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TB/T 2092-2003 (TB/T 2092-2018 Newer Version) PDF English

Search result: TB/T 2092-2003 (TB/T 2092-2018 Newer Version)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inName of Chinese StandardStatus
TB/T 2092-2018English579 Add to Cart 6 days (Simple supported beam test method Static load bending test of prestressed concrete beam) Valid
TB/T 2092-2003English180 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Post-tensioned pre-cast concrete simple-supported girder for railway bridge pro-stress Obsolete
TB/T 2092-1989English319 Add to Cart 3 days (Simply supported prestressed concrete railway bridge Static bending load cracking test method) Obsolete
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TB/T 2092-2003: PDF in English (TBT 2092-2003)

TB/T 2092-2003 TB RAILWAY INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 45.040 S 13 Replacing TB/T 2092-1989 Post-Tensioned Pre-Cast Concrete Simple-Supported Girder for Railway Bridge Pre-Stress ISSUED ON. OCTOBER 31, 2003 IMPLEMENTED ON. APRIL 1, 2004 Issued by. Ministry of Railways of the People's Republic of China Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Test Conditions, Instruments and Equipment ... 4  3 Test Girder Installation and Pre-test Preparation ... 6  4 Loading Method ... 7  5 Assessment Standard ... 8  6 Static-Load Test Record and Test Report ... 11  7 Safety and Protective Measures ... 11  Annex A (Normative) Loading Calculation Sheet of Static-Load Bending Test for Post-Tensioned Pre-Cast Concrete Simple-Supported Girder for Railway Bridge ... 13  Annex B (Informative) Records of Matched Calibration of Lifting Jack Oil Pressure Gauge ... 17  Annex C (Informative) Loading Records of Static-Load Test for Prestressed Concrete Girders ... 18  Annex D (Normative) Static-Load Test Report Sheets of Prestressed Concrete Girders ... 21  Annex E (Normative) Correction Coefficients of Loading Deflection under Equivalent Load ... 23  Annex F (Informative) Record Sheets of Loading Times of Static-Load Test ... 24  Foreword This Standard combines and revises TB/T 2092-1989 “Static Load Bending Crack Resistance Test Method for Post-Tensioned Pre-Cast Concrete Simple-Supported Girder for Railway Bridge Pre-Stress”, and Section 4 “Static Load Test for Finished Product Quality” of TBJ 106-91 “Specifications for Design and Acceptance of Railway Partially Prestressed Concrete Girders”. Compared with the former standard TB/T 2092-1989, the following contents are added and modified in the revised standard. -- the contents of static load bending test methods for the prestressed concrete girders which allow limited tensile stress and the prestressed concrete girders which allow cracks but limiting the width of cracks, are added; -- the content of test result assessment is added; -- the relevant content of sampling for quality inspection is modified; -- two test load cycle grades and load holding time are modified; the cracking verification loading cycle is added. -- Annex A and Annex B are modified. Annex A, Annex D and Annex E to this Standard are normative. Annex B, Annex C and Annex F to this Standard are informative. This Standard was proposed by and shall be under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Railways Standard Institute of metrology. This Standard was drafted by Academy of Railway Sciences Railway Engineering Research Institute, Railway Design Institute and Ministry of Railways Product Quality Supervision and Testing Centre. The main drafters of this Standard. Yang Mengjiao, Sun Jingeng, Yin Ningjun, Wang Zhenhua, Sun Falin, Niu Bin. This Standard was issued in April, 1989 for the first time; and this is the first revision of this Standard. Post-Tensioned Pre-Cast Concrete Simple-Supported Girder for Railway Bridge Pre-Stress 1 Scope This Standard specifies the static-load bending test method and assessment standard for concrete railway simple-supported girders, which allow full prestress, allow limited tensile stress, and allow cracks but limit the width of cracks. This Standard applies to T-shaped and box-shaped simple-supported girders which are designed in accordance with the standard gauges and fabricated by pre-tensioning and post-tensioning. This Standard may be referred to for other simple-supported girders. 2 Test Conditions, Instruments and Equipment 2.1 Under the following circumstances, the static-load bending test shall be carried out for simple-supported girders. a) when new structures, new materials and new technologies are used for pilot production; b) when there is any significant change in the production conditions; c) when any defect influencing the load carrying capacity of the structures occurs; d) when the technical data of inventory is incomplete or there is any doubt in the data; e) under normal production conditions, carry out casual inspection on 1 piece for every 60 T-shaped (box-shaped) girders of the same category and the same span, or, the output of three consecutive months (if the output of three months is less than 60 pieces). When it is explicitly specified in a product standard, the sampling batch shall be as specified in the standard. f) during the product quality certification testing, take one piece as the sample from the simple-supported girders of different categories. The principle for sampling. take 3 pieces in accordance with the most unfavorable principle (including one piece which is the girder for the first test and two pieces which are the girders for the double test). 2.2 The static-load test for simple-supported girders shall be carried out 30 days after final stretching or tensioning; and it shall be determined by the designer based on calculation if less than 30 days. between different levels shall not be greater than 10% of the maximum loading value; the loading speed shall not be greater than 3 kN/s; and the maximum load calibrated is preferably not less than 1.1 times of the maximum load value, holding the load for 10 min. 2.4.2 When the lifting jacks and pressure gauges are calibrated together, use the calibration method for the top pressure tester or pressure sensor of the lifting jacks with the exposed quantity of their piston about equal to the exposed quantity at the time of the maximum test load. At all levels of load, make the integer readings of the dial plate of the pressure gauge corresponding to the readings of the dial plate of the pressure gauges. 2.4.3 Linear regression shall be carried out for the supporting calibration data; the correlation coefficient of linear regression shall be not less than 0.999; and the indicating value under all levels of load in accordance with the loading levels. 2.4.4 The measuring devices, instruments, meters, steel measure tape and others which are used in the test shall pass the verification of the statutory metrological verification department; and they shall be used within the period of validity. The steel measure tapes for the measurement of span shall be verified suspending in midair. 3 Test Girder Installation and Pre-test Preparation 3.1 The relative height difference between the supports at both ends of the girders shall not be greater than 10 mm; and the height difference between the two sides of the same support or the two supports at the same end shall not be greater than 2 mm. The unevenness of the four supporting points of the box girders shall not be greater than 2 mm. The actually-measured girder span after the installation of supports shall be as specified in standards. 3.2 After moving the test girders into the supports and centering, mark on the top of the girders the center line of web as the center line of loading of the girder body. Lay cushion layers and steel baseplates at each loading point. After use the levelling instrument to level out, move the lifting jacks in place. 3.3 The positional deviation in the longitudinal and transverse directions of the center of all lifting jacks from the loading center line on the girder top shall not be greater than 10 mm. 3.4 The positional deviation in the longitudinal and transverse directions of the center of all lifting jacks from the center of the beam of the force application shelves shall not be greater than 10 mm; and the gap between them shall be cushioned. 3.5 Before loading, use the 10x magnifying lens to carry out visual inspection of the lower edge and bottom of the girders within the range of ½ span on both sides of the mid-span of the girder body; use the blue pe... ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.