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YY/T 1601-2018: PDF in English (YYT 1601-2018)

YY/T 1601-2018 YY PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 11.040.60 C 41 Ultrasonic surgical equipment for osseous tissue ISSUED ON: JANUARY 19, 2018 IMPLEMENTED ON: JANUARY 01, 2019 Issued by: China Food and Drug Administration Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative references ... 4  3 Terms and definitions ... 4  4 Technical requirements ... 5  5 Test methods ... 7  6 Inspection rules ... 9  7 Marks and user’s manual ... 10  Ultrasonic surgical equipment for osseous tissue 1 Scope This Standard specifies technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marks and user's manual for ultrasonic surgical equipment for osseous tissue (hereinafter referred to as the equipment). This Standard is applicable to ultrasonic surgical equipment for osseous tissue. This Standard is not applicable to ultrasonic tooth cleaning device for removing plaque and stones on teeth. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB/T 191, Packaging and storage marks GB 9706.1-2007, Medical electrical equipment - Part 1: General requirements for safety GB/T 9969-2008, General Principles for Preparation of Instructions for Use of Industrial Products GB/T 14710-2009, Environmental requirement and test methods for medical electrical equipment YY/T 0644-2008, Ultrasonic - surgical systems - Measurement and declaration of the basic output characteristics 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions defined in YY/T 0644-2008 as well as the followings apply. 3.1 ultrasonic surgical equipment for osseous tissue Surgical equipment powered by ultrasound, of which the frequency is generally The output sound power of each type of tip of each ultrasonic hand-held component shall be within the range announced by the manufacturer. 4.8 Duty cycle If the main amplitude of the tip is modulated, its duty cycle or range of duty cycle shall conform to the manufacturer's published value. 4.9 Static (no load) electrical power The measured static (no-load) electrical power shall be less than the maximum value of the static (no-load) electrical power of each ultrasonic handheld component published by the manufacturer. 4.10 Maximum electric power The measured maximum electric power shall be less than the maximum electric power value of each ultrasonic handheld component published by the manufacturer. 4.11 Power reserve index The power reserve index shall conform to the value published by the manufacturer. 4.12 Main sound output area If applicable, the output area of the main sound of each type of tip shall conform to the manufacturer's published value. 4.13 Output area of secondary transverse vibration sound If applicable, the secondary transverse vibration sound output area of each type of tip shall conform to the manufacturer's published value. 4.14 Liquid flow The manufacturer shall publish the adjustment range of liquid flow. The error of liquid flow relative to the nominal value shall not exceed ±10%. 4.15 Noise It shall not be greater than 90dB (A-weighted). 4.16 Features to be published in user’s manual a) Main amplitude at the tip of the treatment head; b) Area of the main sound output of the treatment head; 5.5 Excitation frequency Measure according to the method specified in 6.3.1 of YY/T 0644-2008. The result shall meet the requirements of 4.5. 5.6 Tip vibration frequency Measure according to the method specified in 6.4 of YY/T 0644-2008. The result shall meet the requirements of 4.6. 5.7 Exported output sound power Measure according to the method specified in 6.5.1 of YY/T 0644-2008. The result shall meet the requirements of 4.7. 5.8 Duty cycle Measure according to the method specified in 6.8 of YY/T 0644-2008. The result shall meet the requirements of 4.8. 5.9 Static (no load) electrical power Measure according to the method specified in 6.9 of YY/T 0644-2008. The result must not exceed the published value. 5.10 Maximum electric power Measure according to the method specified in 6.10 of YY/T 0644-2008. The result must not exceed the published value. NOTE: Simulated tip loads can use bone approximations, such as phenolic plastic and so on. 5.11 Power reserve index According to the results of 5.9 and 5.10, calculate the power reserve index according to the method specified in 6.13 of YY/T 0644-2008. 5.12 Main sound output area According to the definition of 3.9 in YY/T 0644-2008, calculate according to the method specified in 6.11 in YY/T 0644-2008. 5.13 Output area of secondary transverse vibration sound According to the definition of 3.15 in YY/T 0644-2008, calculate according to the method specified in 6.12 in YY/T 0644-2008. 5.14 Liquid flow c) When requested by the national quality supervision department. 6.3.2 Type inspection items All requirements specified in this Standard. The number of samples for type inspection is one. 6.3.3 Determination for conformity of type test In the inspection items, if there are items that do not meet the requirements, it is allowed to repair the nonconforming items. After the adjustment and repair, for the items that may be related to the failure, the retest must all meet the requirements, otherwise it shall be determined as failure. The inspection items and determination rules for quality supervision and inspection shall be separately stipulated by the quality supervision agency. 7 Marks and user’s manual 7.1 Marks 7.1.1 The following marks shall be on the equipment: a) Manufacturer’s name; b) Product named and model; c) Power used; d) Production date or exit-factory number; e) Other marks required by applicable standards and regulations. 7.1.2 The following marks shall be on the box: a) Manufacturer's name and address; b) Product name, model, quantity; c) Weight, volume (length × width × height); d) For "fragile items", "upward", "fear of rain" and other words or marks, the text and graphics shall comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T 191- 2008; e) Other marks required by applicable standards and regulations. 7.2 Accompanying documents ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.