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GB/T 18101-2024 English PDF (GB/T 18101-2013, GB 18101-2000)

GB/T 18101-2024_English: PDF (GB/T18101-2024)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
GB/T 18101-2024English339 Add to Cart 4 days [Need to translate] Hardly flammable plywood Valid GB/T 18101-2024
GB/T 18101-2013English359 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Difficult-flammable plywood Obsolete GB/T 18101-2013
GB 18101-2000English279 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Difficult-flammability plywood Obsolete GB 18101-2000

Standard ID GB/T 18101-2024 (GB/T18101-2024)
Description (Translated English) Hardly flammable plywood
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard B70
Classification of International Standard 79.060.10
Word Count Estimation 16,179
Date of Issue 2024-03-15
Date of Implementation 2024-10-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 18101-2013
Drafting Organization Wood Industry Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences, Dehua Rabbit New Decorative Materials Co., Ltd., Master Han Integrated Home Furnishing Co., Ltd., Sichuan Fire Research Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Management, Guangdong Yilian Fire Materials Co., Ltd., Zhaoqing Lihe Technology Development Co., Ltd. Company, Zhejiang Shenghua Yunfeng New Material Co., Ltd., Beixin International Wood Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Deyi Door Industry Co., Ltd., Qianqianzhou New Material Technology Group Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Jiashijia New Material Group Co., Ltd., Guangxi Sen Industrial Group Co., Ltd., Nanjing Forestry University, Henan Senyuan Technology Co., Ltd., Xiayi County Jinzhan Wood Industry Co., Ltd., Ruijin Jitai Renewable Resources Co., Ltd., Jiangshan Opai Door Industry Co., Ltd., Jiangshan Hua Carpenter Home Furnishing Co., Ltd. , Jiangsu Fuqing Home Furnishing Co., Ltd., Yantai Aifel
Administrative Organization National Technical Committee for Standardization of Artificial Panels (SAC/TC 198)
Proposing organization National Forestry and Grassland Administration
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration

Standard ID GB/T 18101-2013 (GB/T18101-2013)
Description (Translated English) Difficult-flammble plywood
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard B70
Classification of International Standard 79.060.10
Word Count Estimation 9,940
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB 18101-2000
Quoted Standard GB/T 8626; GB/T 9846.2-2004; GB/T 9846.3-2004; GB/T 9846.4-2004; GB/T 9846.5-2004; GB/T 9846.7-2004; GB/T 9846.8-2004; GB/T 15104-2006; GB/T 17657; GB 18580; GB/T 20284; GB/T 20285
Drafting Organization Institute of Chinese Academy of Forestry Timber Industry
Administrative Organization National Standardization Technical Committee plywood
Regulation (derived from) National Standards Bulletin 2013 No. 27
Proposing organization State Forestry Administration
Issuing agency(ies) General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China, Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
Summary This standard specifies the flame retardant plywood of terms and definitions, symbols and abbreviations, classification, requirements, measuring and test methods, inspection rules and labeling, packaging, transport and storage. This standard applies to or

Standard ID GB 18101-2000 (GB18101-2000)
Description (Translated English) Difficult-flammability plywood
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard B70
Classification of International Standard 79.060.10
Word Count Estimation 7,727
Date of Issue 2000-05-19
Date of Implementation 2000-08-01
Drafting Organization China Forestry Science Institute of Wood Industry
Administrative Organization National Panel Standardization Technical Committee
Proposing organization State Forestry Administration
Issuing agency(ies) State Quality and Technical Supervision
Summary This Chinese standard specifies the flame retardant plywood definition, classification, requirements, test methods, inspection rules and signs, labeling, packaging, transportation and storage. This standard applies to ordinary flame retardant plywood and decorative veneer plywood.

GB/T 18101-2024.Flame retardant plywood ICS 79.060.10 CCSB70 National Standards of People's Republic of China Replace GB/T 18101-2013 Flame retardant plywood Released on 2024-03-15 2024-10-01 Implementation State Administration for Market Regulation The National Standardization Administration issued ......

GB/T 18101-2013 Difficult-flammble plywood ICS 79.060.10 B70 National Standards of People's Republic of China Replacing GB 18101-2000 Flame retardant plywood Issued on. 2013-12-31 2014-06-22 implementation Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China released Foreword This standard was drafted in accordance with GB/T 1.1-2009 given rules. This standard replaces GB 18101-2000 "flame retardant plywood." This standard compared with GB 18101-2000 main technical content changes as follows. --- Modified flame retardant plywood classification (see Chapter 5, Chapter 4, 2000); --- Divided flame retardant plywood increased combustion performance levels (see 5.2); --- Increased smoke production properties, toxicity of smoke and burning droplets/microparticles performance indicators (see 6.6.2); --- Modify the properties of the standard (2000 version mandatory standards, the standard recommended standards). Please note that some of the content of this document may involve patents. Release mechanism of the present document does not assume responsibility for the identification of these patents. This standard was proposed by the State Forestry Administration. This standard is based panel by the National Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC198) centralized. This standard was drafted. China Forestry Science Institute of Wood Industry, Ministry of Public Security of Sichuan Fire Research Institute, Millennium Investment Group boat Ltd., AIU Global Wood (Foshan) Co., Ltd., Beijing Shengda Hua Yuan Technology Co., Ltd., a limited liability company long-Sheng floor, Edward rabbit New baby decorative materials Co., Ltd. Feng Guangxi Forestry Group, Xinwei Light (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. wood, scholarly Ground (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. new material. The main drafters of this standard. Chen Zhilin AND APPLIED copper Lu Hua, Li Zhiheng, Ren Hua, Sun Wei Sheng, Wang Xiaohui, Lin Guoli, Lu Weiguang, Bo Lixin, Li Shuangchang. This standard replaces the standards previously issued as follows. --- GB 18101-2000 Flame retardant plywood 1 Scope This standard specifies the flame retardant plywood terms and definitions, symbols and abbreviations, classification, requirements, measuring and test methods, inspection rules And labeling, packaging, transportation and storage. This standard applies to ordinary flame retardant plywood and decorative veneer plywood. 2 Normative references The following documents for the application of this document is essential. For dated references, only the dated version suitable for use herein Member. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies to this document. GB/T 8626 Test Method for Flammability of building materials GB/T 9846.2-2004 plywood - Part 2. Dimensional tolerances GB/T 9846.3-2004 plywood - Part 3. General technical conditions of ordinary plywood GB/T 9846.4-2004 plywood - Part 4. General classification by appearance of plywood GB/T 9846.5-2004 plywood - Part 5. Common plywood inspection rules GB/T 9846.7-2004 plywood - Part 7. specimen sawn GB/T 9846.8-2004 plywood - Part 8. Measurement of specimen size GB/T 15104-2006 decorative veneer wood-based panel GB/T 17657 panels and veneer plywood physical and chemical performance test method GB 18580 interior decoration materials, plywood and their products limited release formaldehyde Monomer GB/T 20284 building materials and products of combustion test GB/T 20285 material smoke toxicity hazard rating 3 Terms and Definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1 After flame treatment, combustion properties of flame retardant grade plywood. 3.2 Combustion performance burningbehavior When materials, products and (or) physical when all member combustion or a fire, occurred and (or) chemical changes. [GB 5907-1986, the definition 1.4] 3.3 Toxicity of smoke smoketoxicity Flue gas generated during combustion of materials, through breathing or part of the sensory contact with the degree of harm caused to people or animals. NOTE. rewrite GB/T 24509-2009, definitions 3.5. ......

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