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GB 36886-2018 English PDF

GB 36886-2018_English: PDF (GB36886-2018)
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GB 36886-2018English145 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Limits and measurement methods for exhaust smoke from non-road mobile machinery equipped with diesel engine Valid GB 36886-2018

Standard ID GB 36886-2018 (GB36886-2018)
Description (Translated English) Limits and measurement methods for exhaust smoke from non-road mobile machinery equipped with diesel engine
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard Z64
Word Count Estimation 15,152
Date of Issue 2018-11-19
Date of Implementation 2018-12-01
Drafting Organization Luoyang Tractor Research Institute
Administrative Organization Ministry of Ecology and Environment
Regulation (derived from) Ministry of Ecology and Environment Announcement No.51 of 2018; National Standard Announcement No.15 of 2018

GB 36886-2018 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 13.040.50 Z 64 Limits and measurement methods for exhaust smoke from non-road mobile machinery equipped with diesel engine ISSUED ON. SEPTEMBER 27, 2018 IMPLEMENTED ON. DECEMBER 01, 2018 Issued by. Ministry of Ecology and Environment; State Administration for Market Regulation. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative references ... 5  3 Terms and definitions ... 5  4 Limit of exhaust smoke ... 6  5 Testing methods ... 7  6 Decision rules ... 8  7 Management requirements ... 8  8 Requirements of testing instruments ... 9  9 Requirements of testing fuel ... 9  10 Testing report ... 9  Appendix A (Normative) Testing report ... 10  Appendix B (Normative) Ringelmann smoke method ... 13  Foreword In order to implement the "Environmental protection law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Air pollution control law of the People's Republic of China", to prevent and control the environmental pollution caused by particulate matter discharged from non-road mobile machinery equipped with diesel engines, this standard is hereby formulated. This standard specifies the limits and measurement methods for exhaust smoke from non-road mobile machinery equipped with diesel engine. This standard applies to the testing of the exhaust smoke from non-road mobile machinery equipped with diesel engine and on-board diesel equipment. The inspection of the exhaust smoke from the newly-produced and imported non- road mobile machinery equipped with diesel engine may make reference to this standard. This standard refers to and adopts the relevant technical contents of the European Commission Directive 77/537/EEC “Directive on the approximation of the laws of the member States relating to the measures to be taken against the emission of pollutants from diesel engines for use in wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors” and GB 3847 “Limits and measurement methods for emissions form diesel vehicles under free acceleration and lugdown cycle”. Appendix A and Appendix B of this standard are normative appendixes. This standard is the first release. This standard was formulated under the organization of the Department of Atmospheric Environment, Department of Regulations and Standards of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment. Main drafting organizations of this standard. Beijing Institute of Technology, Jinan Automobile Testing Center Co., Ltd. This standard was approved by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment on September 27, 2018. This standard shall be implemented since December 01, 2018. From the date of implementation of this standard, all relevant local standards shall be abolished. For this standard, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment is responsible for the interpretation. Limits and measurement methods for exhaust smoke from non-road mobile machinery equipped with diesel engine 1 Scope This standard specifies the limits and measurement methods for exhaust smoke from non-road mobile machinery equipped with diesel engine and onboard diesel equipment. This standard applies to the testing of the exhaust smoke from non-road mobile machinery equipped with diesel engine and on-board diesel equipment. The inspection of the exhaust smoke from the newly-produced and imported non- road mobile machinery equipped with diesel engine may make reference to this standard. This standard applies to the following (including but not limited to) non-road mobile machinery equipped with diesel engines which is operated at non- constant speeds. - Construction machinery (including loaders, excavators, bulldozers, road rollers, asphalt pavers, forklifts, off-highway trucks, etc.); - Agricultural machinery; - Forestry machinery; - Material handling machinery; - Industrial drilling exploration equipment; - Snow plow equipment; - Airport ground service equipment. This standard applies to the following (including but not limited to) non-road mobile machinery equipped with diesel engines which is operated at constant speed. - Air compressor; - Power generator set; quickly, continuously, but not violently step down the accelerator pedal to the utmost position, to make the fuel injection pump supply the maximum amount of oil. Before releasing the accelerator pedal, the engine shall reach the cutoff- point-speed (the engine that uses manual or other means to control the fuel supply amount is operated in a similar manner), it shall make testing in the measuring process. 