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QC/T 1023-2015: PDF in English (QCT 1023-2015)

QC/T 1023-2015 QC AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 43.040 T 35 General requirement of traction battery system for electric vehicles ISSUED ON. OCTOBER 10, 2015 IMPLEMENTED ON. MARCH 01, 2016 Issued by. Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China Table of Contents Notice ... 3  Foreword ... 5  1 Scope ... 6  2 Normative references ... 6  3 Terms and definitions ... 8  4 Traction battery pack model ... 9  5 Requirements ... 9  6 Assembly of traction battery system ... 14  7 Component interface of traction battery system ... 16  8 Test methods ... 16  9 Identification and marking ... 21  10 Transportation and storage ... 21  Annex. 13 automotive industry standard numbers, standard names and date of implementation No. Standard No. Standard name Standard No. substituted Date of implementation 649 QC/T 1014-2015 The starting motor commutator for Automobile and motorcycle March 1, 2016 650 QC/T 1015-2015 Automotive air conditioner controller March 1, 2016 651 QC/T 501-2015 Automotive Signal Flasher QC/T 501-1999 March 1, 2016 652 QC/T 1016-2015 Door trim panel assembly for passenger cars March 1, 2016 653 QC/T 1017-2015 Headlamp cleaning nozzle assembly March 1, 2016 654 QC/T 1018-2015 Step Plate for Automotive March 1, 2016 655 QC/T 1019-2015 Performance requirements and bench test methods of automobile gear shifting control device March 1, 2016 656 QC/T 1020-2015 Test methods for constant velocity universal joint and assemblies for Automobiles March 1, 2016 657 QC/T 1021-2015 Performance requirements and bench test methods of ball stud assy of automotive suspension March 1, 2016 658 QC/T 648-2015 Performance requirements and bench test methods of automotive steering tie rod assy QC/T 304-1999 QC/T 648-2000 QC/T 650-2000 March 1, 2016 659 QC/T 1022-2015 Technical specification for reduction gearbox of battery electric passenger cars March 1, 2016 660 QC/T 1023-2015 General Requirement of Traction Battery System for Electric Vehicles March 1, 2016 661 QC/T 1024-2015 One-part polyurethane sealant for automobiles March 1, 2016 General requirement of traction battery system for electric vehicles 1 Scope This standard specifies the general requirements of traction battery system for electric vehicles. This standard is applicable to traction battery systems for electric vehicles. 2 Normative references The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) are applicable to this Standard. GB 2893 Safety colors GB 2894-2008 Safety signs and guideline for the use GB 4208-2008 Degrees of protection provided by enclosure (IP code) GB 21966 Safety of primary and secondary lithium cells and batteries during transport GB/T 2423.1-2008 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2. Test methods - Test A. Cold GB/T 2423.2-2008 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2. Test methods - Test B. Dry heat GB/T 2423.3-2006 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2. Test methods - Test Cab. Damp heat steady state GB/T 2423.5-1995 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2. Test methods - Test Ea and guidance. Shock GB/T 2423.10-2008 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2. Test methods - Test Fc. Vibration (sinusoidal) GB/T 2423.17-2008 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2. Test methods - Test Ka. salt mist GB/T 5013.1 Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 1. General requirements GB/T 5023.1 Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/7 50 V - Part 1. General requirements GB/T 18384.1-2001 Electric vehicles - Safety specification - Part 1. On-board energy storage GB/T 18384.2-2001 Electric vehicles - Safety specification - Part 2. Functional means and protection against failure GB/T 18384.3-2001 Electric vehicles - Safety specification - Part 3. Protection of persons against electric hazards GB/T 18455-2010 Package recycling marking GB/T 18487.1-2001 Electric vehicle conductive charging system – Part 1. General requirements GB/T 19596 Terminology of electric vehicles GB/T 19666 Flame retardant and fire resistant wires and cables GB/T 20234.1 Connection set for conductive charging of electric vehicles – Part 1. General requirements GB/T 20234.2 Connection set for conductive charging of electric vehicles – Part 2. AC charging coupler GB/T 20234.3 Connection set for conductive charging of electric vehicles – Part 3. DC charging coupler GB/T 27930 Communication protocols between off-board conductive charger and battery management system for electric vehicle GB/T 31467.3 - 2015 Lithium-ion battery pack and system for electric vehicles - Part 3. Safety requirements and test methods GB/T 31486-2015 Technical requirements and test methods for traction battery of electric vehicle electrical performance QC/T 413 Basic technical requirements for automotive electric equipment QC/T 417.1 Road vehicles – Connection for on-board electrical wiring harnesses – Part 1. Definitions, test methods and general performance requirements (the automobile part) QC/T 417.3 Road vehicles – Connection for on-board electrical wiring harnesses – Part 3. Tabs for single-pole connections – Dimensions and specific requirements It shall maintain the uniformity of the internal temperature field of the traction battery system. When the traction battery system is tested in accordance with 8.5.4, the temperature difference of the internal temperature field in the traction battery pack shall not exceed 5 °C. If the traction battery system consists of multiple traction battery packs, during the layout of the traction battery packs in the vehicle, it shall consider the consistency of the ambient temperature, AND it is preferable for the temperature difference between different traction battery packs to be within the range of 8 °C. 5.5 Safety requirements 5.5.1 IP protection degree. After the tests of and, the protection degree of the traction battery system not be lower than IP55. 5.5.2 Electrical insulation performance. The electrical insulation performance of the traction battery system shall comply with the calculation requirements of 6.1 in GB/T 18384.1-2001 AND the performance requirements of 6.2 in GB/T 18384.3-2001. 5.5.3 High voltage power-off protection. The traction battery system having a voltage higher than 60 V shall have an automatic power-off device, AND it is preferable to have a manual power-off device. 5.5.4 Overcurrent protection. When the output current of the traction battery system rises up to the set overcurrent value, it shall limit the discharge power of the battery system OR otherwise require the vehicle control ECU to perform power limit, AND meanwhile it is preferable for the battery system to be able to output alarm signal. 5.5.5 Overtemperature protection. When the traction battery system temperature reaches up to the overtemperature protection value, it shall limit the discharge power of the battery system OR otherwise require the vehicle control ECU to perform power limit, AND meanwhile it is preferable for the battery system to be able to output alarm signal. 5.5.6 Shielding/enclosure. The shielding and enclosure of the traction battery system shall comply with the requirements of 6.3 in GB/T 18384.3-2001. Basic information parameter data records. Basic information parameter record is the recording file of the basic information parameters of the traction battery and the electric vehicle. This includes important data on charger initialization and charging process control. Data format and data operation. The traction battery system data recording format and data operation shall comply with the requirements of GB/T 27930. 5.8 Power line requirements 5.8.1 Safety control. The traction battery system shall have safety control function, to prevent system safety incidents. The fast fuse shall, if applied to DC breaking, be able to break arc reliably, its enclosure shall be intact, AND there shall be not arc discharge. 5.8.2 Power lines and installation. In accordance with the maximum current value limit of the traction battery system, SELECT the power line conductor and busbar; the current carrying area of the power line shall comply with the maximum current requirements of the ... ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.