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GB/T 33348-2024 English PDF (GB/T 33348-2016)

GB/T 33348-2024_English: PDF (GB/T33348-2024)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
GB/T 33348-2024English839 Add to Cart 6 days [Need to translate] Voltage sourced converter valves for high-voltage direct current power transmission - Electrical testing Valid GB/T 33348-2024
GB/T 33348-2016English1519 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Voltage sourced converter valves for high-voltage direct current power transmission -- Electrical testing Obsolete GB/T 33348-2016

Standard ID GB/T 33348-2024 (GB/T33348-2024)
Description (Translated English) Voltage sourced converter valves for high-voltage direct current power transmission - Electrical testing
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard K46
Classification of International Standard 29.200; 29.240
Word Count Estimation 42,432
Date of Issue 2024-05-28
Date of Implementation 2024-12-01
Drafting Organization Xian XD Power System Co., Ltd., Xian High Voltage Electrical Equipment Research Institute Co., Ltd., China Southern Power Grid Science Research Institute Co., Ltd., Xian Power Electronics Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd., State Grid Smart Grid Research Institute Co., Ltd., State Grid Economic and Technological Research Institute Co., Ltd., Xuji Group Co., Ltd., Tsinghua University, Rongxin Huike Electric Co., Ltd., State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co., Ltd. Electric Power Research Institute, Nanjing Nanrui Relay Protection Electric Co., Ltd., China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd. Ultra-high Voltage Transmission Company, State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Co., Ltd. Electric Power Research Institute, Xian Jiaotong University
Administrative Organization National Technical Committee for Standardization of Power Electronics Systems and Equipment (SAC/TC 60)
Proposing organization China Electrical Equipment Industry Association
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration

Standard ID GB/T 33348-2016 (GB/T33348-2016)
Description (Translated English) Voltage sourced converter valves for high-voltage direct current power transmission -- Electrical testing
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard K46
Classification of International Standard 29.200; 29.240
Word Count Estimation 38,352
Date of Issue 2016-12-13
Date of Implementation 2017-07-01
Drafting Organization Xi'an Xidian Electric Power System Co., Ltd., Xi'an High Voltage Electric Appliance Research Institute Co., Ltd., China Southern Power Grid Scientific Research Institute Co., Ltd., State Grid Smart Grid Research Institute, XJ Flexible Transmission System Company, Rongxin Power Electronics Co., Ltd., Xi'an Electric Power Electronic Technology Research Institute, Nanjing NARI Jubao Electric Co., Ltd., Guodian Nairui Technology Co., Ltd., China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd. ultra-high voltage transmission company maintenance test center
Administrative Organization National Technical Committee for Power Electronics and Equipment Standardization (SAC/TC 60)
Regulation (derived from) National Standard Announcement No.303 of 2016
Proposing organization China Electrical Appliances Industry Association
Issuing agency(ies) General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People Republic of China, China National Standardization Administration Committee

GB/T 33348-2024: Electrical testing of voltage source converter valves for high voltage direct current transmission ICS 29:200;29:240 CCSK46 National Standards of People's Republic of China Replaces GB/T 33348-2016 Voltage Source Converter Valves for HVDC Transmission Electrical testing transmission-electricaltesting Released on 2024-05-28 2024-12-01 implementation State Administration for Market Regulation The National Standardization Administration issued Table of Contents Preface III 1 Range 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Terms and Definitions 2 4 General requirements 4 4:1 Type test guidelines 4 4:2 Atmospheric correction factor 5 4:3 Redundancy Processing 6 4:4 Criteria for successful type test 6 5 Type test items 7 6 Running the test 8 6:1 Test Purpose 8 6:2 Test sample 8 6:3 Test circuit 9 6:4 Maximum continuous operation load test 9 6:5 Maximum transient overload operation test 9 6:6 Minimum DC voltage test 9 6:7 Maximum transient overvoltage continuous operation test 10 7 Insulation test of valve bracket 10 7:1 Test Purpose 10 7:2 Sample 10 7:3 