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GB/T 32257-2015 English PDF

GB/T 32257-2015_English: PDF (GB/T32257-2015)
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GB/T 32257-2015English489 Add to Cart 4 days [Need to translate] Qualification testing of welders for fusion welding on nickel and nickel alloys Valid GB/T 32257-2015

Standard ID GB/T 32257-2015 (GB/T32257-2015)
Description (Translated English) Qualification testing of welders for fusion welding on nickel and nickel alloys
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard J33
Classification of International Standard 25.160.10
Word Count Estimation 23,285
Date of Issue 2015-12-10
Date of Implementation 2016-07-01
Drafting Organization Harbin Welding Institute; Shanghai Installation Engineering Group Limited; Shipbuilding Equipment Co., Ltd. Shenghui
Administrative Organization National Welding Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 55)
Regulation (derived from) National Standard Announcement 2015 No.38
Proposing organization National Welding Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 55)
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China

GB/T 32257-2015 Qualification testing of welders for fusion welding on nickel and nickel alloys ICS 25.160.10 J33 National Standards of People's Republic of China Nickel and nickel alloy welding Fusion welding skills assessment (ISO 9606-4.1999, Approvaltestingofwelders-Fusionwelding- Part 4. Nickelandnickelaloys, MOD) Issued on. 2015-12-10 2016-07-01 implementation Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China released Foreword This standard was drafted in accordance with GB/T 1.1-2009 given rules. This standard uses redrafted Law Amendment uses ISO 9606-4.1999 "welders - Fusion welding - Part 4. Nickel and nickel alloys." This standard and ISO 9606-4.1999 and its main technical difference between the following reasons. --- Increasing the recommended format welder qualification certificates, welders approval mark, certificate extension to be confirmed and the content of nickel and nickel alloys Classification guidelines, and give in order to operate in the form of appendices; --- Unified regulations of the main parameters of welders and the scope of accreditation, and the recognition of the scope of the base metal and welding position were necessary adjustments Whole, making it more clear, specific, reasonable, easy to use; --- The ISO 9606-4.1999 foreign standards referenced in accordance with the actual situation of our country have been adjusted. Terminology, definitions, Welding Technology Procedures, non-destructive inspection and destructive testing methods - Part of the appropriate standards in place to facilitate the implementation. This standard made the following editorial changes. --- Added Appendix A (informative) "welder qualification certificate"; --- Added Appendix B (informative) "welders approval mark Example"; --- Added Appendix C (informative) "professional knowledge"; --- Added Appendix D (informative) "deferred to be confirmed and traceable parameters'; --- Added Appendix E (normative) "Nickel and nickel alloys Classification Guide." This standard by the National Standardization Technical Committee welded (SAC/TC55) and focal points. This standard was drafted. Harbin Welding Institute, Shanghai Installation Engineering Group Co., Ltd., China Shipbuilding Equipment Co., Ltd. Shenghui. Drafters of this standard. Su Jinhua, Wang Kenan, Luhuan Jun, Zhang, Pu Dongguang. Nickel and nickel alloy welding Fusion welding skills assessment 1 Scope This standard specifies the method of welders for fusion welding of nickel and nickel alloys for. This standard applies to manual welding method of operation. 2 Normative references The following documents for the application of this document is essential. For dated references, only the dated version suitable for use herein Member. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies to this document. GB/T 2653 welded joint bending test method (GB/T 2653-2008, ISO 5173.2000, IDT) GB/T 3323 metal fusion welded joints radiography (GB/T 3323-2005, EN1435.2003, IDT) GB/T 3375 Welding terminology GB/T 5185 Welding and allied processes method code (GB/T 5185-2005, ISO 4063.1998, IDT) GB/T 15169 steel welders - Fusion welding skills assessment GB/T 16672 Weld tilt and swivel working position definitions (GB/T 16672-1996, ISO 6947.1993, IDT) GB/T 19418 steel welding joint quality levels for imperfections GB/T 26955 Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials weld macroscopic and microscopic examination (GB/T 26955-2011, ISO 17639, MOD) GB/T 27551 Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials fracture test (GB/T 27551-2011, ISO 9017.2001, IDT) Melting ISO 17637 Non-destructive testing of welds welding head visual inspection (Non-destructivetestingofwelds-Visual testingoffusion-weldedjoints) ISO /T R15608 welding of metallic materials classified directory (Welding-Guidelinesforametalicmaterialsgrouping system) 3 Terms and Definitions GB/T 3375, the terms and definitions GB/T 15169 apply to this document defined. 4 Symbols and Abbreviations 4.1 Overview When completing welder qualification certificate, use the following symbols and abbreviations. 4.2 Specimen a --- seam thickness is calculated; BW --- butt weld; D --- tube outer diameter; ......

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