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QC/T 1136-2020: PDF in English (QCT 1136-2020)

QC/T 1136-2020 QC AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 43.040 T 35 Environmental test requirements and test methods of insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBT) module for electric vehicles ISSUED ON: DECEMBER 09, 2020 IMPLEMENTED ON: APRIL 01, 2021 Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of PRC Environmental test requirements and test methods of insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBT) module for electric vehicles 1 Scope This document specifies the environmental test requirements and test methods of insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBT) module for electric vehicles. This document applies to IGBT modules for electric vehicles. Other semiconductor device modules may use it as a reference. 2 Normative references The contents of the following documents constitute the indispensable clauses of this document through normative references in the text. Among them, for dated reference documents, only the version corresponding to that date is applicable to this document; for undated reference documents, the latest version (including all amendments) is applicable to this document. GB/T 2423.1-2008 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2: Test methods - Tests A: Cold GB/T 2423.2-2008 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2: Test methods - Tests B: Dry heat GB/T 2423.5-2019 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2: Test methods - Test Ea and guidance: Shock GB/T 2423.10-2019 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2: Test methods - Test Fc: Vibration (sinusoidal) GB/T 2423.22-2012 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2: Test methods Test N: Change of temperature GB/T 2423.28-2005 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products - Part 2: Test methods - Test T: Soldering GB/T 2423.56-2018 Environmental testing - Part 2: Test methods - Test Fh: Vibration, broadband random and guidance ICES-ini: Collector leakage current before the test. VGE(th): Threshold voltage between grid-emitter. VCEsat: Saturation voltage between collector-emitter. Rth: Thermal resistance. VF: Forward DC voltage. IF: Forward DC current. IC: Collector current. ton: Turn-on phase time. toff: Turn-off phase time. Tcha: Temperature of test chamber. VCE: Collector-emitter voltage. VGE: Grid-emitter voltage. ICN: Nominal current of collector. USL: Upper limit in specification manual. LSL: Lower limit in specification manual. 5 Environmental adaptability requirements 5.1 Appearance requirements The main inspection items and requirements, before test assembly and after test disassembly, include: a) The enclosure of the IGBT module is not damaged; b) The connecting terminals of the IGBT module are not deformed or oxidized; c) The connection of the IGBT module is reliable; d) The fasteners of the IGBT module are not loosening. 5.2 Characteristic parameter requirements The acceptance judgment characteristics, acceptance criteria, measurement conditions are as shown in Table 1. shall meet the requirements of 5.1 and 5.2. 5.3.6 High temperature and high humidity blocking The IGBT module shall be subjected to the high temperature and high humidity blocking test. The test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 6.7. After the test, it shall meet the requirements of 5.1 and 5.2. 5.3.7 Power cycle The IGBT module shall be subjected to a power cycle test. The test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 6.8. After the test, it shall meet the requirements of 5.1 and 5.2. 5.3.8 Temperature shock The IGBT module shall be subjected to the temperature shock test. The test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 6.9. After the test, it shall meet the requirements of 5.1 and 5.2. 5.3.9 Temperature cycle The IGBT module shall be subjected to a temperature cycle test. The test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 6.10. After the test, it shall meet the requirements of 5.1 and 5.2. 5.3.10 High temperature storage The IGBT module shall be subjected to high temperature storage test. The test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 6.11. After the test, it shall meet the requirements of 5.1 and 5.2. 5.3.11 Low temperature storage The IGBT module shall be subjected to low temperature storage test. The test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 6.12. After the test, it shall meet the requirements of 5.1 and 5.2. 5.3.12 Soldering temperature The IGBT module shall be subjected to the soldering temperature test. The test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 6.13. After the test, it shall meet the requirements of 5.1 and 5.2. 5.3.13 Solderability The IGBT module shall be subjected to the solderability test. The test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 6.14. After the test, it shall meet provisions of GB/T 2423.10. The test procedure is as follows: a) Number the samples before the test. Follow the requirements of GB/T 29332-2012, to test the characteristic parameters in Table 2 AND record the data; b) Select the vibration direction. Fix the sample on the installation fixture, according to the installation requirements of the data manual; c) According to the vibration conditions, set the parameters such as vibration frequency, acceleration, duration; d) Start the vibrating table. Let the sample start to vibrate in one direction; e) After the vibration in the first direction is over, change the installation direction of the sample. Repeat the steps b) ~ d), until the test in the three directions X, Y, Z is over; f) Within 24h ~ 48h, follow the requirements of GB/T 29332-2012 to test the characteristic parameters in Table 2. Organize the report. The corresponding report record is as shown in Appendix A. 6.3 Random vibration test 6.3.1 Test conditions The IGBT module shall be subjected to random vibration tests in three directions X, Y, Z. If there are no special requirements, according to the installation location, the random vibration severity and test duration of the IGBT module shall refer to the requirements in GB/T 28046.3-2011. 