Test requirements 10 8 Insulation test of multiple valve units 12 8:1 Test Purpose 12 8:2 Sample 12 8:3 Test requirements 12 9 Insulation test between valve terminals 14 9:1 Test Purpose 14 9:2 Sample 15 9:3 Test requirements 15 9:4 Test methods 17 10 IGB T overcurrent shutdown test 18 10:1 Test Purpose 18 10:2 Test sample 18 10:3 Test requirements 18 11 Short circuit current test 18 11:1 Test Purpose 18 11:2 Test sample 19 11:3 Test requirements 19 12 Valve electromagnetic interference resistance test 19 12:1 Test Purpose 19 12:2 Test sample 19 12:3 Test requirements 19 13 Special Test 20 13:1 Overview 20 13:2 Valve AC-DC voltage wet test 20 13:3 Submodule bypass test 20 14 Routine test 23 14:1 Overview 23 14:2 Test Purpose 23 14:3 Sample 23 14:4 Test requirements 23 14:5 Test Item 23 15 Expression of type test results 24 16 Dynamic brake valve test 24 Appendix A (Informative) Overview of Voltage Source Converters for HVDC Transmission 25 A:1 Overview 25 A:2 VSC Basics 25 A:3 Overview of the main VSC valve types 26 A:4 Switch type VSC valve 26 A:5 Controllable voltage source type VSC valve 29 A:6 Main differences between VSC valves and conventional HVDC valves 32 A:7 Hybrid VSC valve 32 Appendix B (informative) Fault tolerance of valve components 33 Reference 34 Preface This document is in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 1:1-2020 "Guidelines for standardization work Part 1: Structure and drafting rules for standardization documents" Drafting: This document replaces GB/T 33348-2016 "Electrical test of voltage source converter valves for high voltage direct current transmission" and GB/T 33348- Compared with:2016, in addition to structural adjustments and editorial changes, the main technical changes are as follows: --- Changed the scope (see Chapter 1, Chapter 1 of the:2016 edition); --- Changed the definition of the term "dynamic brake valve" (see 3:4:12, 3:4:12 of the:2016 edition); --- Deleted the term "valve base electronic equipment" (see 3:5:5 of the:2016 edition); --- When expressing the minimum number of valve stages for type testing, "type test" is subdivided into "operation type test" and "insulation type test": "Testing", and corresponding provisions are given [see 4:1:2b), 4:1:2b of the:2016 edition)]; --- Deleted the note on "test frequency" (see 4:1:5, 4:1:5 of the:2016 edition); --- Deleted the provisions of the test product: "The arrester should be proportional to the number of series-connected valves under test and provide at least the same lightning protection as the actual application "For valves with valve arresters, proportionally sized valve arresters are required" is included” (see 6:2, 6:2 of the:2016 edition); --- Added "The test current should include harmonic currents and other currents flowing through the valve" (see 6:4); --- Added "maximum transient overvoltage continuous operation test" (see 6:7); --- Changed the value of the test safety factor "k3" in the DC voltage test of the valve bracket (see 7:3:1, 7:3:1 of the:2016 edition); --- Changed the calculation formula and description of the valve bracket AC voltage test (see 7:3:2, 7:3:2 of the:2016 edition); --- Added "steep wavefront impact test of valve bracket" (see 7:3:5); --- Changed the value of the test safety factor "k5" and the calculation formula and description of the AC voltage test of the multiple valve unit (see 8:3:1 and 8:3:2, 8:3:1 and 8:3:2 of the:2016 edition); --- Added "test method" (see 9:4); --- Deleted "Current is not applied test safety factor" (see 11:3 of the:2016 edition); --- Added the provisions for test equivalent waveform and recovery voltage (see 11:3); --- Added "If the valve impact test is implemented in accordance with 9:4, the test results shall not be used as the basis for the valve's resistance to electromagnetic interference:" (see 12:1); --- Added a chapter on "Special Tests" (see Chapter 13); --- Added pressure test parameter requirements (see 14:5:8); --- Added "Dynamic brake valve test" (see Chapter 16): This document is modified to adopt IEC 62501:2017 "Electrical tests on valves of voltage source converters for high voltage direct current transmission": This document has many technical differences compared to IEC 62501:2017: The single line (|) indicates these technical differences and their reasons as follows: --- The normative reference GB/T 16927:1 replaces IEC 60060-1, which may affect 7:3:4 "Lightning impulse test of valve bracket The selection of voltage waveforms in 8:3:4 "Lightning impulse test for multiple valve units" and 9:3:4 "Lightning impulse test for