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YBB 00122003-2015 PDF English

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YBB 00122003-2015: PDF in English

YBB 00122003-2015 YY / YBB PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA YBB 00312003-2015 Test for Welding Strength ISSUED ON. AUGUST 11, 2015 IMPLEMENTED ON. DECEMBER 01, 2015 Issued by. China Food and Drug Administration of PRC Test for Welding Strength This Standard applies to the determination of the welding strength of plastic welded to plastic or other base materials (such as aluminium foils) and the welding strength of plastic compound bags. Specimen preparation Material. in accordance with the welding conditions specified for a product, test specimens are welded on heat seal tester. Cut 5 test specimens of 15.0 mm ± 0.1 mm in width in the longitudinal and lateral directions apiece from the middle of welding. Compound bag. as shown in Figure 1, cut altogether 10 test specimens of 15.0 mm ± 0.1 mm in width from the side, back, top and bottom of compound bag, in the direction perpendicular to the welding part. The difference in the number of test specimens taken from all parts shall not be greater than 1. The spread length is 100 mm ± 1 mm; if the spread length is less than 100 mm ± 1 mm, adhesive tape may be used to adhere the material the same as that of bag to make the spread length of test specimens meet the requirement of 100 mm ± 1 mm, as shown in Figure 2. Test specimens shall be stored for 4 h in the environment of temperature 23°C ± 2°C, relative humidity 50% ± 5%; they shall be tested under such conditions. Method for determination Take test specimens centred on the welding part; open to 180°; fix both ends of test specimens to the two clamps of tester. The axis of test specimens shall coincide with the centre line of the upper and lower clamps; an appropriate degree of tightness is required in order to prevent test specimens slipping or rupturing in the clamps before test. The spacing between the clamps is 50 mm; test speed is 300 mm/min ± 20 mm/min; read the maximum load at the time of separation or rupture of test specimens (with the indication error of tensile tester controlled within ± 1%). If test specimens rupture in the clamps, then they are abandoned and test specimens are taken once again for a retest. Result evaluation Test result is expressed by the arithmetic mean value of 5 test specimens in the longitudinal and lateral directions apiece for materials, or the arithmetic mean value of 10 test specimens taken from different welding parts for compound bags, as the welding strength of the test specimens, in N/15 mm. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.