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QC/T 917-2013: PDF in English (QCT 917-2013)

QC/T 917-2013 QC AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 43.040.60 T47 Manual valve for gas vehicle ISSUED ON. APRIL 25, 2013 IMPLEMENTED ON. SEPTEMBER 1, 2013 Issued by. Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative references ... 4  3 Terms and definitions ... 5  4 Requirements ... 5  5 Test methods ... 8  6 Inspection rules ... 13  7 Mark, package, transportation and storage ... 14  Foreword This Standard is drafted according to the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009. This Standard was proposed by and shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee of Auto Standardization (SAC/TC 114). Drafting organizations of this Standard. China Automotive Engineering Research Institute Co., Ltd. and Chongqing Dinghui Automotive Fuel System Co., Ltd. Main drafters of this Standard. Cheng Wanying, Shi Minglei, Wang Shu, Chen Chunyu, Zhang Haihui and Xie Jiming. Manual valve for gas vehicle 1 Scope This Standard specifies the definitions, structure requirements, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, mark, package, transportation and storage of manual valve for gas vehicle (hereinafter referred to as shut-off valve). This Standard is applicable to compressed gas shut-off valve for vehicle (hereinafter referred to as CNG shut-off valve) of which the rated working pressure is not greater than 20MPa (the pressure in this Standard refers to gauge pressure), the environment temperature is -40 ~ +85 °C and working medium conforms to the requirement of GB 18047 AND liquefied petroleum gas shut-off valve (hereinafter referred to as LPG shut-off valve) for vehicle of which the rated working pressure is not greater than 2.2MPa, the environment temperature is -40 ~ +85 °C and working medium conforms to the requirement of GB 19159. 2 Normative references The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) are applicable to this Standard. GB/T 191 Packaging - Pictorial Marking for Handling of Goods GB/T 7762 Rubber, Vulcanized or Thermoplastic - Resistance to Ozone Cracking - Static Strain Test GB/T 9969 General Principles for Preparation of Instructions for Use of Industrial Products GB/T 10125 Corrosion Tests in Artificial Atmospheres - Salt Spray Test GB/T 17895 Natural Gas Vehicle and Liquefied Petroleum Gas Vehicle – Vocabulary GB 18047 Compressed Natural Gas for Vehicle GB 19159 Automotive Liquefied Petroleum Gas GB/T 19239 Mounting Requirements of Special Equipment for Liquefied Petroleum After it is tested according to the method in 5.8, the fastener shall not be loosened; the shut-off valve can be opened-closed normally; and it shall conform to the requirement of normal temperature leakage test in 4.2.3. 4.2.7 Pressure resistance It is tested according to the method in 5.9; and the shut-off valve has no crack, permanent deformation, etc. 4.2.8 Durability After it is tested according to the method in 5.10, the sample piece has no damage and deformation; and it shall conform to the requirements of 4.2.1 ~ 4.2.3. 4.2.9 Corrosion resistance a) After it is tested according to the method in 5.11.1, it must conform to the requirement of normal temperature leakage test in 4.2.3. b) After the copper or brass pressing part is tested according to the method in 5.11.2, it shall be checked by 25-times magnifying glass; and there is no crack on the shut-off valve. 4.2.10 Ozone resistance After the ozone resistance test is carried out according to the test method in 5.12, there is no crack. 4.2.11 Compatibility After the compatibility test is carried out according to the test method in 5.13, the volume change rate does not exceed 20%; and the mass decrease rate does not exceed 5%. 4.2.12 Torque strength After it is tested according to the method in 5.14, the sample piece has not damage and deformation; and it shall conform to the requirement of normal temperature leakage test in 4.2.3. 4.2.13 Bending moment strength After it is tested according to the method in 5.15, the sample piece has no crack and damage; and it shall conform to the requirement of normal temperature leakage test in 4.2.3. 