valves" may affect This affects the selection of test procedures and instruments in 13:2 “Valve AC-DC voltage wet test”; --- The normative reference GB/T 16927:2 replaces IEC 60060-2, which may affect Chapter 15 "Table of type test results Calculation of uncertainty of high voltage measurement system in " --- The normative reference GB/T 16927:3 replaces IEC 60060-3, which may affect Chapter 7 "Insulation test of valve bracket" Test equipment parameters in Chapter 8 "Insulation test for multiple valve units" and Chapter 9 "Insulation test between terminals" Selection; --- The use of the current measurement specified in GB/T 16927:4, which is a normative reference, may affect the "Type Test Results" in Chapter 15: Calculation of uncertainty of large current measurement system in "expression"; --- Added "maximum transient overvoltage continuous operation test" (see Table 3 and 6:7); --- Added "The atmospheric correction for the test level shall be as specified in 4:2:" (see 7:3:3 and 7:3:4); --- Added "steep wavefront impact test of valve bracket" (see Table 3 and 7:3:5); --- Added "Special Tests" (see Chapter 13), and the original chapter numbers of Chapters 13 to 15 are postponed: The following editorial changes were made to this document: --- Move the suspended paragraphs under the title of Article 7:3 to 7:3:1, 7:3:2, 7:3:3, and 7:3:4 respectively, as 7:3:1, 7:3:2, 7:3:3, and 7:3:4 The first paragraph (see 7:3:1, 7:3:2, 7:3:3 and 7:3:4); --- Move the suspended paragraph under the chapter title of Chapter 8 to 8:1 as the first paragraph in 8:1 (see 8:1); ---Change the text symbol "SIPLm" of the multiple valve unit operation impulse protection level to "USIPLm", multiple valve unit lightning impulse The text symbol of the protection level "LIPLm" is changed to "ULIPLm", and the text symbol of the valve arrester operating impulse protection level "SIPLv" is changed to "USIPLV", and the text symbol of the lightning impulse protection level of the valve arrester "LIPLv" is changed to "ULIPLV": Comply with the writing rules for quantity symbols (see 8:3:3, 8:3:4, 9:3:3 and 9:3:4); --- Translate "the last minute" of AC partial discharge measurement in 3h valve AC-DC voltage test into "the last minute" 1min”(see 9:3:1); ---Correct "Uac1" and "Udc1" in the explanation of variables in the expression of 10s valve AC-DC voltage test Utv1 to "Utac1" respectively and "Utdc1" (see 9:3:1); --- Change the suspended paragraph under the chapter title of Chapter 14 to "14:1 Overview" and the numbering of the subsequent clauses shall be continued (see Chapter 14): Please note that some of the contents of this document may involve patents: The issuing organization of this document does not assume the responsibility for identifying patents: This document was proposed by the China Electrical Equipment Industry Association: This document is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Power Electronics Systems and Equipment (SAC/TC60): This document was drafted by: Xi'an XD Electric Power System Co:, Ltd:, Xi'an High Voltage Electric Equipment Research Institute Co:, Ltd:, China Southern Power Grid Science and Technology Co:, Ltd: Research Institute Co:, Ltd:, Xi'an Electric Power Electronics Technology Research Institute Co:, Ltd:, State Grid Smart Grid Research Institute Co:, Ltd:, State Grid Economic Technology Technology Research Institute Co:, Ltd:, Xuji Group Co:, Ltd:, Tsinghua University, Rongxin Huike Electric Co:, Ltd:, State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co:, Ltd: Electric Power Research Institute, Nanjing NARI Relay Protection Electric Co:, Ltd:, China Southern Power Grid Co:, Ltd: Ultra-high Voltage Transmission Company, State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Research Institute of Jiangxi Electric Power Co:, Ltd:, Xi'an Jiaotong University: The main drafters of this document are: Sun Xiaoping, Zhou Huigao, Fu Chuang, Wei Hongqi, Yang Xiaohui, Gou Ruifeng, Xu Fan, Pang Hui, Hu Zhilong, Yang Yong, Li Juan, Wei Wei, Chen He, Xu Zimeng, Zhao Biao, Huang Chao, Wei Zheng, Sun Mei, Xu Yang, Xie Yeyuan, Dong Yuxiang, Fang Boyi, Xu Feng, Dang Qing, Zhou Yuebin, Yang Liu, Chen Ming, Zhang Yining, Feng Jingbo, Li Lingfei, Dong Tianhua, Wang Yuxin, Ji Shengchang, Huang Songqiang, Hou Ting: This document was first published in:2016 and this is the first revision: Voltage Source Converter Valves for HVDC Transmission Electrical testing 1 Scope This document specifies electrical type tests, product tests and special requirements for dynamic brake valves for high voltage direct current (HVDC) overvoltage