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YY 1081-2011: PDF in English

YY 1081-2011 ICS 11.040.99 C 40 INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Replacing YY 91081-1999 Medical endoscopes - Endoscope supply units - Cold light sources 内窥镜功能供给装置 冷光源 ISSUED ON. DECEMBER 31, 2011 IMPLEMENTED ON. JUNE 01, 2013 Issued by. The State Food and Drug Administration Table of Contents Foreword... 3 1 Scope ... 4 2 Normative References ... 4 3 Terms and Definitions ... 4 4 Requirements ... 5 5 Test Methods ... 7 6 Inspection Rules ... 13 Appendix A ... 14 Foreword This Standard was drafted in accordance with provisions given in GB/T 1.1-2009. From the date of implementation of this Standard, YY 91081-1999 "Medical endoscope - Cold light source" shall be abolished. Please note that some of the contents in this document may involve patents. The organization that issued this document does not assume responsibility for the identification of these patents. This Standard was proposed by the State Food and Drug Administration. This Standard shall be administered by the National Optical and Medical Instruments Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 103/SC 1). Drafting organizations of this Standard. State Food and Drug Administration, Hangzhou Medical Device Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, Zhejiang Medical Device Control Institute, and Hangzhou Haoke Photoelectric Instrument Co., Ltd. Main drafters of this Standard. Jia Xiaohang, Yan Laiqing, Zhang Weixing, He Tao, Qi Weiming, and Chen Shenglai. The previous standard replaced by this Standard is. - YY 91081-1999. Medical endoscopes - Endoscope supply units - Cold light sources 1 Scope This Standard specifies the requirements for cold light sources. This Standard applies to cold light sources which are used as a function of supply device in endoscope inspection and surgery, other cold light sources can selectively adopt this document according to the applicability. 2 Normative References For the application of this document, the following documents are essential. For dated references, only the dated editions are applicable to this document. For undated references, the latest editions (including any amendments) apply to this document. GB/T 5702-2003 Light source color rendering evaluation method GB/T 7922-2008 Color of light source measurement methods GB 9706.1-2007 Medical electrical equipment. Part 1. General requirements for safety GB 9706.19-2000 Medical electrical equipment - Part 2. Particular requirements for the safety of endoscopic equipment 3 Terms and Definitions The following terms and definitions apply in this document. 3.1 Light input surface of the optical fiber cable Effective light-through surface at the connection terminal between the optical fiber cable and the cold light source. 3.2 Reference plane The coincide plane between the light input surface of the optical fiber cable and the cold light source which is connected with adaptation cable. The central axis of single fiber shall be perpendicular to the terminal surface of the single fiber. Measurement of known light energy transfer efficiency k and light energy transfer efficiency k shall be performed in accordance with Appendix A. Positioning device It shall be able to position the light input surface of standard single fiber for measurement, to ensure the light input surface to be located on the reference window of cold light source, and to let the center of light input surface to coincide with the center of reference window of cold light source; and center axis to be perpendicular to the plane of reference window. Photometer or equivalent device Difference of measurement repeatability shall not be greater than 1%; accuracy level shall be similar to Grade 2 illuminometer which complies with provisions of JB/T 7403 1994; it is used to measure the luminous flux emitted from the light output surface of the standard single fiber. 5.8.2 Steps Preparations CONTROL the test environment, the dark intensity shall not be more than 1 lx. CONTROL the power supply of light source to remain stable at the nominal voltage, the voltage shall be monitored, the voltage stability shall be controlled within ± 2%. Light source shall be fully preheated, time shall not be less than 30 min. The intensity setting of cold light source shall be adjusted to the maximum. Measurement of luminous flux USE positioning device to position the light input surface of standard single fiber onto the reference window of cold light source, and LET the center of light input surface to coincide with the center of reference window of cold light source; and center axis to be perpendicular to the plane of reference window. MEASURE the luminous flux emitted from the light output surface of standard single fiber, then it is divided by light energy transfer efficiency k of standard single fiber for measurement and Φt, that is the total output luminous flux. 5.9 Electrical safety performance test It shall be conducted in accordance with the specified methods in GB 9706.1-2007 and GB 9706.19-2000. 5.10 Mechanical interface specifications USE naked-eyes, operating and general gages to measure. 5.11 Inspection of safety measures of structure and anti-faults It shall be checked to verify if it is compliant with requirements of 4.1 and 4.7. 6 Inspection Rules Inspection rules shall be based on product features and decided by manufacturer. A.2 Environmental conditions Test environment shall be controlled within dark intensity no more than 1 lx. A.3 Steps As shown in Figure A.1, USE clamp to fix and adjust the laser source and the photometer, LET the laser spot to fully and perpendicularly incident into photometer, MEASURE the luminous flux, denoted as Φ i. As shown in Figure A.2, USE clamp to fix and adjust the laser source and the photometer, LET the laser spot to fully and perpendicularly incident at the center position of light input surface of single fiber, MEASURE the luminous flux emitted from the light output surface of single fiber, denoted as Φ0. The light energy transfer efficiency k of standard single fiber for measurement shall be determined by formula (A.1). ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.