6.3.2 Test procedure The random vibration test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 2423.56. The test procedure is as follows: a) Number the samples before the test. Follow the requirements of GB/T 29332-2012, to test the characteristic parameters in Table 1 AND record the data; b) Select the impact direction. Fix the sample on the installation fixture; c) According to random vibration conditions, set the parameters such as frequency, acceleration, duration; d) Start the vibrating table. Let the sample start to vibrate randomly in one direction; - Voltage: VCE ≥ 0.8 VCES, VGE = 0V; - Temperature: Tj = Tjop_max; - Time: ≥ 1000h; - Termination judgement: 5ICES_ini < ICES < USL. 6.5.2 Test procedure The high temperature blocking test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 29332. The test procedure is as follows: a) Number the samples before the test. Follow the requirements of GB/T 29332-2012, to test the characteristic parameters in Table 1 AND record the data; b) Short-circuit the grid and emitter of the sample. Follow the wiring method as specified in GB/T 29332-2012, to connect the sample into the test circuit; c) Set the specified test voltage and temperature. When the set value is reached, start timekeeping for the test AND implement it; d) During the test, it is necessary to monitor ICES. When it satisfies the condition of 5ICES < ICES < USL, terminate the test AND record the test time; e) After the test reaches the specified time, turn off the DC power supply and the oven. Take out the sample to cool to room temperature naturally; f) Within 24h ~ 48h, follow the requirements of GB/T 29332-2012 to test the characteristic parameters in Table 1. Organize the report. The corresponding report record is as shown in Appendix A. 6.6 High temperature grid bias test 6.6.1 Test conditions The high temperature grid test shall be carried out under the following conditions: - Voltage: VGE = ±VGES; - Temperature: Tj = Tjop_max; - Time: ≥ 1000h; - Termination judgement: 5IGES_ini < IGES < USL. The high temperature and high humidity blocking test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 2423.5. The test procedure is as follows: a) Number the samples before the test. Follow the requirements of GB/T 29332-2012, to test the characteristic parameters in Table 1 AND record the data; b) Short-circuit the grid and emitter of the sample. Follow the wiring method as specified in GB/T 29332-2012, to connect the sample into the test circuit; c) Place the connected sample in a constant temperature and humidity box. Set the specified test voltage, temperature and relative humidity. When the set value is reached, start timekeeping for the test; d) During the test, it is necessary to monitor Ices. When it satisfies the condition of 10ICES_ini < ICES < USL, terminate the test AND record the test time; e) After the test reaches the specified time, turn off the DC power supply and the constant temperature and humidity box. Take out the sample to cool to room temperature naturally. Let it be standing for more than 2h; f) Within 24h ~ 48h, follow the requirements of GB/T 29332-2012 to test the characteristic parameters in Table 1. Organize the report. The corresponding report record is as shown in Appendix A. 6.8 Power cycle test 6.8.1 Test conditions Power cycle test conditions 1: - Starting temperature: Tjop_max - 100°C; - Temperature: ΔTj = 100°C; - Load current: ≥ 0.85ICN; - Number of cycles: ≥ 30000; - Two phase time in one cycle: ton ≤ 5s; toff ≤ 15s; - Termination judgment: VCEsat increase by ≥ 5%; VF increase by ≥ 5%; Rth increase by ≥ 20%. The curve of test condition 1 is as shown in Figure 1. a) Number the samples before the test. Follow the requirements of GB/T 29332-2012, to test the characteristic parameters in Table 1 AND record the data; b) Connect the sample to the test circuit, according to the wiring method of GB/T 29332-2012. Fix the sample on the radiator. After installation, check the circuit; c) Apply a small current to the sample, to confirm whether the test bench and test circuit are working properly; d) After confirming that it is normal, apply a large current AND set the cooling water temperature, according to the test conditions. Then, repeatedly adjust them to meet the specified test conditions 1 and 2, in turn; e) During the test, it needs to monitor VCEsat, VF, Rth. When it meets any of the following conditions: VCEsat increase by ≥ 5%, VF increase by ≥ 5%, Rth increase by ≥ 20%, terminate the test. Record the number of cycles; f) Within 24h ~ 48h, follow the requirements of GB/T 29332-2012 to test the characteristic parameters in Table 1. Organize the report. The corresponding report record is as shown in Appendix A. 6.9 Temperature shock test 6.9.1 Test conditions The temperature shock test shall be carried out under the following conditions: - Temperature: Tstgmin - Tstgmax; - Number of cycles: ≥ 1000; - Duration of high temperature storage phase: ≥ 15min; - Duration of low temperature storage phase: ≥ 15min; - Duration of temperature conversion phase: > 5s and < 30s; - State of sample under test: Uncharged working state. The test condition curve is as shown in Figure 3. 29332-2012, to test the characteristic parameters in Table 1 AND record the data; b) Set the test temperature according to the requirements. Place the sample on a try, which is resistant to high temperature. Place it in a high temperature oven; c) The high temperature oven starts to heat up. After reaching the set temperature, start timekeeping for the test; d) After the test reaches the specified time, turn off the high temperature oven. Take out the sample to cool to room temperature naturally; e) Within 24h ~ 48h, follow the requirements of GB/T 29332-2012 to test the characteristic parameters in Table 1. Organize the report. The corresponding report record is as shown in Appendix A. 6.12 Low temperature storage test 6.12.1 Test conditions The low temperature storage test shall be carried out under the following conditions: - Temperature: Tcha = Tstgmin; - Time: ≥ 1000h; 6.12.2 Test procedures The low temperature storage test shall be carried out according to requirements of GB/T 2423.1-2008. The test procedure is as follows: a) Number the samples before the test. Follow the requirements of GB/T 29332-2012, to test the characteristic parameters in Table 1 AND record the data; b) Set the test temperature according to the requirements. Place the sample on a try. Place it in a low temperature box; c) The low temperature box starts to cool down. After reaching the set temperature, start timekeeping for the test; d) After the test reaches the specified time, turn off the low temperature box. Take out the sample to heat to room temperature naturally; e) Within 24h ~ 48h, follow the requirements of GB/T 29332-2012 to test the characteristic parameters in Table 1. Organize the report. The ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.