limitation applications: Special test: This document applies to self-commutated converter valves for three-phase bridge voltage source converters (VSC) in HVDC transmission systems or back-to-back systems: This document is limited to electrical type tests, product tests and special tests: The tests specified in this document are based on air-insulated valves: For other types of valves, the test requirements and acceptance criteria are determined by the purchaser and the seller: The parties agreed: 2 Normative references The contents of the following documents constitute the essential clauses of this document through normative references in this document: For referenced documents without a date, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this document; for referenced documents without a date, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to This document: GB/T 16927:1 High Voltage Test Technology Part 1: General Definitions and Test Requirements (GB/T 16927:1-2011, IEC 60060- 1:2010,MOD) GB/T 16927:2 High Voltage Test Technology Part 2: Measurement System (GB/T 16927:2-2013, IEC 60060-2: 2010,MOD) GB/T 16927:3 High Voltage Test Technology Part 3: Definition and Requirements for Field Test (GB/T 16927:3-2010, IEC 60060-3:2006, MOD) GB/T 16927:4 High voltage and high current test technology Part 4: Definition and requirements of test current and measurement system (GB/T 16927:4-2014, IEC 62475:2010, MOD) GB/T 20990:1-2020 High voltage direct current transmission thyristor valves Part 1: Electrical tests (IEC 60700-1:2015, MOD) Note: There is no technical difference between the referenced content of GB/T 20990:1-2020 and the referenced content of IEC 60700-1:2015: GB/T 34118 Terminology for voltage source converters for high voltage direct current systems (GB/T 34118-2017, IEC 62747:2014, IDT) IEC 60071 (all parts) Insulation coordination Note: GB/T 311:1-2012 Insulation coordination Part 1: Definitions, principles and rules (IEC 60071-1:2006, MOD); GB/T 311:2-2013 Insulation coordination Part 2: Guidelines for use (IEC 60071-2:1996, MOD); GB/T 311:3-2017 Insulation coordination Part 3: Insulation coordination procedure for high-voltage DC converter stations (IEC 60071-5:2014, MOD); GB/T 311:4-2010 Insulation coordination Part 4: Calculation guide for insulation coordination and simulation of power networks (IEC 60071-4:2004, MOD): urements Note: GB/T 7354-2018 High voltage test technology Partial discharge measurement (IEC 60270:2000, MOD) Note: GB/T 27025-2019 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories (ISO /IEC 17025:2017, IDT) ......

GB/T 33348-2016 Voltage sourced converter valves for high-voltage direct current powertransmission - electrical testing ICS 29.200; 29.240 K46 National Standards of People's Republic of China Voltage source converter valve for HVDC transmission Electrical test (IEC 62501..2014, IDT) 2016-12-13 released 2017-07-01 implementation General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China China National Standardization Management Committee released Directory Preface III 1 range 1 2 normative reference document 1 3 Terms and definitions 1 4 General requirements 4 4.1 Guidelines for the implementation of type tests 4.2 Atmospheric correction factor 5 4.3 Redundancy Processing 6 Criteria for Successful Type Test 5 type test items 7 6 running test 8 6.1 Purpose of test 8 6.2 Test 8 6.3 Test circuit 8 6.4 Maximum continuous operation load test 9 6.5 Maximum transient overload operation test 9 6.6 Minimum DC voltage test 9 7 Insulation test of valve bracket 10 7.1 Test Purpose 10 7.2 Test 10 7.3 Test requirements 10 Insulation test of 8 multi - valve units 8.1 Test purposes 11 8.2 Sample 12 8.3 Test requirements 12 Insulation test between valve terminals 9.1 Purpose of the test 14 9.2 Sample 14 9.3 Test requirements 14 10 IGB T overcurrent shutdown test 17 10.1 Purpose of test 17 10.2 Sample 17 10.3 Test requirements 17 11 Short circuit current test 17 11.1 Purpose of the test 17 11.2 Sample 17 11.3 Test requirements 18 12 anti - electromagnetic interference test 12.1 Test Objective 18 12.2 Sample 18 12.3 Test requirements 18 13 routine test 19 13.1 Purpose of test 19 13.2 Sample 19 13.3 Test requirements 19 13.4 Routine Test Objective 20 The expression of the 14 type test results 15 Dynamic brake valve test Appendix A (informative) Overview of VSC converters for HVDC transmission 22 Appendix B (informative) Fault tolerance of valve components 31 Preface This standard is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009. This standard uses