5.2 Testing method of smoke 5.2.1 Opacity smoke method Use the smoke opacimeter to continuously measure the coefficient of light adsorption of the exhaust from the non-road mobile machinery equipped with diesel engines, under the operating conditions of 5.1. The sampling frequency shall be not lower than 1 Hz. Take the maximum reading of the opacimeter in the measuring process as the measuring result. The installation and use of the opacimeter shall meet the requirements of GB 3847. 5.2.2 Ringelmann smoke method For the non-road mobile machinery equipped with diesel engines, use the Ringelmann smoke method specified in Appendix B to continuously observe the exhaust smoke under the measurement conditions as described in 5.1. Take the maximum observed value of the Ringelmann smoke as the measurement result of the exhaust smoke. In the testing process, it may use such means as video, camera or law-enforcement recorder to obtain the testing results of smoke. 6 Decision rules 6.1 If the Lingerman smoke of the non-road mobile machinery equipped with diesel engine exceeds the standard, the exhaust smoke testing is judged to be unqualified. 6.2 For non-road mobile machinery equipped with diesel engine qualified by Ringelmann smoke testing, the competent department of ecology and environment may continue to use the opacity smoke method to conduct on-site testing of the exhaust smoke. If the exhaust smoke meets the requirements of clause 4.1, it is qualified. Otherwise, it is unqualified. 7 Management requirements 7.1 The manufacturing enterprise shall, in accordance with the requirements of Appendix B (Normative) Ringelmann smoke method B.1 General requirements This Appendix specifies the Ringelmann smoke method for determining the exhaust smoke of non-road mobile machinery equipped with diesel engines, including the location and conditions of observation, methods of observation, calculation methods, specifications of the standard Ringelmann smoke chart, technical requirements of Ringelmann smokemeter. B.2 Terms and definitions B.2.1 Plume Airflow which is exhausted from the vent of non-road mobile machinery equipped with diesel engines. B.2.2 Ringelmann number A value for evaluating the blackness of the plume, which is obtained by comparing the observed blackness of the plume with the Ringelmann smoke chart. B.2.3 Ringelmann smoke chart The standard Ringelmann smoke chart consists of 14 cm × 21 cm pictures of different numbers, except that the all-white and all-black represent Ringelmann number 0 and 5 respectively, the rest 4 numbers are determined according to the percentage of the area of the black-line to all-area, wherein the number 1 represents that the percentage of the area of black-line is 20%, the number 2 represents that the percentage of the area of black-line is 40%, the number 3 represents that the percentage of the area of black-line is 60%, the number 4 represents that the percentage of the area of black-line is 80%. B.3 Principle Place the Ringelmann smoke chart in an appropriate position, compare the exhaust smoke of the non-road mobile machinery equipped with diesel engines with the blackness on the chart, to determine the blackness of the exhaust plume from the non-road mobile machinery equipped with diesel engines. B.4 Instruments and equipment B.5.3.1 Records of on-site situation The observer shall fill in the date of observation, the name of the equipment, etc. according to the requirements of the on-site observation data form (Appendix A), meanwhile record such conditions as the distance and direction of the exhaust vent of the non-road mobile machinery equipped with diesel engines exhaust from the observation point, the wind direction and wind speed, the weather conditions, the exhaust plume background, one by one. B.5.3.2 Records of field observation B. The observer continuously observes the exhaust smoke, compares the blackness of the exhaust with the Ringelmann smoke chart, records the maximum Ringelmann number of the exhaust during the observation process as Ringelmann smoke value. B. When using the Ringelmann smokemeter to observe the exhaust smoke, record the maximum reading of the Ringelmann smokemeter as the Ringelmann smoke value. B.6 Quality assurance and quality control B.6.1 It shall use the Ringelmann smoke chart which complies with the requirements of the specification, pay attention to the keeping the surface clean and tidy. In the process of use, if the Ringelmann smoke chart is stained or faded, it shall replace it with a new picture in time. B.6.2 Before the observation, flatly fixe the Ringelmann smoke chart on the bracket or the flat plate. The material of the bracket is required to be strong and light. The color of the bracket or the flat plate shall be soft and natural, which shall not interfere with the observation. Do not add any overlay on the surface of the chart when using it, so as not to affect the clarity of the surface. B.6.3 The blackness of the exhaust as identified by vision is the effect of reflected light. The reading of observed exhaust blackness depends not only on the blackness of the exhaust itself, but also on the uniformity and brightness of the sky, the wind speed, the size of the exhaust pipe (diameter and shape of the outlet’s cross-section), the illumination and angle during observation. During field observation, pay sufficient attention to these factors. B.6.4 The white picture of Ringelmann number 0 can provide an indication of the illumination, which is used to reveal any shading and uneven illumination on the chart. It can also help to spot the stain on the chart. B.6.5 During the observation process, carefully prepare the observation records, fill the record form as required, calculate the observation results. ......

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