with ISO :1997:2018, this document has more structural adjustments: For a comparison table of structure number changes between the two files see Appendix A: The technical differences between this document and ISO :1997:2018 and their reasons are as follows: ---Changed the scope of application of the standard (see Chapter 1) to meet the requirements of my country's technical conditions and product standards; ---Replaced ISO 633:2019 (see Chapter 3) with normatively referenced LY/T 3149-2019, consistency between the two documents The degree of modification is to adapt to the technical conditions of our country and increase operability; --- Added normative references to GB/T 6005-2008 (see 6:2, 6:6:1:2) to adapt to my country's technical conditions and increase operability active; --- Deleted the normative reference document ISO 2190 to adapt to my country's technical conditions and increase operability; --- Increase the appearance quality requirements (see 5:1) to meet the requirements of technical conditions and product standards in my country; --- Changed the determination method of bulk density (see 6:4) to facilitate the application of this document; --- Changed the determination method of moisture content (see 6:5) to facilitate the application of this document; --- Increase the determination method of cork powder content (see 6:6) to adapt to the technical conditions of our country and facilitate product quality inspection; --- Increased storage and transportation requirements (see 7:3), in order to adapt to my country's technical conditions and product standards: Please note that some contents of this document may refer to patents: The issuing agency of this document assumes no responsibility for identifying patents: This document is proposed by the State Forestry and Grassland Administration: This document is under the jurisdiction of the National Forestry Biomass Materials Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC416): This document is drafted by: Institute of Economic Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Institute of Wood Industry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Northwest China Agriculture and Forestry University, Xiamen Dingbiao Enterprise Management Service Co:, Ltd:, Henan Academy of Forestry Sciences, Shaanxi Wanlin Co:, Ltd:, Xinzheng Forestry Industry Bureau, Zhengzhou Quality and Technology Supervision, Inspection and Testing Center: The main drafters of this document: Chang Delong, Duan Xinfang, Zhang Ran, Chu Jie, Jin Yu, Chen Shiju, Yue Huafeng, Dong Xiaoli, Zheng Linyi, Huang Wenhao, Hu Weihua, Zhang Yunling, Xu Yaya, Zhao Guangjie, Chen Zongyuan, Qian Shijiang, Sun Xiaowei, Yu Lei: Classification, properties and packaging of cork pellets and cork powder 1 Scope This document specifies the classification, properties and requirements, inspection methods, marking, packaging, storage and transportation methods of cork particles and cork powder before compression: This document applies to cork pellets and cork flour: 2 Normative references The contents of the following documents constitute the essential provisions of this document through normative references in the text: Among them, dated references For documents, only the version corresponding to the date is applicable to this document; for undated reference documents, the latest version (including all amendments) is applicable to this document: GB/T 6005-2008 Basic dimensions of test sieve wire mesh, perforated plate and electroformed sheet sieve LY/T 3149-2019 Terminology for cork products 3 Terms and Definitions LY/T 3149-2019 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document: 3:1 cork granulatedcork Cork particles with a particle size not less than 0:25 mm and not greater than 22:40 mm formed by drying, crushing and sieving the cork: 3:2 cork powder corkpowder Cork particles with a particle size of less than 0:25mm formed by drying, crushing and sieving the cork: 3:3 Bulk density bulkdensity Density The mass per unit volume of cork particles in a loose state that is naturally packed and not compacted: 4 categories According to the particle size of cork particles: ---cork grains; --- Cork powder: 5 Nature and Requirements 5:1 Appearance quality The appearance quality of cork particles and cork powder should meet the requirements in Table 1: ......

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