GB 31607-2021_English: PDF (GB31607-2021)
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National Food Safety Standard - Limits of pathogenic bacteria in bulk ready-to-eat food
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GB 31607-2021
Standard ID | GB 31607-2021 (GB31607-2021) | Description (Translated English) | National Food Safety Standard - Limits of pathogenic bacteria in bulk ready-to-eat food | Sector / Industry | National Standard | Classification of Chinese Standard | C53 | Classification of International Standard | 67.020 | Word Count Estimation | 3,342 | Date of Issue | 2021-09-07 | Date of Implementation | 2022-03-07 | Issuing agency(ies) | National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China, State Administration for Market Regulation |
GB 31607-2021
National Food Safety Standard - Limits of pathogenic
bacteria in bulk ready-to-eat food
Issued by: National Health Commission of the PRC;
State Administration for Market Regulation.
Table of Contents
1 Scope ... 3
2 Terms and definitions ... 3
3 Principles of application ... 3
4 Indicator requirements ... 4
National Food Safety Standard - Limits of pathogenic
bacteria in bulk ready-to-eat food
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the indicators of pathogenic bacteria, their limit
requirements and inspection methods in bulk ready-to-eat food.
This Standard applies to bulk ready-to-eat food. It does not apply to food in food
service, food subject to commercial sterility requirements, and unprocessed or
untreated primary agricultural products.
2 Terms and definitions
2.1 Bulk ready-to-eat food
Non-prepackaged food which can be directly eaten by consumers (including
prepackaged bulk ready-to-eat food which needs to be measured and weighed),
including heat-treated bulk ready-to-eat food, partially or un-heat-treated bulk
ready-to-eat food, and other bulk ready-to-eat food.
2.1.1 Heat-treated bulk ready-to-eat food
Bulk ready-to-eat food sold after all components have been thoroughly heated
during the production process (the core temperature is at least 70 °C; the
duration is at least 1 min).
2.1.2 Partially or un-heat-treated bulk ready-to-eat food
Bulk ready-to-eat food with ingredients that have not been thoroughly heat-
treated or raw ingredients added during the production process.
2.1.3 Other bulk ready-to-eat food
Bulk ready-to-eat food prepared by processes such as pickling, drying or
fermentation, and bulk ready-to-eat food not included in the above categories.
3 Principles of application
3.1 Regardless of whether the limits of pathogenic bacteria are specified or not,
food producers, processors, operators, etc. shall take control measures, to