the translation method equivalent to IEC 62501..2014 "high voltage direct current transmission voltage source converter valve electrical test". And the normative reference in this standard international documents are consistent with the relationship between China's documents are as follows. --- GB 311 (all parts) Insulation fit [IEC 60071 (all parts)]; --- GB/T 16927 (all parts) High voltage test technology [IEC 60060 (all parts)]; GB/T 27025-2008 General requirements for the testing and calibration of laboratory capabilities (ISO /IEC 17025..2005, IDT); - GB/T 28563-2012 ± 800kV Thyristor Valves for High Voltage HVDC Transmission (IEC 60700-1..2008, MOD). This standard has made the following editorial changes. In paragraph 5 of paragraph 9.3.1, "last minute" is amended to "last 1 min"; (9) In the explanation of the variable in the following equation, "Uac1, Udc1" is errata "Utac1, Utdc1"; --- IEC 62501..2014 Original IEC 60700-1..1998 has been replaced by IEC 60700-1..2008, the normative reference document 60700-1..1998 to IEC 60700-1..2008. This standard is proposed by China Electrical Equipment Industry Association. This standard is nationalized by the National Power Electronics and Equipment Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC60). The drafting unit of this standard. Xi'an West Electric Power System Co., Ltd., Xi'an High Voltage Electric Research Institute Co., Ltd., Southern Power Grid Science Research Institute Co., Ltd., State Grid Smart Grid Research Institute, XJ Flexible Transmission Systems, Rongxin Power Electronics Co., Ltd., Xi'an Power Electronics Technology Research Institute, Nanjing NARI Jubao Electric Co., Ltd., Guodian Nairui Technology Co., Ltd., China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd. The company ultra-high voltage transmission company maintenance test center. The main drafters of this standard. Gou Ruifeng, Sun Xiaoping, Yang Xiaohui, Xu vanadium, Zhu Zhe, Yang Xiaoping, Pang Hui, Chang Zhongting, He Zhiyuan, Li Hongzhi, Xu Shukai, Hou Ting, Zhang Yanzhu, Yu Cangcai, Huang Chao, Li Qiang, Hu Zhilong, Du Kai, Xie Yeyuan, Wang Xiaohong, Zhu Zhenfei, Liang Shuaiqi, Lu Zhiliang, Zhang Gangqi, Ma Yu, Xing Peng, Fan Caiyun. Voltage source converter valve for HVDC transmission Electrical test 1 Scope This standard applies to the self-commutation converter valve of a three-phase bridge voltage source converter (VSC) for HVDC systems or back-to-back systems. This standard is limited to electrical type tests and routine tests. The scope of this standard includes the electrical type test and routine for dynamic brake valves applied to high voltage direct current (HVDC) overvoltage limits test. This standard can be used to guide the static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) valve test. The tests specified in this standard are based on air-insulated valves. For other types of valves, the buyer and the seller should reach a consensus, but also Refer to the test requirements and acceptance criteria of this standard. 2 normative reference documents The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the dated edition applies to this article Pieces. For undated references, the latest edition (including all modifications) applies to this document. GB/T 7354-2003 Partial discharge measurement (IEC 60270..2000, IDT) ISO /IEC 17025 General requirements for the testing and calibration of laboratory capabilities (Generalrequirementsforthecompetence oftestingandcalibrationlaboratories) IEC 60060 (all parts) High voltage test technology (High-voltagetesttechniques) IEC 60071 (all parts) Insulation coordination (Insulationco-ordination) IEC 60700-1..2008 HVDC thyristors - Part 1. Electrical tests (Thyristorvalvesforhighvoltage directcurrentpowertransmission-Part 1. Electricaltesting) 1) 3 terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1 Insulation with the term insulationcoordinationterms 3.1.1 Test withstand voltage testwithstandvoltage Under specified conditions, apply a standard waveform test voltage on a well-finished valve when subjected to this test voltage for a specified duration or The number of times of application, the valve does not appear any breakdown discharge, and meet all the other acceptance criteria for a particular test. 3.1.2 Internal insulation An air medium that is outside the valve assembly and the insulating material but is contained within the contour of the valve or multiple valve unit. 1) IEC 607001-1..2008 contains IEC 60700-1..1998, Am1 (2003) and Am2 (2008). ......

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