5.6 Temperature resistance test The shut-off valve is installed on the special device; the shut-off valve is in closing state. After the nitrogen or air is injected from the air inlet of the shut-off valve to the nominal working pressure, it is maintained for 2h (one hour for opening and closing, respectively) under the following conditions; the low temperature leakage test and high temperature leakage test are carried out according to the method in 5.5. a) It is placed in low temperature box, so that the temperature reaches -40°C±2°C; b) It is placed in high temperature box, so that the temperature reaches 85°C±2°C. 5.7 Dry heat resistance test After non-metal parts contacting with natural gas in CNG shut-off valve AND non-metal part contacting with liquefied petroleum gas in LPG shut-off valve are exposed for 168h in 85°C±2°C of high temperature, check the tensile strength and elongation rate change. 5.8 Vibration resistance test The shut-off valve is reliably installed on the clamp of sine vibration test table, so that the shut-off valve is in a closing state. The nitrogen or air is filled from the air inlet of the shut-off valve to the nominal working pressure; the frequency is set as 17Hz; the amplitude is set as 1.5mm; and it vibrates for 2h along three mutual-vertical directions, respectively. 5.9 Pressure resistance test The shut-off valve is firmly installed on the special sealed test table, so as to block the outlet of the shut-off valve; the test liquid is slowly added to the shut-off valve from the inlet of the shut-off valve; the pressurizing time is not less than 3min; after reaching to the hydrostatic pressure value specified in Table 6, it is stabilized for 3min; relieve the pressure. The sample for the test must not be used for other tests. Table 6 Specified value of hydrostatic pressure Name of test piece CNG shut-off valve LPG shut-off valve Specified value of hydrostatic pressure 50MPa 6.75MPa 5.10 Durability test 5.10.1 This item test shall use new shut-off valve; the shut-off valve is installed on the special device (see figure 1). The nitrogen or air is filled from the air inlet of the shut-off valve to the nominal working pressure; open the shut-off valve; the pressure of the shut-off 14 Compatibility test 5.13 4.2.11 ✓ AB 15 Torque test 5.14 4.2.12 ✓ AB 16 Bending moment test 5.15 4.2.13 ✓ AB Note. “√” represents the inspection item; ABCDEF are the sampling test piece A, test piece B, test piece C, test piece D, test piece E, test piece F. 6.2 Exit-factory inspection The manufacturer shall check the item piece-by-piece according to the regulations in Table 8; only after it is inspected as qualified by the inspection department, can the conformity certificate be issued and the product be delivered from the factory. 6.3 Type inspection The type inspection samples shall be sampled from the qualified products that are newly produced and pass the exit-factory inspection; the sampling quantity is shown in Table 8. All items in type inspection shall be qualified. If any one item is not qualified, then the sampling is doubled for re-inspection; and it is indicated in the inspection result. For any one of the following conditions, the type inspection shall be carried out according to the items in Table 8. The newly designed product shall be subjected to product design review according to the requirements in 4.1. a) New design or when design parameter, process and material have significant change; b) When resuming production after shutdown for more than one year; c) When it is continuously produced for three years. 7 Mark, package, transportation and storage 7.1 Mark 7.1.1 Nameplate mark The nameplate shall be fixed at the suitable position of the shut-off valve; the line and words on the nameplate shall be clear; and it must mark. a) Product name; b) Product model; c) Nominal working pressure; d) Working medium; e) Manufacturer name; f) Product serial number; g) Manufacturing date. 7.1.2 Valve-body mark The arrow showing the medium flowing direction shall be marked on the shut-off valve-body. 7.2 Package 7.2.1 The pictorial markings for handling of packages shall conform to the regulations of GB/T 191; and it must ensure that the product is not damaged during the handling process. 7.2.2 The product conformity certificate, operation instructions and necessary packing list shall be provided in the packing box of the product. The following contents shall be indicated on the product conformity certificate. a) Manufacturer’s name and trademark; ... ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.